Learning German For Beginners

Last Updated on January 3, 2023

 Learning German Beginners helps you to quickly master the basics of German. We have carefully selected the content, so that you can start using it right away. Whether you are just starting out, or if you need a refresher course in the language, this is the best way to get started.

Learning German For Beginners

Learn German Online - The Complete Guide to Learn German Easy & Fast

What’s The Best Way to Learn German?

If you’re eager to learn German or just curious about it, then you need to build a solid foundation of the language. German is a beautiful language with a rich and fascinating history. And this guide will cover everything you need to know about German to get you started. After all, the best way to learn German is to understand its origins and how it transformed into the language it is today.

How Widely Spoken Is German?

German is the 11th most widely spoken language in the world today with over 95 million native speakers around the world and another 10 – 15 million who speak it as a second language. The majority of its speakers live in Europe, where it is the first language of 16 percent speaking of the population. 

But German isn’t limited to Germany. It’s either the official or one of the official languages of Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, South Tyrol in Italy, and Switzerland. And it’s also one of the most studied languages in the world. Currently, around 14.5 million students are studying it with another 75 – 100 million students who’ve already studied it. 

Where Does the Term “Deutsch” Come From?

The name Germany and its language, German, have a complicated history. While other countries in the region have a variety of names for the region, its people, and its languages, the Germans preferred the term Deutschland.  

This comes from an adjective originating the Proto-Germanic *theudisk- which itself is derived from the Old High German thiota, diota (Proto-Germanic *theudō) meaning “people” or “folk”. So, in short, “Deutsch” means the language of the folk or people living in the Deutschland. And it was also originally used to describe the popular language in the region that was far different from the Latin used by religious and secular leaders in the area.

Interesting Facts about the German Language

One of the best ways to learn German is to dive into its curiosities. German is a unique language with many distinct differences that will stand out to native English speakers trying to learn the language. Here are a few examples: 

  • German nouns are capitalized. 
  • There are three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. (This differs from English with no genders and romance languages that only have Masculine and Feminine). Tip: Memorize the gender with the noun from the start.
  • German is roughly 60 percent similar to English. 
  • Denglish is increasingly popular. These are German-English hybrid words such as “die Aircondition” for air conditioning or “der McJob” for a low paying job.
  • German often has large compound words (the longest being 63 letters long): “Rindfleischetikettierungs – überwachungsaufgabenüber – tragungsgesetz” (“law for the delegation of monitoring beef labeling.”

How German Developed into the Language It Is Today

The version of German that exists today isn’t the one that’s always existed. Today, we have “Standard German”, a term used to describe the common language taught throughout the country. But given the long history of the German language, this is only a relatively recent development.

Origins of German Language

As mentioned before, German has origins as a Proto-Germanic language, a language spoken around 500 BCE with likely origins in Scandinavia. And like with all languages, geography, distance, and time played its role in separating variations of this language. As a result, by the 8th century CE, these languages were mostly unintelligible.

High Germanic Sound Sound Shift

Then the language experienced another significant change known as the High Germanic Sound Sound Shift (or High Germanic Consonant Shift). During this shift, several distinct changes in the language happened in two regions, the high region in southern Germany and the low region in northern Germany.

As a result, two distinct dialects were formed. Known as High and Low German, these dialects reflect the geographical region and are not a reflection of status. More on these two in a moment…

The High Germanic Consonant Shift happened in 3 out of 4 phases (the forth mostly impacted Dutch and low German). And the shift most likely occurred between the 3rd and 5th centuries AD. Here is each phase and what changes occurred:

1st PhaseExample2nd PhaseExample3rd PhaseExample
pff or final fEnglish: sleep German: schlafenppf (also spelled <ph> in OHG; after a liquid this later became f)English: appleGerman: ApfelbpRestricted to Swiss/Austrian/Bravarian German
tzz (later German ss) or final z (s)English: street
German: Straße
ttz (in Modern German often spelled <z> and pronounced /ts/)English: catGerman: KatzedtEnglish: redGerman: rot
khh (later German ch)English: richGerman: reichkkch (pronounced /kx/).English: to lickGerman: leckengkRestricted to Swiss/Austrian/Bravarian German

As you can see, some of these changes aren’t present in Standard German today, but still affected the language at the time. And because these language distinctions grew slowly over time, there are some areas where dialects of German are unintelligible to Standard German speakers. (These dialects are mostly fading out in favor of Standard German by younger generations). 

What Is Standard German?

In countries with several variations of a language, there is often an attempt to unify the region through a standard version of the native tongue. You see this in Spanish and Chinese, for example. In German, it’s known as Hochdeutsch or “High German”.

German Language: Hochdeutsch

Hochdeutsch originally began as an attempt to create a common literary language throughout the country. The hope was that there would be one common version of the language that could be easily read throughout the region. This process (which lasted hundreds of years) began with Martin Luther’s efforts to translate the bible into German in 1522. 

How Martin Luther Unified the German Language

As a result of his efforts to write a “living German”, Martin Luther created a version of the New Testament that was blended between his own Eastern Central German from Saxony and a few other dialects of High German.

Thanks to the printing press, many native speakers of German quickly ended up with a copy of Luther’s bible, helping unify the language. Regarding pronunciation, Martin Luther chose a dialect from Hanover. This resulted in losing some of the shifts in the language brought on by the High German Consonant Shift. 

Additionally, as the language became the written language of the country, it eventually became the educational language spoken in the country as well. And over time, this resulted in it becoming the formal spoken language of Germany.

As a result, nearly all Germans can speak Standard German. True, some regions like Bavaria still have their own distinct dialect, but they’re still able to understand Standard German. 

What Other Dialects of German Exist? 

As noted, High German seemed to survive the tests of time, but that doesn’t mean that Low German and its influences faded completely. The influence of Low German can still be found in the northern part of Germany and parts of the Netherlands and Belgium.

And the same is true for distinct parts of High German which have influenced Northern Switzerland and Austria’s language today. This makes German a Pluricentric language or a language with multiple standard varieties. 

Bavarian German (Bayerisch)

Situated in Southeastern Germany, this dialect of German differs mainly in vowel pronunciation. However, these distinct differences are sharp enough to confuse native speakers and make communication difficult. 

Swiss German (Schwiizerdütsch)

One of the many main languages in Switzerland, it is usually limited to the German-speaking region of Switzerland. The pronunciation is noticeably different than Standard German. As a result, native speakers struggle with understanding it. 

Austrian German (Österreichisches Deutsch)

While very similar to German and mutually intelligible, the pronunciation is distinct and noticeably different from Standard German. Germans and Austrians are able to easily notice the difference in speech patterns.

Upper Saxon Dialect (Sächsisch)

Säschsisch is primarily spoken in the east of Germany and is considered one of the Eastern Branches of Central German. While it is linguistically similar to Standard German, many German speakers are quick to point out the sharp differences in accents. (Similar to UK and US variations of English).

How Long Does It Take To Learn German

Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn’t belong to the Indo-European family of languages.

But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don’t get discouraged. If you’re wondering if there are any shortcuts or specific ways how to learn german, we have mentioned a few in this guide that will help you make progress faster.

There is no fixed period of time that guarantees you will succeed in learning the German language, but what’s most important is consistency. You’re not going to wake up one morning and find yourself speaking fluent German. That only happens in the movies. If you take just one step at a time, you’ll see results happening fast.

Learning a new language may take a different time depending on many factors like your prior experience and exposure to the language, your resilience, how much work you put into the learning process, motivation and so on. But, if you practice on a daily basis for a period of at least three to six months, you’ll probably be able to handle a daily conversation with a friend and doing things like getting into a cafe and making an order in German.Quick Tip: Two great ways to learn German fast online is through Yabla and GermanPod101.

We highly recommend you check them out.

Some people struggle more than others, and need more time to reach to that level but that’s mostly because they’re not putting in the effort and practicing daily. If you want to speak German fluently, it’s probably going to take a few years of practice, but we’re just looking to get started, right?

How To Learn German Language?

Here’s how to learn the German language fast and easy:

  1. Find a strong reason that will keep you motivated.
  2. Learn all the fundamentals of the German language.
  3. Keep things interesting by learning slang, funny words, and idioms.
  4. Practice daily. If possible, talk with native German-speakers.

People say it’s all about mastering the basics. So, if you’re wondering how to learn german language if you’re a complete beginner, we recommend you start from the the alphabet. The German language has 26 letters, just like English. There are a few letters with pronunciation that doesn’t exist in English: ä,ö,ü and β, but you won’t find these letters in the Alphabet. Practice their correct pronunciation as this will help you adjust your accent significantly.


German Language Grammar

What makes a language look difficult to you? Its grammar, right? Grammar is usually a nightmare for all people planning to get into a new language, and it’s not the case only with the German language. But, learn this part well and you’ll be speaking German fluently in no time. German has six tenses: Prasens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur I and Futur II.

  • Präsens relates to the Present tense in English,
  • Präteritum relates to Perfect tenses,
  • Plusquamperfekt relates to Past Perfect,
  • Futur I relates to the Future tense,
  • Futur II relates to the Future perfect plus “will” and “have”.

This relation is not completely accurate, but looking at the tenses this way will make it easier for you to understand German grammar. They have four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive). Here is a tricky thing about German that many people mention it often: the 16 forms that “the” of English takes on German in different cases and gender. German has three noun prepositions for each gender: die (for feminine nouns), der (for masculine nouns) and das (for neutral gender).

With every new word that you learn in German language, you must also learn what preposition needs to come in front of it. It may confuse you at first because sometimes a biological gender may not match its grammatical gender. However, there are some rules determining which noun gets which article with exceptions. There’s no need to stress about this part too much. Although you have to memorize all of them mechanically, a huge part of this grammar fundamental will soon start making more sense to you.

German Phrases and Daily Expressions

When you start learning a new language you probably wouldn’t like to start with all the grammar rules and things that make a language complicated. Language learning is all about the joy and entertaining part of it, other than the desire to expand your knowledge. To do, so you’ll have to start from a point that makes you wonder what’s beyond that, grab your attention, and set your motivation on fire. There is no better way how to learn German than just starting to learn a few words and some daily expressions like saying hello to somebody or asking someone for something. This will give you a little sense of achievement and boost your self-confidence. Here are a few basic German daily-life expressions to start with. Study them and then try to simulate a simple dialogue in your head.

How To Say… in German

Hallo! – Hello!Wie geht’s? – How are you?
Danke! – Thank you!Mir geht’s gut.  – I’m doing well
Vielen Dank! –  Thank you very much!Mir geht’s nicht gut.  – I’m not doing well
Willkommen! – Welcome!Ich komme aus… – I’m from
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag – Happy BirthdayIch bin hier wegen + Genitiv… – I’m here for…
Fröhliche Weihnachten – Merry ChristmasBis später! – See you later
Guten Morgen! – Good Morning!Tschüß!  – Bye!
Guten Abend! – Good evening! 
Ich heiβe… – My name is… 
Wie heißen Sie? – What’s your name? 

Funny German Words

Let’s make this a little bit more fun, shall we? Like in any other language, you can find words in German that when translated literally in English sound really funny. For example, how do you call someone who pees outside the toilet in English? There is no a specific word for these people in English, but in German there is “Wildpinkler” which literally means “wild pee-er”. Here is a list of the 10 funniest words in German and their meaning in English.

Brustwarze – breast wart This word literally means “breast wart”. It stands for “nipple” in English. This is not the only funny word for body parts. There is also Zahnfleisch (tooth-meat) which actually means gums.

Liebfrauenmilch – beloved lady milk This word originates from a German wine back in the 1700s and it refers to the Virgin Mary. The expression “Liebfrauenmilch” is now a legally protected name of a German wine (from the Mosel region).

Handschuhe – hand shoes Germans don’t have the time nor the patience to create a unique word for the clothes we wear on different parts of the body. Everything you put in your hands, they refer to Handschuhe which literally translates to “hand shoes”.

Klobrille – toilet glasses Germans are known as people who value cleanliness. Some say that when they get into a hotel before deciding to pass the night there they check toilets to be sure they’re all clean. Toilet glasses are not actually any special device Germans use to inspect toilets. They are just toilet seats.

Stinktier – Stink animal Germans name some animal from their smell, their looks or any other treat, physical or non-physical, that differentiate them from the rest. The slug is an animal like snails but without its home. Germans call it Nacktschnecke which literally is “a naked snail”. They call Wolverine Vielfraß which means “eat-a-lot”.

Eselsbrücke – donkey’s bridge This term stands for the trick you use to help you remember something when it doesn’t come to your mind at the moment you need it. It originates from the Latin term “pons asinorum” (bridge of donkeys)

Donnerbalken – thunder beam This word long ago referred to the military latrine, but now in slang refers to the toilet. In English, the slang “thunderbox” would match it. You can guess what’s funny about it.

Durchfall – through fall It stands for “diarrhoea”” in English. It originates from Greek and it means “through-flow”

Wildpinkler – wild pee-er It is a unique word when referring to people who pee outside a toilet. It may sound like an offence but for your curiosity “Wildpinkler “–s were eroding the ancient walls of Ulm Minister church a report said.

Dudelsack – yodel sack Dudelsack stands for the well-known Scottish national musical instrument. Literally means the bag that tootles.

German Idioms

You probably have heard the phrase, “if you want to learn the German language, you have to think like a German”. In other words, this means you need to understand a phrase beyond its literal meaning. For example, in English, they say “I’m running out of gas”, but there is nobody running out of nowhere.

It just means the car doesn’t have much gas, that’s all. These are idioms and Germany has plenty of them. Idioms are just expressions with a figurative meaning.

In a way, they reveal the social and cultural background of a country. An English idiom may relate to an idiom in German, but they literally can be way different. For example, the English idiom “piece of cake” refers to something that we did it with ease and joy. In German it is “Das schaffe ich mit links”, which in English literally means “I could do that with my left hand only”.

So, learning idioms will definitely give you a creative sense of expressing your thoughts. Here are some of the German idioms and their meaning in English

Da steppt der Bär (Literally: The bear dances there) – It will be a good party Tomaten auf den Augen haben (Literally: to have tomatoes on one’s eyes) – to be unaware of what is going around you

Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen (Literally: Put heaven and hell in motion) – to move heaven and earth

Eine Extrawurst verlangen (Literally: to ask for an extra sausage) – ask for special treatment

Da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen (Literally: You can take poison on that) – you can bet on it

den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen (Literally: to hit the nail on the head) – you hit it right

seinen Senf dazugeben (Literally: to add their mustard) – to put two cents in

klar wie Kloßbrühe (Literally: clear as soup) – clear as crystal

Schwein haben (Literally: to have a pig) – to be lucky

German Slang

If you are stuck in the streets of Berlin and can’t figure out what people are saying, you’d probably find some slang expressions pretty helpful. Here are some to learn:

Auf dicke Hose machen

This is used when somebody acts like they are stronger or wealthier than others. Literally translates “act like you have huge pants”.

Gebongt sein

It means that a deal is settled. A “bon” is the receipt you take when you buy something. Something “gebongt” means agreed or booked.

Was geht ab?

It’s the equivalent of “What’s up?” in English. “Was geht” is the even shorter version used by teenagers.

Is a greeting which means “hello” and “what are you doing?” at the same time. It’s also used along with “gehts” and some greeting words like “Na, alles gut?” to ask the other person “how are you doing?”

Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben

It means you are crazy. Literally: You don’t have all the cups in your cupboard.

Bock haben

Means being in good mood. When they say “Null bock” means they are in a bad mood.

Die Nase voll haben

Literally means “to have your nose full” and it refers to having enough of something that you are starting to lose your interest in the matter completely.


Is a German slang version of “to chill” in English, meaning to hang out, have fun.

Aus der Reihe tanzen

Refers to those people who like to stay off the line, acting differently compared to the rest. It may also have a positive meaning for someone who is just minding his own business.

German Culture

Germany has a rich culture. For centuries it was the land of many intellectual people and greatest events. They influenced and shaped not just the culture of the old continent of Europe, but the culture of the whole globe. Their traces are all over the place and history.

Germany, with over 81 million residents, is the second most populated country in Europe just behind Rusia. 91% of the population is German, while Turkish are the biggest minority group with 2.4%. 70% identify themselves as Christians, 3.7% are declared as Muslims, while the rest are don’t belong to a religion or have a religion other than Christian or Muslim.

Germans are known as hard-workers. They admire precision and don’t like excuses or making jokes out of them. Their attitude is cold and may seem unfriendly at first, but after all they are good people. They love food, so it’s not surprising they have a lot traditional dishes. Their favorite drink is beer. Germans annual consumption of beer per capita is 106 litters, third worldwide. Germany produces more than 300 varieties of baked bread.

Octoberfest, the greatest event of their favorite drink, the beer, is one of the many events that are held in Germany. Berlin Film Festival brings together film and art celebrities from all the world.

Germans are very good at construction and automotive industries, making them one of the toughest competitors worldwide in these fields. Their impact and presence in historical architecture is all over Europe (Romanesque buildings, Gothics, Classicists, Baroque, Rococos and Renascences). Mostly there are old castles and religion objects. The tallest church in Germany is the Cathedral of Ulm 161.53 meters high.

The homeland of many famous intellectual people who left their mark in history, that they gave to the world, are people like Einstein and Mozart. Germany is known as Das Land der Dichter und Denker (the country of poets and thinkers).

Learn more about the German Culture at our website.

German Food

Another thing that will make you love Germany is their traditional delicious food. Here are 10 most known German foods:


Spätzle is a kind of vegetarian pasta, which contains eggs, flour, salt and little water to inflate the dough.


Bratwursts are sausages from pork meat and are part of every barbeque in Germany. Most known are the ones from Nurnberg.


Are also pork meat. This food was invented in Berlin by Herta Heuwer in 1949.


Potatoes are considered to be typical German food. So, it is not a surprise they made a joke out of it. Germans eat at least a portion of this food in a day.


Sauerbraten is a dish of meat. Basically, you just sink a piece of beef in hot juices for hours and hours and you’ll get a soft and delicious food at the end.


Maultaschen is another delicious food you must try if you are in Germany. It is a dish made of a lot of stuff like pork and beef, but it also has its vegetarian version.


Here is the other dish made with pork meat. Leberkäse is served in little pieces with bread and mustard rather than a real meal. It is a sausage but in contrast with other German sausages, it is kept in the oven for a long time.


You slice a piece of veal-meat and cover it with flour, egg and tiny pieces of bread, and then you put it oil or butter until it becomes golden on the outside. That is how you cook Schnitzel.


Rouladen takes time to prepare it. If you decide to cook it you’ll need a thin slice of meat where you put some ingredients like mustard, onions, ham and then you roll it to give the form of a cylinder. Then you’ll have to grill it.


You thought Gulasch originated from elsewhere. Well, you were correct. But, Germans have their own variation. German Gulasch is made of a sliced piece of meat combined with rich sauce and sometimes with some wine which makes it softer and tender.

German Language Mistakes To Avoid

Language teachers will always give you a simple tip on how to learn a language fast and that is: make mistakes. There is no reason to feel awkward about that because mistakes will help you pinpoint your struggles, so you can overcome them.

When people start learning a second language apart from their mother tongue, they find some problems that are common for a language in particular, for example, an English native. Some of these mistakes rely on pronunciation or relating a word literally with your native. Like when you say “bekommen” it may associate you with the word “to become” but it has actually the meaning of getting something. These are called “false friends”. So pay attention.

Ich bekomme ein Geschenk – I get a present

Another common mistake people who learn German make, are prepositions. In general, there are no general rules when it comes to this so it is up to your memory. But, don’t worry you’ll achieve a nice sense of it and it will all come naturally to you. For example, if you say “nach Hause” it means “ to the house” while “zu Hause” it means to refer house as a location. Another mistake is a word-for-word translation. The structure of sentences in German may be different compared to your language. Here is an example

Dem Jungen gab ich einen Ball.  –   I gave the boy a ball.

If we were to translate it word-by-word it would be “The boy gave I one ball”. You see, it may have a different meaning or it may be ridiculously wrong. Pronunciation mistakes are also common. Here are just five of them

The letter “z”

The German letter “z” in English is spelt like “ts”. For example, “der Sturz” (crash).

The umlauts “ö”, and “ü”

These two vowels are considered to be the most difficult to pronounce. In English, such sounds don’t exist. This makes it hard for a native German to teach you how to do it. It may help you consider the “e” sound in the word “every” except now you have to round your lips. Practice will make it natural to you.

Alternate forms of  “ch”

The “ch” it may sound different depending on what letter it stands in front of it. If “i” or “e” stands before “ch” it makes it a hissing sound, like a cat. To produce this sound, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth or your hard palate. If “a”,”o” or “u” comes in front makes a harsh noise at the back of your throat. Surely it is not this easy, you have to get your ear used with sounds, so check as much German language audios as you can.

The letter “s”

This letter usually is spelled as “z” in English, but it also may vary. If it comes to the end it letters like “z” and if it is not, in the end, it’s always spelled like the English “z”. The double “SS” is always spelled like “s” in English.

The rules of “st” and “sp”

If “st” is at the beginning of a word, it is pronounced as the English “sht”, while “sp” at the beginning of a word is pronounced like “shp” in English. Consider words like “die Straβe”, “der Strand”, “der Spaβ”.

If “st” and “sp” are at the end of a word, are pronounced like “St” respectively “sp” in English.

Free Apps To Learn The German Language

Today technology is on your side. Make sure you use it efficiently. On the Internet you have a bunch of free online applications that can serve you as perfect tools to boost your language skills. You can access them for free and it takes minutes to have them on your device. Here are some of these applications you should consider:


It’s an app designed to help you widen your vocabulary through flashcards. You can make flashcards on your own with text, images or sounds or you can download pre-made ones.


With Memrise you can learn and socialize at the same time. You can compete with your friends on German. This app also offers other programs, so once you are done with German you can change the subject.


This app will help you expand your vocabulary with pictures and also helps to practice your pronunciation.


In Babbel you’ll have questions with multiple answer choices. The app reads questions aloud so you can practice pronunciation.


This app is dedicated for practice. You get access to a lot of materials which can help you upgrade your level on German language

Wie geht’s

Is an app that covers a range of topics. It is focused in vocabulary. It can be used with or without Internet connection


Doulingo is one of the most popular apps for learning German and other languages. It’s an online course where you can create your profile and set your own goals.

Speed Up Learning The German Language

Learning a language normally takes time and you have to be patient with yourself. Using a guide like this one can speed up your language learning process and help you reach your goals faster than you think.

But, keep in mind that there is no standard way to learn German because people are different, and they learn differently. So try to find a learning technique that is right for you.

Pronunciation is always an issue when learning the German language, so make sure you watch plenty of videos on YouTube to get your ears used to hearing German. Download German songs with lyrics and play them often. Carry with yourself a personal dictionary and write down any word that comes to mind and you would want to learn in German.

Remember, there are a lot of people who are in the process of learning German, so try to get in touch with them and share your language knowledge. It’s a good opportunity for practice and to measure your progress, but also make new friends.

There are many online forums where aspiring students gather and discuss how to learn german and practice the language at the same time. Join them and take part in discussions. Make this fun. It is a well-known fact that your brain memorizes and connects information when you’re having fun, so try to entertain yourself.

If you want to speed up the process, you can consider paid online courses. We have reviewed some of the top online German language courses and websites, so make sure you check out those.

Inertia is a universal law; you struggle at first but once you start moving it will get hard to stop. There is no more delightful feeling than activating your brain and overcoming a puzzling problem.

Enjoy the process, not just the success. Go for it. Learn and entertain yourself.

At the end: consistent practice is all it takes.

German for Beginners: Study Tips

Students and teacher in classroom

Here are some study tips and practical advice to help make your learning of German more effective:

Use Your First Language to Learn the Second

German and English are both Germanic languages with a lot of Latin and Greek thrown in. There are many cognates, words that are similar in both languages. Examples include: der Garten (garden), das Haus (house), schwimmen (swim), singen (sing), braun (brown), and ist (is). But also watch out for “false friends” — words that appear to be something they’re not. The German word bald (soon) has nothing to do with hair!

Avoid Language Interference

Learning a second language is similar in some ways to learning your first, but there is one big difference. When learning a second language (German), you have interference from the first (English or whatever). Your brain wants to fall back on the English way of doing things, so you have to fight that tendency.

Learn Nouns With Their Genders

German, like most languages other than English, is a language of gender. As you learn each new German noun, learn its gender at the same time. Not knowing whether a word is der (masc.), die (fem.) or das (neut.) can confuse listeners and makes you sound ignorant and illiterate in German. That can be avoided by learning das Haus rather than just Haus for “house/building,” for example.

Stop Translating

Translation should only be a temporary crutch! Stop thinking in English and trying to do things the “English” way! As your vocabulary grows, get away from translating and start thinking in German and German phrases. Remember: German-speakers don’t have to translate when they speak. Neither should you!

Learning a New Language Is Learning to Think in a New Way

“Das Erlernen einer neuen Sprache ist das Erlernen einer neuen Denkweise.” – Hyde Flippo

Get a Good German-English Dictionary

You need an adequate (minimum 40,000 entries) dictionary and you need to learn how to use it! A dictionary can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Try not to think too literally and don’t just accept the first translation you see. Just as in English, most words can mean more than one thing. Consider the word “fix” in English as one good example: “fix a sandwich” is a different meaning than “fix the car” or “he’s in a fine fix.”

Learning a New Language Takes Time

Learning German — or any other language — requires a long period of sustained exposure to German. You didn’t learn your first language in a few months, so don’t think a second one will come any faster. Even a baby does a lot of listening before talking. Don’t get discouraged if the going seems slow. And use all the resources at your disposal for reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

“The United States is the only country where people believe you can learn a foreign language in two school years.” – Hyde Flippo

Passive Skills Come First

A period of listening and reading is important before you can expect to use the active skills of speaking and writing. Again, your first language was the same way. Babies don’t start talking until they’ve done a lot of listening.

Be Consistent and Study/Practice on a Regular Basis

Unfortunately, language is NOT like riding a bicycle. It’s more like learning to play a musical instrument. You DO forget how to do it if you get away from it too long!

Language Is More Complex Than We Realize

That’s one reason computers are such lousy translators. Don’t worry about all the details all the time, but be aware that language is much more than just stringing a bunch of words together. There are subtle things we do with language that even linguists have difficulty explaining. That’s why I say, “Learning a new language is learning to think in a new way.”


You have to develop a “feeling for the language” to master German or any language. The more you get into German, the more this hard-to-describe Sprachgefühl should develop. It’s the opposite of a rote, mechanical, programmed approach. It means getting into the language’s sound and “feel.”

There Is No “Right” Way

German has its own way of defining words (vocabulary), saying words (pronunciation), and putting words together (grammar). Learn to be flexible, to mimic the language, and to accept Deutsch the way it is. German may do things differently from your point of view, but it isn’t a matter of “right” or “wrong,” “good” or “bad.” Learning a new language is learning to think in a new way! You don’t really know a language until you can think (and dream) in that language.

Dangerous! – Gefährlich!

Some things to avoid:

  • Avoid the most common beginner’s mistakes. 
  • Don’t be overly ambitious. Set realistic goals and take things one step at a time. Our lessons are designed that way.
  • Don’t try to pretend you are a native speaker of German (Muttersprachler) when you aren’t. That means avoiding jokes, swearing and other linguistic minefields that can make you sound and look foolish.
  • One more time: Stop translating! It gets in the way of real communication and should be left to skilled professionals.
  • Also one more time: A dictionary is dangerous! Verify meanings by also looking up the word or expression in the opposite language direction.

Recommended Reading

  • How To Learn a Foreign Language by Graham Fuller (Storm King Press)
  • German Grammar Book: Deutsch macht Spaß by Brigitte Dubiel

Special Resources

  • Online Lessons: Our free German for Beginners course is available online 24 hours a day. You can start with Lesson 1 or select any one of the 20 lessons for review.
  • Special Characters: See Can Your PC Speak German? and Das Alphabet for information about typing and using uniquely German characters such as ä or ß.
  • Daily German 1: German Word of the Day for beginners​
  • Daily German 2: Das Wort des Tages for intermediate, advanced learners

What Are the Differences Between English and German?

A good starting point for understanding German is to compare it to English. Seeing how it is both similar and different can help give you a better scope of what to expect and how much time it will take to gain fluency in the language. So far, we’ve touched on a few unique characteristics of German already. But, here are a few more that are in sharp contrast to English.

  • Articles change: Articles in English are pretty straightforward (the dog, for instance). But in German, they change depending on the function of a noun in the sentence.
  • There are no silent letters: This makes spelling easy as you don’t have to worry about silent letters, but it can make pronunciation hard because there are unique letter combinations that create sounds that don’t exist in English.
  • Letters have sound limits: You don’t need to learn to pronounce all the variations of A/E/I/O/U, etc. Instead, you’ve got to learn an additional 3 vowels with umlauts and several letter combinations that make certain sounds. And that’s it. 
  • The verb for “to have” can express a feeling: In English, we have the “to be” verbs (I am, for instance) to express a state of being. German sometimes uses the possessive form of “to have” to express this instead. So, you would say, “I have hunger” in German rather than “I am hungry.”
  • The verb is always second: Unlike English that allows you to mix up word order more, in German, the verb you conjugate is always second in the sentence. For instance, you’d say, “I went today swimming.” 

And of course, because German is its own unique language with many variations of expression, these are far from all the differences from English. As you begin to study using the best way to learn German, you’ll pick up more. But if you’re interested, you can find several more differences here. 

How Hard Is It to Learn German?

Despite its similarities to English, the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) ranks Germany as a Category 2 language. For reference, the Romance languages are all classified as Category 1. This means they take roughly 575 – 600 hours to learn according to the FSI. Germany (the only category 2 language) requires around 750 hours to learn. Take these time-frames with a grain of salt, however, because how long it takes someone to learn a foreign language can vary greatly.

Common Mistakes German Language Learners Make

If you’re looking for the best way to learn German, then you need to watch out for mistakes. Most of these center around grammar. But anyone learning German can save themselves a lot of time and embarrassment by watching out for avoiding these common errors language learners make:

  • False cognates (False Friends): A false cognate is when a word looks like an English word but has a completely different meaning. “Gift”, for instance, means “poison”.
  • Incorrect use of genders and definitive articles (der, die, das): Gender matters in German. You need to match the right article to the right word from the beginning or you’ll confuse native speakers. An example: Die Katze ist weiß (The cat is white) vs. Der Katze ist weiß (incorrect).
  • Using the wrong plural form: Unlike English, you need more than an -s/-es to make something plural. For example, Bruder is one brother, but Brüder means brothers. 
  • Not using reflexive pronouns: Many German words need a reflexive pronoun to communicate exactly what you need. Ich bin gut (I am good) is not the same as mir geht es gut (I’m doing fine). The first is cocky and grammatically incorrect, the other isn’t. 
  • Incorrect sentence order: Verbs and subjects can be at different parts of the sentence. Ich mag machen das. (I like to do that – Incorrect) vs. Ich mag das machen. (I like that to do – Correct). It’s best to learn the German sentence order to avoid confusion.

Words That Don’t Translate into English

German provides some uniquely German words that simply do not have an English translation. They are concepts people get or feelings they have expressed clearly in one word. 

Here are a few examples of untranslateable German words:

  • Schadenfreude: experiencing joy at someone else’s pain, suffering, or bad happening. If someone cuts you off on the highway, but then is pulled over by a police car for speeding, you may smile as you drive past. This is Schadenfreude.
  • Doppelgänger: Based on the concept that there is a spirit or ghost of you in this world, a doppelgänger describes someone who looks very similar to you. A twin, but not a twin.
  • Wanderlust: Someone who wants to travel or travels frequently. It’s the drive to travel and explore the world, to leave your home and find somewhere new.

5 Very Good, Very Specific Tips To Learn German

Are you ready for some serious tips for learning German? We’ll guide you through some very specific areas of German to help you get your head around this complicated but majestic language.

5 Very Good, Very Specific Tips To Learn German

The Germans are fond of saying, “Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache,” (German language, difficult language), often with a hint of Schadenfreude in their voices. But allow me to let you in on a little secret: German isn’t that difficult. True, it’s got quite a reputation, perhaps best enshrined by more than a few unflattering Mark Twain quotes. And yes, it does present you with 16 different ways to say “the,” and sometimes it has little regard for sensible sentence structure. But at least it’s eminently predictable. English, on the other hand, is riddled with inconsistencies, some utterly non-sensical spelling and a lot of bizarrely fragile tense forms, all of which can trip up even the most experienced learners.

We’ve covered generic advice for learning a language in previous articles. In this article, I’ll focus on specific tips to learn German. These tips will help you over a few of the hurdles you might encounter when you start learning the language, accelerate your progress and make the language less daunting.

I’ve collated these tips from six years of language teaching, seven years of learning (it never stops!) and speaking German, and plenty of experience with different resources and methods. Of these resources, I found this book, language exchanges and formal lessons, heavily supported by app-based learning, to be the most useful combo.

Tip 1. Always Learn New Words In Their Natural Environment

In German, you’ll undoubtably be presented with some mind-boggling grammar early on. Don’t fret. The German language gets significantly easier once you’ve scaled the first few conceptual mountains. As you probably know, German nouns are either masculine, feminine or neuter: derdie and das respectively. It’s a very good idea to learn all your nouns with the article from the very beginning. So when you learn that table is Tisch, make sure you also learn that a table is masculine, so it’s der Tisch. And that the mug on the table is feminine. Die Tasse und der Tisch.

Learning words in their grammatical context is vital to avoiding confusion and inaccuracy further down the line. This approach isn’t only valid for article-noun collocation, but for almost every other aspect of German, whether it be sentence structure in subordinate clauses or how certain prepositions collocate with certain cases. If that all sounds like grammatical mumbo-jumbo to you, don’t worry — I’ll explain further in the next few tips.

Tip 2. Go Modal

What are modal verbs and why are they so cool? Modal verbs are those oh-so-common verbs — can, must, might, may — which express ideas of possibility, permission, desire and obligation. Just like in English, the German modal verbs couple up with the infinitive, and they can give you a strong degree of fluency from the very beginning. That’s why they’re so cool. If you learn the conjugation of these verbs along with some of the most frequently-used verbs, you’ll be able to express a broad range of things. Learn the verbs gehen (to go), spielen (to play) and lernen (to learn). Imagine the range of things you can communicate simply by combining these infinitives with the two modal verbs können (can) and müssen (must/have to):

I can play football. / I have to play football.Ich kann Fußball spielen. / Ich muss Fußball spielen.
I can go to the party. / I have to go to the party.Ich kann zur Party gehen. / Ich muss zur Party gehen.
I can learn German. / I have to learn German. Ich kann Deustch lernen. / Ich muss Deutsch lernen.

If you’re feeling ambitious, conjugate the verb in past tense: Ich konnte (gestern) Fußball spielen — I could play football (yesterday). Or add an adverb to denote future: Ich kann später Fußball spielen — I can play football later. Yes, you’ll have lots of gaps in your vocabulary and grammar, but at least you’ll be able to form some simple, useful and whole sentences. And gaps are made to be filled. This focus on modal verbs helped me strike up conversations quickly in German, Italian and French when I first started learning.

Tip 3. Don’t Let DerDie Or Das Daunt You

You’ll hear people say that there are 16 ways to say “the” and that there’s no rhyme and no reason to which nouns are der, which are die and which are das. Yes, there are 16 different ways, but there is reason behind most of them. And there is even some rhyme behind when a noun is masculine, feminine or neuter — it’s just that not many Germans know this.

Anything that ends in -keit or -heit, such as die Krankheit (illness) and die Dankbarkeit (gratitude), or -ung and –schaft, such as die Bedeutung (meaning) and die Botschaft (embassy) are, you guessed it, feminine. The same goes for any words ending in -ie-in-sion-tät or -ur. This already begins to cover quite a lot of common words. Add to that the patterns for masculine nouns (anything ending in -ling or -ismus, for example) and neuter nouns (-tum and -tel, for instance), and you’ll be able to get an upper hand on those mischievous articles..embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

Tip 4. Get On The Case Of The Prepositions

Prepositions are generally small words — on, in, at, under, over — which introduce prepositional phrases indicating time, place and direction. They’re fiddly little fellows, and often cause language learners confusion. How would you respond to a student of English who asked, “What’s the difference between ‘I’m at the station’ and ‘I’m in the station?’” German prepositions can also be a bit of a pain, but an English-speaking student of German won’t find their usage so foreign: Like the beloved English phrasal verb, German prepositions often act as particles that adjust the meaning of a verb.

I apologize — that was probably too much grammatical mumbo-jumbo. But the reason I mention German prepositions is because they’re another shortcut to using the German cases correctly. A majority of German prepositions collocate with only one case, meaning that if you use the preposition, a certain case must follow. If you learn the prepositions and at the same time learn the cases they govern, you’ll be able to speak conspicuously accurately for a beginner. Take the prepositions mit and gegen, which mean “with” and “against” respectively. Mit is always used with the dative case, and gegen is always used with the accusative case. Therefore, we know the objects in the following sentences will differ from one another:

I play football with him.Ich spiele Fußball mit ihm.
I play against him. Ich spiele Fußball gegen ihn.

So remember, when you encounter the prepositions, remember to learn the cases which they govern — their grammatical context — in order to avoid a classic German language peril from the very beginning!

Tip 5. Get A Feel For The Way The Language Works

The above tips are pretty grammar-heavy, but German is stuffed full of grammar when you first begin. As much as you might resist, the language will probably turn you into a bit of a grammar geek. The concepts are not complicated, but using them at the speed of speech is. It requires practice: repeating phrases to yourself, inventing miniature stories in the shower, singing under your breath on the way to work. You’ll start to internalize the rules, and suddenly semi-automated sentences will pop out of your mouth.

Your knowledge of German prefixes will help you decipher new verbs. You’ll know ent- always means “to take away” or “to remove,” so you’ll know ent + decken (to cover) means “to discover.” You’ll also guess that ent + gehen (to go) means “to escape.” You’ll know the word Entscheidung is die Entscheidung simply because it ends in -ung, and you’ll know that if you ever do something with something else, that something else will have to be in the dative case. This will all fall into place, and you’ll develop a feel for the language.

For me, German has a block-like quality to it. I don’t only refer to the way people clump words together to make new words, like Schaden and Freude, but also to the way people speak. As verbs get banished to the ends of sentences, stories develop a block-like rhythm to them, each and every occurrence bracketed within its verbs. I’ve always found Germans remarkably easy to understand — much more so than speakers of Romance languages. I attribute this to the sharper consonants and these assiduously packaged sentences.

If I managed to get my head round all that with a monolingual English education, I’m sure you can too. And by jove is it worth it!

Learn German with these 15 tips


Are you asking yourself: How long does it take to learn German? What’s the best, easiest and fastest way to learn German?

The best way to learn German

1. Create a study plan and set goals

You can’t learn German overnight. First, you need an overview about the German language and after that, you should divide the whole subject matter into small categories. Create a list with all the topics you want to work on and determine when you want to start with each one. Try to be realistic and do not put yourself under too much pressure. It’s more manageable to learn German step by step then in 2 weeks. A study plan also helps you to monitor your performance and manage your available time. You need to think about your personal goals and why learning German is important for you. Write it down on a piece of paper and every time your motivation drifts away, have a look at it.

2. Study regularly to improve your German

Everybody knows this situation: On some days, you have no interest in studying, while on other days, you can study vocabulary and grammar for hours. In fact, it is important to study regularly. Try to study German every day in shorter segments, but more often. On the website deutsch-lernen.com/learn-german-online/, you can click through German grammar lessons – online and for free. You could take one lesson and the exercises per day for example. Your German language skills will improve faster if you do just one hour every day, instead of five hours once a week.

3Remove all possible disruptive factors while learning

So, you have finally gathered all your study utensils and are ready to start. Suddenly, your phone rings and your best friend wants to know about your day in school. Of course, you need to respond immediately and the German task has to wait. Help yourself and try to avoid such situations. Turn off your phone and let your friends know that you are not available for the next hour. Even if it seems difficult in the beginning, you will soon recognize that your study sessions become more efficient.

4. Always learn German words with their correct article

You’ve probably noticed that articles are very important in German. So, when you study the vocabulary you should always consider the correct article. It’s not just “Haus” (Eng.: home) but “das Haus”.  If you do that right from the beginning, it will save you a lot of work afterwards. Additionally, I would recommend to also learn the plural form right from the start. In this case that would be: “das Haus” and “die Häuser”. (Eng.: “the house” and “the houses”.)

5. Create some helpful study tools

First, write vocabulary or important phrases on a piece of paper. You can use a post-it or a large poster for that. Now, place this magic list all over your apartment. Choose places where you spend a lot of time like: next to the coffee machine, above the stove, on the toilet or on your mirror. Whenever you are at one of these places, you will automatically have a look at the list and will be surprised how well it works.

6. Invent some simple memory hooks and outwit your brain

Sometimes you will find words, rules or phrases that simply do not want to stick in your brain. No matter how many times you try to memorize them, on the next day everything is gone. With memory hooks, it is much easier to learn and especially to remember things. In fact, mnemonics are a kind of simple linguistic detour that helps us to understand the context and to remember what we have learned more effectively.

For example: Sei doch schlau und merk dir bloß: Nomen schreibt man immer groß! (Eng.: That is a rhyme and means be smart and do not forget that nouns always start with a capital letter.)

7. Help yourself with sketches and notes

Every one of us has a different learning behaviour and a specific strategy of learning a language. Often, it may help you to visualize things. Start to make drawings for words or difficult connections and if some aspects don’t seem clear to you, start taking notes. It could be helpful, if you worked with various colours or index cards. That helps to nourish your imagination and draws your attention to what is important. Visualizations display complex statements in a simple and comprehensible way. They also give you a better overview of your study matter. Just think of the German grammar, which not only causes confusion but is also very extensive. It may help you to divide the grammar into small categories or groups, which you then indicate with different colours. Pick up a German text and underline the words with the correct colour.

For example:

  1. Nouns – blue
  2. Verbs – red
  3. Adjectives – green

8. Use a marker and emphasize what’s most important

It absolutely makes sense to highlight the essential points in a study text. To highlight some phrases means to make a conscious decision what is important and which information is secondary. Additionally, you will improve your memorizing performance. Repeating what you have already learned will be much easier in the future and increases the fun factor. Who would not be pleased to generate faster learning effects? But be careful, because the principle here is: Less is more!  If the entire German text is coloured, there will be no learning effect at all.

9. Grant your brain a breather from time to time

After an intensive study period of 40 to 50 minutes, it is advisable to put all your stuff aside and re-energize. Do not regard a break as “lost” time, because what you have learned needs to be processed before your brain can be filled with new information. Get some fresh air and open your window. Your brain needs oxygen to function effectively and it will help you to concentrate again. Don’t forget to stay hydrated while studying!

10. Watch movies and TV series in German

Studying while watching TV? Yes, that is possible. In the age of DVDs and Video-on-Demand providers, movies and TV series can be used as an alternative learning method. First, you should check in which languages the content is available. Maybe your favourite series is also available in German so you can turn on the subtitles in your native language. The vocabulary will wander into your brain without much effort. The coolest thing about it is that you train your listening and understanding skills as well as your pronunciation.

11. Listen to German radio and learn from songs

Of course, you need textbooks and intensive grammar units, but to train your listening skills, you do not have to remain at your desk all the time. For better comprehension, it is important to get to know the sound and the pronunciation of the German language. Whether you are cooking, on your way to the university or at the gym, turn on the radio and get your ears accustomed to the German language. If no German radio channels are available in your programme, then you can use Internet Radio. Here you will find channels in almost every language. Most of them are even live streams and free of charge. If you ever hear a German song that you like and you’re curious about its meaning, try to understand what the song is about. Translate the words or phrases that you do not know and try to understand the context. By and by, you will understand more and more words and meanings, which will also help you to learn more about our country and our culture.

12. Interact with people who speak German

Do you have someone in your family or among friends who speaks German as native language? Arrange some meetings or start a pen friendship. If not, I would recommend making use of the benefits of social networks. You’ll definitely find some groups or forums that deal with German as a foreign language and who knows, maybe thereby you find some new possibilities to improve your German skills. Join these groups and take action as a user. Ask questions or try to get some useful advice. The purpose of these groups is the exchange of ideas or approaches, which might help you to get a better understanding of something. 

13. Don’t be afraid of mistakes

Not one linguistic genius has fallen from the sky. When learning a language it hardly helps to focus on theories only. Speaking is pivotal to learn a language and mistakes are human. Remember when you were a kid and had to learn how to speak. I am sure you mixed up some letters and invented some new and funny names for specific terms. People from other countries are pleased about the fact that you are interested in their language and will therefore gladly forgive mistakes with spelling or pronunciation. What counts is that you are willing to learn from your mistakes.

14. Reward yourself after a German session

You have completed another new chapter? Well done. Reward yourself with a piece of chocolate, a cup of tea or a well-deserved nap on the couch. Be proud of your performance, even if you achieved a little more on the one day than on the other. A study session is linked with something positive in your subconscious and therefore, it will be much easier to motivate yourself in the future.

15. Take a language trip to Vienna and learn from locals

The best and most effective way to learn a language is to visit the country where it is spoken as a native language. You are in contact with the language and you need to deal with its cultural context all day long. Vienna is not only worth a visit because of its central location in Europe and the fact we speak High German, but also because of its high quality of life and diverse culture and leisure offer. At the ActiLingua Academy you have the possibility of choosing from a variety of German courses that meet your particular level and find a suitable accommodation. The accommodation options also include staying with a host family who is looking forward to welcome students from all over the world and introduce them into the typical Austrian culture. The best thing about a language tripis the constant exchange with other people and thereby getting to know many different cultures. It is a great opportunity to get to know yourself, to find out about your strengths and weaknesses and to get along in a different environment. Often such an experience can open up new paths, which you might want to take.

Six fun facts about the German language

Here we introduce you to the peculiarities of the German language, from extremely long words to a unique letter.

Everything you need to know about the German language

1. German is spoken not only in Germany

German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union – ahead of Spanish, French and even English. It is the official language in Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein and one of the official languages in Switzerland and Luxembourg. German ranks 11th in the list of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

2. The German language has three genders

In many Romance languages, nouns are either male or female, making them difficult enough for native English speakers. German goes even one further: a noun can also be neuter. The gender of a word is determined purely by grammar. For example, “Das Mädchen” (the girl) is neuter, even though it refers to a female person.

In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has.

Mark Twain

3. All nouns are capitalized

In German, nouns are capitalized. Unlike English, this rule applies not only to proper names; there are no exceptions.

4. German has a unique letter

German uses the Latin alphabet. It has, however, an additional consonant: the ß, called “Eszett”. The letter never stands at the beginning of the word and, following a long vowel or diphtong, takes the form of a double-s.

5. Words that exist only in German

Some terms exist in no other language. For example, “fremdschämen” refers to shame felt on another person’s behalf. And “Fernweh” (having the travel bug, lusting after adventure) is the opposite of “Heimweh (homesickness).

6. The longest German word

German is known for endlessly long words. One of the longest is “Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung” (regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions). This neologism comes from officialese. But no reason to panic: such tapeworm words can almost always be broken down into their more intelligible parts. For example, “Staubsauger” (vacuum cleaner) consists of the words “dust” and “sucking”.

Learning German For Beginners

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