Average salary for a vet tech

The average salary for a vet tech ranges from $20,000 to $34,000. The salary of new vet techs ranges from $10,000 to $14,000. A vet tech who works at a small animal clinic will likely earn a higher salary than those working in other facilities such as zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, etc. The highest paying states include California, Florida and Texas.

The average salary for a vet tech is $40,000 a year.

Average salary for a vet tech

The average salary for a vet tech is $31,800 per year. But like most professions, the actual salary varies based on the state you work in, the years of experience you have, and other factors. Let’s take a closer look.

Vet techs may have a knack for dealing with animals, but they often don’t get paid very well.

  • Vet techs may have a knack for dealing with animals, but they often don’t get paid very well.
  • Some of them are underpaid and undervalued.
  • Many vet techs are underappreciated by their employers as well as their patients.

The average salary of a vet tech is lower than that of other healthcare workers

The average salary of a vet tech is lower than that of other healthcare workers.

Vet techs make less than other professionals.

Vet techs make less than other workers

Depending on the state you’re in, you may earn more than the national average as a vet tech.

Whether you work in a large city, small town or rural area, your income can vary depending on where you are.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual wage for veterinary technicians is $35,070 as of May 2018. [2] The BLS notes that the pay varies from state-to-state and region-to-region. In some cases, vet techs may earn more than their counterparts in other parts of the country. Below are some examples of how much vet techs earn across different cities and regions:

Experience affects the salary of a vet tech.

The most important factor to consider when determining the salary of a vet tech is experience. Vet techs with more experience will make more money than those with less experience.

Education can help you get your foot in the door, but it is not necessarily enough to earn you a higher salary as a vet tech. You will need to also gain some work experience as well as volunteerism and/or internships that allow you to gain experience along with education in order to earn a better wage once hired by an employer or clinic.

Vet techs make less than many other comparable professionals.

Vet techs make less than other professions, and it’s not even close. The average vet tech salary is around $32,000 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). To put this in perspective, an accountant with a bachelor’s degree makes $52,000 per year on average. And that’s just a starting point: accountants can move up through the ranks very quickly to become senior managers or even partners in a firm by their late 20s.

Here’s another comparison: someone with a bachelor’s degree in nursing will earn about $58,000 per year—and that doesn’t include any potential overtime pay! So if you’re looking for high pay and great benefits as part of your career path, becoming a vet tech probably isn’t for you.


So, there you have it: the average vet tech salary is much lower than what people in other medical professions make. We’ve gone over the numbers and looked at how they stack up. (Spoiler alert: the numbers aren’t good.) Now that we’ve covered that, let’s look at a few ways to improve these salaries so that all of these hardworking individuals can get paid what they deserve!

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