How To Become A Content Writer With No Experience

Last Updated on December 28, 2022

How To Become A Content Writer With No Experience  When you choose to write for a living, you cannot go wrong with freelance writing. The pay is good, the hours are flexible and the opportunities are almost endless. Starting out as a new writer or freelancer may not be easy and will require plenty of discipline and passion. The following steps should help you embark on the way to becoming a content writer with no experience in no time at all!

So you have an idea of what it’s like to be a content writer but don’t have any industry experience. No problem. Although this industry is competitive, there are plenty of opportunities for anyone willing to put in the time and effort–even for those with minimal work experience. Content writing is a field where college graduates can launch their careers quickly without previous experience, particularly if they are self-motivated, have good work habits, and devote the appropriate amount of time to learning the skills needed for this career path.

Accessing the right information on the internet might not be easy sometimes, that’s why we bring you in the article below, the best and latest information on freelance writing jobs for beginners with no experience, how to become a freelance editor with no experience. Read on to know more. The one place you can find all the information you need regarding your job search issues such as entry level freelance writing jobs, academic writing jobs for beginners is right here on Collegelearners. We recommend you save time and effort by visiting our catalog right here on Collegelearners as soon as possible for answers to academic writing jobs for beginners.

how to become a writer online

How to Become A Content Writer

I was able to start as a new mom to twins and with no experience blogging, and I was able to land my first profitable gig in just a couple of months.

But, this doesn’t mean you can start with nothing! Here are some materials and personality traits you need to become a freelance writer.

  • Laptop – you can get by with any laptop. My house is a Mac user house, and those are the laptops I do most of my writing. Just remember to type appropriately so you avoid hand issues over time.
  • Proper seating – invest in a good computer chair. Don’t base your entire freelance writing business on the couch! Big no-no! (or even the kitchen counter).
  • Paypal account – if you already have one, get a business account when you land clients.
  • Email address – most of your negotiations will be made via email or….
  • Skype address – some clients want to talk to you face-to-face, and Skype is a tool most know about.

Aside from the tools you need, here are some personality traits you need to succeed as a freelance writer.

  • Motivation and Desire – I get a lot of emails from those wanting to start but have a hard time motivating themselves. Freelance writing is a solo job. You have to motivate YOURSELF to do the work and to pitch. You also need the desire to want to CHANGE your life since freelance writing means you can ultimately make money from home.
  • Putting yourself out there – For a lot of newbies, the thought of putting yourself out there sends them to the hills! But, it’s 2021, and you can’t hide behind a cartoon avatar or without any social media profiles.

1. Get a website with some clips

The best way to write for someone else? Start writing for yourself. If you’re new to writing professionally, you need to prove you can write like a professional.

Before an editor hires you, she needs to make sure you can get the job done, and if you’re starting from scratch, the best way to prove yourself is with a website. Your website is an online writing portfolio that will serve as your resume as a writer. It should include a bio and some samples of your writing. Here are a few ways to go about it:

  • Start a blog on a particular topic you want to write about, then build that blog as a brand. For example, if you want to write about travel, you might start a blog called “Traveling Solo” or something. I’m positive the URL is already taken, but you get the idea.
  • Buy your actual name as a URL and blog from there.
  • Blog on a free shared platform like Medium or Tumblr.
  • Start a free newsletter using a service like Substack.

You don’t need a fancy, self-hosted WordPress blog or paid domain, although we recommend at least buying your name as a URL if it’s available (Bluehost is a great, affordable option). The most important thing is that you have a platform to showcase your work.

For anyone trying to figure out how to become a freelance writer with no experience, a blog is the best way to start.

2. Write for the job you want

You’ve heard the phrase “dress for the job you want, not the job you have,” right? Use that same logic for your writing.  Most of us aren’t lucky enough to start writing for the New York Times from scratch. You have to work your way up from smaller gigs, but if you ever want a shot at the New York Times, you have to take those smaller gigs seriously.

For example, let’s say your goal is to write for Fortune magazine, but right now, you have a gig writing web content for the latest Fintech startup. Everyone knows writing for iCash or whatever isn’t your dream job, but if you ever want that dream job, you have to put your best writing out there. That doesn’t mean you need to write a 3,000-word narrative essay if you’re assigned a 600-word listicle, it just means you should write the best you can with the opportunities you’re given.

Also, when someone offers you a job, even if it’s not your dream gig, they are still paying you to write, so you owe it to them to give it all you’ve got. From a more selfish perspective, if Fortune magazine ever does consider hiring you, they’re going to want to make sure you can handle the job. The only way to prove that? Show them you can handle the job.

3. Keep reading

Read fiction, read essays, read nonfiction, read business books — read as much as you can, because reading is going to help with your writing. It will also give you a sense of the freelance writing niche or style you prefer. 

There are so many good books about writing, too. Here are a few we recommend:

  • Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
  • On Writing by Stephen King
  • The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Not only do these books ofter enough motivation and inspiration to keep you going, they’re also chock-full of useful, actionable tips to level up your writing skills. 

4. Look for ways to leverage every gig

Similarly, another way you move forward is to leverage your opportunities. In figuring out how to become a freelance writer, many new writers expect to go from zero to sixty overnight. But you have to start small. Think of those first gigs as small puzzle pieces that will fit into your overall goal.

For example, when I (Kristin here) was a technical writer, my job seemingly had zilch to do with the kind of writing I actually wanted to do. But I leveraged the opportunity by:

  • Writing copy: In my technical writing job, one of my projects was writing a brochure for a client. I leveraged that experience to apply for a job writing copy for a local business. They figured if I could write brochures, I could probably handle an “about” page on their website.
  • Blogging for companies: I leveraged my experience writing “about” pages for that local business to apply for a blogging job at a local furniture store. They figured if I could write an “about” page for another business, I could probably handle writing blog posts for them.
  • Writing for media: I leveraged my experience writing blog posts for that business to write short, 200-word reviews for a local magazine. They figured if I could blog, I could handle writing small columns on local art galleries.

In a few short steps, I took my technical writing 9-to-5 and turned it into a magazine writing gig. Even recently, I’ve cited my experience as a technical writer when interviewing with major clients.

I’m not special. Think of a way your current job can somehow, even indirectly, relate to the skills required for your dream job. Maybe you want to review resorts for Travel + Leisure and, right now, you’re a teacher. What is the link between your current job as a teacher and your dream job as a travel writer? Maybe it’s research. Chances are, teaching requires at least some research, whether it’s about specific topics you assign or just about childhood or adolescent behavior. Leverage that! Maybe apply for a gig as a research assistant for a travel writer. Or maybe a blogging job for a travel research firm.

With an industry like writing, there’s no one-size-fits-all blueprint to reach your goals. You have to be resourceful, and that means leveraging your current opportunities, even when they don’t feel like opportunities.

5. Don’t be afraid to network

Networking doesn’t have to be sleazy. It’s not about using people to get ahead. At its best, networking is simply a group of peers that support each other. Writers of all levels need some support from their peers, but it’s especially important when you’re starting off. Having other writers around you makes it easier to figure out where to look for jobs, how to set rates, and so on.

And networking does often lead to new opportunities. When many companies and publications are looking for freelance writers, they often ask for recommendations. This is much easier than posting a gig online or spending hours searching for the perfect writer. Overwhelmed freelancers often turn down clients and suggest someone else for the job, too. There are direct and indirect benefits to networking. If you’re new to it, here are some tips for getting started:

  • Join a local meetup or writer’s group (we have one in the CWWU workshop)
  • Start a writer’s mastermind group with 1-2 other beginner writers
  • Search local writer’s conferences or events

6. Learn to embrace criticism

If you want to be a writer, you’ll have to get used to rejection. Most writers will tell you: For every accomplishment, there are ten rejections that were necessary for that accomplishment to happen. As a writer, it’s not enough to just be comfortable with rejection, you have to embrace it. This means applying for writing gigs, pitching editors, and submitting your work even after getting turned down.

People say if you want to write, you should learn to have thick skin. But that’s not the most effective way to deal with rejection. While you don’t want to be so sensitive to rejection and criticism that one nasty comment sends you into a fetal crying fit for days, you also don’t want to be so immune to rejection and criticism that you don’t take it seriously. Soak it in! If an editor says your topic idea is too broad, that’s free advice, and you should take it. Most writers send hundreds of editors the same pitch, get rejected, and give up. Instead, learn to take the criticism so you can use it to improve your odds.

Many writers are afraid of the worst criticism of all: that they’re not good writers. As a result, they fail to improve their weaknesses. The first step in becoming really good at anything is accepting that you might not already be really good at that thing. And that’s okay! You can get better, and accepting criticism is part of the learning experience. Embrace criticism and you’ll get you there even faster.

Do you want to know how to become a freelance writer with no experience?

Becoming a freelance writer when you have no experience can be tough.

Before I began my career as a freelance writer, it seemed that all the jobs advertised needed experience.

But the question I had was, how can I get experience if no one will hire me … because I don’t have experience ??

It’s like an infuriating chicken before the egg argument.

Well, I am here to help.

There are 10 things you can do if you want to know how to become a freelance writer with no experience.

But first things first, if you are looking for ways to help you earn an income online and pay your bills, while you are launching your freelance writing career, read these articles :

How To Become A Content Writer With No Experience

Skills essential to Excel as A Content Writer. - Tweak Your Biz

Wondering how to get into writing? To help you land your first paid articles, we’ve put together the following ten steps. If you stick to these, you’re sure to find interesting freelance opportunities even if you’ve never written more than a couple hundred words before.

1. Write samples

Whenever I’m asked about how to get started freelance writing, I always recommend putting together a portfolio of writing samples. You can fill this with any writing you have to hand, such as academic essays, but, especially if you haven’t written professionally before, the best thing to do is to write a handful of samples in a similar format to the pieces you intend to pitch. 

Even if they only take a cursory glance, a potential client might be won over by the very fact that you send them a portfolio. Having a selection of samples immediately demonstrates that you are capable of following through on any work you pitch.

2. Find a writing agency to support you

As a freelance writer, the best decision I made was to start working through an agency—this enabled me to skip a lot of the growing pains that new writers typically put up with when launching their careers.

One of the most difficult parts of a freelance writing career is finding work. With an agency like Eleven Writing, client outreach is largely handled for you — the only conversations you need to take part in are those related to the content you’ve been asked to write. You don’t have to waste valuable time bidding for work or pitching stories.

The other great thing about working through a writing agency is that you’ll collaborate with experienced editors who can help you level up your writing skills over time. Even if you’re confident in your ability to turn out a good essay, professional writing requires you to adapt to an entirely new writing style, so collaborating with someone who’s been in the business for a while is an invaluable opportunity.

3. Launch a blog

A straightforward way to get your writing online is to launch a blog. This is a great opportunity to hone your knowledge and opinions about a certain topic that you’d like to write about professionally. What’s more, if you gain enough of a following, you can consider monetizing your work through ads.

Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of having to build a website by yourself. These days, with extremely affordable web hosting and easy-to-use website building packages, anyone can create a professional-looking website or WordPress blog on a very restrictive budget. Alternatively, you can dive straight in by publishing articles on your LinkedIn profile.

4. Write for friends and family

Practice makes perfect, and all writing experience is worth something. One of the easiest ways to improve your written communication skills is to start creating content for the people around you. Try to canvas any business owners you know and offer to create content for them at a discount rate, or write about something more personal—what you’ve been up to, your thoughts on current events, or a more specialized subject. 

Starting with a small and familiar audience will help you to feel more comfortable when drafting your pieces, and it’s a great way to get feedback on your work.

5. Network with other freelance writers

As they say, it’s not about what you know but who you know. According to some studies, up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Using your connections is just as important in the freelance writing industry as any other. 

Reaching out to any contact who works as a freelance writer is a great way to find new opportunities — a more experienced writer will be able to point you to useful resources they’ve used in the past and give you feedback on your portfolio, and they may even be able to pass clients off to you if they’ve got too much on their plate.

If you don’t know any freelance writers in the real world, you might be able to make connections through social media instead. In just a few minutes of Facebook searching, you’ll find thousands of regularly updated job board groups. Don’t feel like reaching out directly? Then add some content marketers to your network and get a feel for the type of content they’re putting out.

6. Get your start with a content network

In recent years, one of the biggest internet media revolutions we’ve seen is the propagation of content networks. In short, these are enormous networks of websites that require large volumes of content on a diverse range of subjects. Also known as “content mills,” three of the best known content networks are Demand Studios, VeryWell, and Writing Bunny.

Content networks and content mills often produce revenue through ads or affiliate links, and they require a mind-boggling volume of original words and articles to operate. Consequently, they’re one of the most consistent sources of work for freelance writers and a great place to begin your search for clients in need of new writers.

7. Revise and refresh your grammar

As a freelance writer, you’ll need to write with a clarity and precision that isn’t needed in the majority of text-based conversations you have day-to-day online. Therefore, if you’re trying to work out how to get started freelance writing, one of the first things you should do is brush up on your grammar and make sure you don’t make any obvious blunders in your portfolio or when pitching to clients. In theEleven Writing Knowledge Base, you can find guides to help you improve the tone, accuracy, and content of your work.

8. Learn about SEO

In 2020, one of the most marketable attributes you can have as a freelance writer is a working knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is, in essence, the art of getting any articles you write to the number one spot on Google search pages.

At Eleven, we’re experts at doing exactly that, and we’ve even published a few handy pointers to help you advance your SEO skills. If you’ve never heard of SEO before, have a search for a full video course on the topic—there are plenty of great guides out there.

9. Cold pitch larger sites

You can take your freelance writing career to the next level by reaching out to organizations you’ve never worked with before and pitching them stories, even when they aren’t advertising any freelance writing positions.

This is known as cold pitching. Although it might seem more intimidating than using a freelance marketplace such as Upwork, what do you have to lose if you’re turned down by a media organization or company you don’t have a prior connection with?

Cold pitching successfully takes a good understanding of a company’s content requirements; do your research first, and this could lead to lucrative and exciting opportunities.

10. Find a stable place to work

Everyone responds differently to distractions, but there’s no question that writing requires focus. Another core component of successful freelance writing is finding the kind of environment and equipment that boost your productivity.

This could be as simple as noise-canceling headphones or as grandiose as an expensive coworking location membership. With a good office chair and a quiet environment, you’ll likely be far more productive than on the couch.

how to get experience as a content writer

1 Look at Freelance Writing Jobs

ProBlogger’s job board is updated all the time with fresh new leads. You can quickly scroll down the list for new job listings or use the search function to find relevant jobs in your niche.

How can you tell if a freelance writing job is legit or good quality?

  • The ad shows that they value content
  • The project isn’t mass articles like 20 articles a week
  • The pay is adequate ($50 or a post)
  • You can research the company (mostly)
  • They don’t pay pennies for pillar type of content as seen on QuickSprout
  • They don’t ask you to draft a sample just for THEM.

Most good quality jobs ask for recurring content and understand that freelance writers have different skill sets.

You can also look at markets for paid submissions. All Freelance Writing has a directory of paid markets.

Finally, you can look at LinkedIn Jobs to see what is available.

With LinkedIn jobs, it is based on your location. For me, LinkedIn is finding gigs in the Vancouver area, which is cool. I don’t mind working with Canadian companies!

2 Use Your Website

Your freelance writing website can be a strong marketing tool and can help you land amazing and high-paying freelance writing jobs.

You don’t need a fancy website with an expensive theme. You can get started with a free theme.

Make sure, though, to have these pages on your site:

  • Services page – tell your ideal client what your services are and how that can help THEM with growing their business
  • About page – show them how YOU can help THEM with their business. Don’t write about how you grew up loving writing or that you went to college to be a writer. Businesses want to know how YOUR writing can help THEM.
  • Portfolio page – share all your content on this page. There are many ways you can display your portfolio.
  • Contact page – make sure you list any social media profiles and/or your Skype ID. Make it easy for leads to contact you.

Once you have your writer website, it’s time to optimize it to drive more inquiries. You do this effectively by promoting your website in your emails and guest posts.

You’ll know if your writer website is working for you when leads come to your site and fill out your contact form.

3 Cold Pitching

Cold pitching is when you pitch to companies that aren’t readily seeking a freelance writer. Sounds scary, right?

But, how do you cold pitch?

First, you need to understand and know your ideal client.

Who is your client?

This can take some time to decide, but it’s essential to cold pitching. Think of clients that have products or tools. You know that they can pay a freelance writer.

For example, my ideal client is B2B digitally native brands.

Maybe your ideal freelance writing client is medical equipment companies. Or, female financial authors.

Once you find your ideal client, you can start finding those companies.

From there you do your search. Read their about page, mission statement, blog, and any other pages. Find out who to email (usually editors or those in charge of marketing).

Then craft your email.

A place to find companies to cold pitch to is Manta. Manta is a small business directory. Scroll to the bottom to get a list of businesses.

Click on a niche and see the businesses to pitch to.

4 Guest Posting

I’ve talked about guest posting already, but now let’s talk about how to do guest posting right.

The best places to guest post on are high authority sites. These are sites that everyone knows about or sites that rank in Google when you search a term.

When you land a guest post on such a site, it will open the doors for freelance writing clients. Writeto1k student landed a guest spot on Lifehack! Nice!

Take the time to scout big publications and websites and when you’re ready, pitch to them.

Another strategy for guest posting is to guest post on niche blogs. These aren’t popular with the masses but are related to your freelance writing niche.

This can show your credibility and give you social proof that you’re the expert in your niche.

how to become a freelance editor with no experience

1.    Use Grammarly

I started learning how to become a freelance editor with no experience, without Grammarly. But I wished it existed when I started!

It’s a lifesaver!

Grammarly is a FREE editing tool that does light proofreading on any written text. It will spot the spelling errors and grammar mistakes, amazing eh!

Nowadays, whenever I write an article or I am commissioned for an editing job, I ALWAYS submit the text to Grammarly.

It’s FREE and will save you lots of time spotting errors.

2.    Sign up to a Freelance Editing Course

I always say the best investment you can make is in your brain.

The fastest way to learn how to become a freelance editor with no experience is to do a course,

The Proofread Anywhere course helps you transition into a full-time proofreader/editor and run it as a well-paid business.

The Proofread Anywhere course begins with proofreading basics and then goes on to share advanced proofreading methods, how and where to find jobs, what rate to set and common mistakes to avoid.

Caitlin is the lady who runs the course and she has been a proofreader since 2007. She turned her love for proofreading into a full-time job and now helps others do the same.

The Proofread Anywhere course is packed with 40+ lessons in 8 modules, grammar-specific worksheets, and real-life example jobs.

After passing with 90% or higher on the final exam you will receive a Certificate of Completion and access to the Self-Publishing School Preferred Outsourcer Rolodex.

3.    Get some work samples

When you apply for jobs, many will specify that they need some work samples.

But how can you have work samples when you have never worked as an editor? It’s like the chicken before the egg argument!

Here is the solution:

Create free or discounted samples

 When I started learning how to become a freelance editor with no experience, I offered to edit the documents of friends and family for free.

CVs, university theses, work reports, you name it. Just read through, and edit, then save it as a sample.

Tip- You need at least 3 samples before you apply for editing jobs

4.    Use Microsoft tracker and comments

Here is an essential tip I learned when I wanted to know how to become a freelance editor with no experience.

When you start creating a work sample, MAKE SURE you use Microsoft Tracker and comments to show HOW you edit and the before and after result.

Microsoft Tracker allows you to show all the changes you have made to an edited document.

5.    Set up a website

Once you have some work samples, now it’s time to look professional.

Have a website that describes who you are and displays your work samples is a great way to convincing potential clients that you are experienced, credible and worth their money.

You can say: ‘You can review my editing samples on my professional website’

6.   Niche down

Providing an editing service in a specific area will make it easier to find clients and you will get paid more (the same way a surgeon is paid more than a doctor).

Potential clients will google search terms like ‘book/ novel editing’, or ‘thesis/essay editing’, not general terms like ‘editing services’.

Focus on being an expert in one area.

But you may be thinking… I have no experience, I don’t know which area to specialize in!

That’s fine, what do you enjoy editing, and what are your work samples related to, start with that, you can always change your niche later.

So, as an example. you could niche down into academic editing, book editing, web editing, newspaper and magazine editing.

It’s the best way you can earn more when you are learning how to become a freelance editor with no experience.

7.    Join editing and writing Facebook groups

Facebook groups are a great way to learn from experts and search for other opportunities.

Here are some examples below but a simple search for ‘editing groups’, in your FB groups will share loads.

8.   Join freelance work platforms

By now, you should know how to become a freelance editor with no experience, so it’s time to start applying for jobs.

There are lots of freelance work platforms out there where you can input ‘editing jobs’, in the search term.

9.   Apply for editing jobs on job boards

Specific editing job boards will advertise editing jobs for you to apply to. Here are some below:

10. Apply for editing jobs on editing websites

A really good way of finding jobs when you want to know how to become a freelance editor with no experience, is to apply for jobs on editing websites.

You can also apply to specific editing websites below:

11. Join editing societies

Having a group of likeminded people, you can learn from and share problems with is crucial on your journey of how to become a freelance editor with no experience.

The ACES Society for Editing costs $75/year, and it provides you with a fantastic community of fellow editors and tips on how to improve your work.

You can also join the Editorial Freelancers Association(EFA) which costs much more ($180 annually), but you get additional perks such as group health insurance.

About the author

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