What jobs can i get with a journalism major

Find out more about jobs with a journalism major, journalism jobs, get jobs with a journalism degree, what kind of jobs can you get with a journalism degree, how to get jobs in journalism, job opportunities for journalists, how to get a job in mass communication on careerkeg.com.

What jobs can I get with a journalism degree? That is the most frequently asked question and a common worry among those who are interested in this very popular field. But the truth is, you can apply your communication skills to many different jobs, both within and outside of the media field.

When you graduate from college, you may not know exactly what kind of job you want to get. As a journalism major, you have a variety of options available to you.

Journalism is a broad field that includes many different types of jobs and careers. As a journalism major, you will learn how to write stories, take pictures, make videos, and more. You will also be able to learn how to use social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter for your own personal brand or business.

There are many different types of jobs that you can do with a journalism degree:

  • Freelance writer – This means that you write articles for different companies without working full-time with any one company or organization. You will be able to write articles on topics that interest you and then sell them at whatever price they are willing to pay for it (up to $10 per word). You can also work as an editor or proofreader for other people’s writing projects if they need help.
  • Print journalist – This type of job involves writing news stories for newspapers or magazines such as The New York Times or Time Magazine; however, many newspapers are now online only so the print journalist job description has changed over time due to

What jobs can i get with a journalism major


So you’ve decided to major in journalism. That’s great! Journalism is a rewarding field, with lots of opportunities for growth. If you are wondering what jobs you can get after earning a degree in journalism, we’ve got your answers. Keep reading to find out our top picks for the coolest careers that can be earned with a journalism degree. Good luck!

Content writer

Content writer:

If you have a journalism degree, a content writer job is something you can definitely get. Content writers are responsible for writing and editing digital media such as articles and blog posts, usually for clients. They may edit their own work or another person’s writing—the editor’s responsibility varies depending on the organization they work for.

Content writers need to have excellent research skills in order to find interesting topics on which to base their stories. They also should have strong communication skills so that they can collaborate well with other writers, editors and designers when creating new pieces of content for websites or blogs.

Copy editor

Copy editors are responsible for checking the accuracy and grammar of news stories, as well as checking the spelling and punctuation of the story. Copy editors also make sure that the facts in a story are accurate, along with checking whether any figures (such as statistics) have been rounded off appropriately. Finally, copy editors ensure that a story is written clearly and concisely so that it’s easy to understand by readers.

Web developer and designer

If you want to work with websites, you may be surprised to learn that there are actually several jobs available. Web developers and web designers both work with the same medium, but they have different roles.

Web developers create and maintain websites—from designing them to making sure they’re secure. They use programming languages like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or JavaScript to build templates for websites; add images and videos; manage content; code databases; troubleshoot problems with site users; manage back-end systems for site performance (like databases); analyze market trends; and plan interactive features for sites.

A web designer creates page layouts based on what their client wants their website look like. They might design logos or branding elements if the client requests that kind of thing too (though it’s more common for graphic designers). Designers must have strong skills in HTML/CSS coding as well as Photoshop image editing programs so they can create mock-ups of how each page will look before it gets coded by a developer.

Multimedia specialist

Multimedia specialists are in high demand and can be found in a wide range of media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, online publications, radio stations and television programs. Their work can include any of the following:

  • Writing stories for print publications or web sites
  • Working as a freelance writer or photographer
  • Reporting stories for broadcast media (radio or TV)
  • Shooting video footage for news reports or documentaries

Adjunct professor

Adjunct professors are crucial to the function of higher-education institutions, but they’re also often misunderstood. Adjunct jobs can be a great way to get experience in the field and gain skills that will help you later on in your career. However, many people fail to understand what it takes to get an adjunct job—and why these positions are so important for both students and universities alike.

Understanding the role of an adjunct professor

If you’re considering becoming an adjunct professor yourself, there are a few things you should know first:

  • You need at least a master’s degree from an accredited institution if you want to teach at a college level. Your degree could be in anything from history or literature to business administration or computer science; it doesn’t matter as long as it’s relevant (for example, if you want to teach creative writing courses). If someone has already earned their PhD from another institution but hasn’t yet found employment teaching part-time while they look for full-time work elsewhere (or if they prefer not pursuing higher education), then they may also qualify for this position…

Public relations officer

While journalism majors can get a job in public relations, marketing, advertising and promotion, it’s important to remember that these are not the only industries that hire this type of person. In fact, there are many different types of companies that require public relations specialists. These include hospitals, banks and financial institutions and government agencies. The type of work you do could vary as well based on where you choose to work:

The key thing to remember about this career path is how much variety there will be with your job duties—you’ll need to be able to adapt quickly in order to succeed! You’ll need excellent communication skills (both oral and written) so that you can effectively communicate with both internal teams within the organization as well as external entities such as investors or clients/customers who may want additional information about products or services being offered through said organization.”

There are a wide variety of jobs available in journalism

You may be wondering, “How many jobs are really out there for a journalism major?”. The answer is a lot. There are hundreds of different types of journalism jobs available today, including sports reporting, news reporting, television and radio broadcasting and even blogging. Each one of these jobs requires specific skills and experience to secure it.

It’s important to note that there aren’t just one or two careers for journalists—there are dozens! If you’re not sure what kind of job would suit your interests best or if you want a little more information on each type before committing yourself to pursuing it full-time after graduation day then check out our article on the different types below:


If you’re looking to get started in a journalism career, it’s important that you have an idea of what options are available. While these jobs may not be what first comes to mind when thinking about careers for journalists, they could provide an excellent stepping stone or even turn into a lifelong passion. Some of these jobs require additional schooling or certifications, but many can be obtained with just the right amount of experience and hard work!

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