How to Get Ahead in Nursing School

Last Updated on July 29, 2023

The internet is often flooded with false information when trying to locate the right one. Don’t worry though, as the article below describes how to get through nursing school successfully, nursing school tips for success.

You will also discover up to date, related posts on how to pass nursing school exams& tips before starting nursing school on infolearners. 

Effective Study Habits for Nursing Students

There’s no question that nursing school is challenging. And when you are trying to manage home and work responsibilities on top of your nursing studies, the amount of studying you need to do could seem insurmountable. How on Earth are you supposed to get all of these chapters read, never mind review notes, prepare for the nursing exam and retain all of the vital information that you absolutely must know for a successful career in nursing?

You’ve probably heard it from working nurses that nursing school is one of the toughest things you’ll ever do. There are many elements of truth to that. In your RN program, you will work hard and study even harder. You’ll feel like you have no time to do anything beyond school, let alone take a shower or put on clean clothes. But this isn’t the whole truth.

If you’re anything like me, whenever something unknown is on the horizon, you do all that you can to get a head and be prepared from the moment it begins. Nursing school is one of those big unknown scary things. I’m going to go over a few things that will help you stay ahead in nursing school despite how overwhelming and demanding it is day to day.

Don’t get us wrong: it’s going to be hard. But as millions of those same working nurses can testify to, it’s manageable, and you can prepare yourself with some knowledge. Because we want to set our students for success from day one, we’ve assembled five things future nurses should know before starting the first day of nursing school.

1. Clinical rotations won’t start right away

This isn’t true for every nursing program in Utah, but it is at Ameritech: your clinical rotation won’t start until your second semester. We know you need time to settle into classes and the rhythms of nursing school before the thrilling and rewarding chaos of real patients. Hands-on work is essential for any students nurse, but you need some confidence and base knowledge, first.

2. You will feel overwhelmed by the workload

While your clinical rotation might not begin until your second semester, it doesn’t mean you won’t have a hefty amount of work to finish on a day-to-day and week-by-week basis. Nearly every nursing student gets overwhelmed. It may seem like you’re the only one, but trust us, you’re not!

Take care of yourself. This is a topic we harp on a lot, but it’s only because it’s very, very important. Get plenty of sleep. Eat wholesome foods. And exercise as much as possible. The wellness of your psyche depends, in part, on the wellness of your body, so treat it well during school.

  • Prioritize. Make a list of “must do” items and “like to do” items. This will help you prioritize your studies and tasks. Next, tackle things on your “must do” list one at a time until everything is checked off.
  • Say no. This one is difficult, but a necessity. Your first semester in nursing school might be a bit of transition. You’re an adult, so you’ve developed habits and routines for managing time and balancing life and work, but the addition of nursing school will throw a wrench in your system. Intellectually, you might know you’ll have less time to see friends and family, but you need to prepare yourself to say no whenever those “must do” items loom. Don’t feel bad when you set boundaries for your time. It’s a precious commodity for nursing students.
  • Give up on being a perfectionist. You’re not perfect — and that’s OK! You’ll learn so much in nursing school that it will be nearly impossible to always be right. In fact, some of the greatest learning experience will come from you not being right.
  • Fake it. In a TED Talk on body language, Amy Cuddy, a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School, stated “Fake it ‘til you become it.” If you’re feeling so overwhelmed that you start feeling like you don’t belong in nursing school, Cuddy suggests faking it. Because, as she points out in her talk, and as your acceptance letter proves, you do belong!

3. Be prepared to read. A lot.

In nursing school, there will be days, right off the bat, when the amount of reading you have will resemble Mt. Everest. It’s easy to become overwhelmed (there’s that word again!) and feel swallowed in books, pages, and notes, but there’s always a way out, even if it means climbing higher than you thought possible.

Organization should be your guide in nursing school. Find a way that works for you to become organized — be it an app, a paper-based organizer, a calendar, or all three — and plan out your reading schedule by the day, week, and semester, if you can go that far ahead. After you become organized, here are some ways to help tame the pile of textbooks:

4. Worry about comprehension, not grades

Nursing school is chock-full of smart, overachieving students who are no strangers to getting straight A’s. If you start your first semester expecting to ace everything, rethink your strategy. Students may find they can’t get the same perfect scores they did in high school or other programs. Really smart people get B’s and even a C or two during their first semesters of nursing school.

If this happens to you, don’t panic. Rather than obsess over each grade, focus on comprehension, learning the material, and developing your critical thinking skills. As long as your mind is developing, and you’re growing in your knowledge and skill base, you’re succeeding. The stats and lab values are important, but sometimes you can’t build the technical knowledge until you’ve assembled a foundation of thinking like a nurse. Developing that skill can be different from getting the highest score possible.

5. Expect to be busier than you expect

You can try and prepare for how busy you’ll be in nursing school, but you won’t really know until you have the first few weeks under your belt. Many nurses point to school as the busiest time of their life, and your first semester is just a foretaste of what’s to come.

We don’t want to tell you that you won’t have a life. In fact, we want you to get out of the library and your home on occasion. We want you to see your friends and loved ones and take a break to see a movie or show. No one can eat, sleep, and breathe nursing school the whole time they’re in it. But it’s realistic to say that the life you had before nursing school will be very different from the life you have while in school. Know that you might miss a good friend’s birthday party or a family dinner because you have to write a report or meet with your study group. It’s not ideal, but it’s all temporary, and well worth the time and effort when you become a nurse in the end.

10 Habits to Help You do good in Nursing School

Aristotle anticipated the findings of modern behavioral science when he said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Everything we do from safe driving to productive study, depends on our ability to develop good habits.

In Charles Duhigg’s excellent book The Power of Habit, he reveals that every habit has three basic components:

A cue – if you’ve become a good driver you automatically look left and right when you come to a stop sign. The stop sign serves as your cue.
A behavior – looking both ways is the behavior. You probably had this drilled into you when you were a child learning to cross the street.
A reward – the reward is a proceeding confidently. If you’ve ever forgotten, and almost hit a pedestrian or had someone honk at you, you know there is also a potential penalty.

Here are 10 habits to develop to help you do good and get ahead in nursing school

1.  Find a place that cues you to productive study – try to find an area where you study and do little else. This might be a cubicle in the library that shields you from distraction. Or it might mean a place in your home away from the TV. If you consistently use it as a place to study, the very act of going there will cue your brain to concentrate. If you decide to check social media, or take a phone call, get up and walk away. Then, when you return, you’ll again be cued to study.

Well, hair strand tests are the most advanced type of drug test and are very difficult to beat. Passing a hair follicle test is much harder than any other drug test. While you can pass a urine drug test with synthetic urine easily (or by swapping the sample), or by masking toxins in your body with a detox drink, with a hair drug test you can not use any of these tricks.  There is only one way to pass a hair follicle drug test, and that’s to permanently detox your hair. It requires an advanced cleansing method and several specialist detox products, but THC can be removed from your hair within 3-4 days if you do everything properly.

2.  Join a study group – Assign each member of the group an area to summarize for an upcoming test. This forces you to study something in-depth before the test, and gives you helpful summaries of the rest of the material. When you get together, enjoy the social interaction. But also use the time to ask questions about the summaries, give each other tips on what might be on the test, and quiz each other on key questions. At their best, study groups divide and conquer difficult assignments and tests.

3. Set realistic goals and define rewards – Begin your study time by making a list of what you want to do. Make it reasonable or it will just discourage you. Break the tasks up into half hour chunks, or whatever you can handle. Then set a timer on your phone and go to it. When the timer goes off, give yourself a reward you’ve determined in advance. It might mean 10 minutes of calling or texting a friend. Or it might mean a stretch break. As you make your way through the list, cross off each item. That little act is its own potent reward.

4.  Do the hard things first – when you make your list, put the hard things first. If you don’t you’ll be tempted to procrastinate because you know the most difficult tasks are still ahead. Do the hard jobs when you are still fresh and the satisfaction of having them out the way will help you tackle the easy ones.

5. Master the game of D&D (drugs and diseases) – If you can learn the important drugs and diseases early on, clinicals will be easier and class information will make more sense if you have these fundamentals in place. Consider getting something like Mosby’s Pharmacology or Pathophysiology Memory NoteCards. They provide mnemonic devices to help you remember the information long-term. Develop the habit of spending five minutes a day on each of them. If you do that, not only will you get better grades, you’ll approach the NCLEX with more confidence. (And oh yeah, you’ll carry the information into practice and provide better care for your patients!)  Kratom can be awesome, fantastic stuff for energy, focus, even euphoria.

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7.  Block out “school hours” – if you are in a residential program, treat the time in between classes as study time. Hit the library early in the term and develop the habit of daily study. You can procrastinate and stay up late before exams or papers, but that will take its toll on your body and you won’t remember the information long-term. If you are in an online program, figure out a time that you “go in to work” at your designated study space and remember you are paying for school.

Get your money’s worth! If you are diligent about this, just sitting in your “work space” at the appointed time will put you in the zone and you’ll find yourself better able to focus.An important part of education in our modern day is understanding the fact that students learn in many different ways.

8.  Listen to nursing podcasts – if you are short on time, one way to double up is to listen to educational podcasts on your commute or while you exercise. Podcasts can impart hardcore information or provide lighter information about various nursing jobs, news, and popular health topics. There are podcasts designed to help you retain your passion for nursing and give you vision to keep at it. Check here for a list of popular nursing podcasts.

9.  Make good use of in-class time – Not all classes are super-interesting, and it’s easy to surf the internet during lectures or tune out. But if you find a way of staying engaged, your brain will store the information and you won’t need to study as much later. Don’t try to capture every word while note taking. Its impossible (for most people at least!) and your brain disengages from the content. Try to summarize the information presented. That way your brain has to think about it, and figure out what is important. If a lecture is boring, try to figure out how the material might affect your practice. If you can’t figure it out, ask that as a question. A question will make things more interesting for you and for everyone else.

10.  Find people that you can help, and that can help you – People do better at developing habits in groups. This is part of the secret of groups like AA. If you reach out to the pathophysiology whiz kid for help, she’ll probably take it as a compliment and as you get together with her, her proficiency at the topic (and hopefully her good habits) will inspire you. Similarly, if you try to help someone who is struggling, it will motivate you to master the material yourself. The social contact, and the reward of seeing others gratitude, will reinforce your own commitment to learning.

12 Tips for Studying and Staying Ahead in Nursing School

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