Average salary in america

The average worker in America makes around $50,000 per year. While this is the “average” salary, it does not tell us what the standard or average income of a worker making $50,000 per year is. Most of us would assume that the average worker making $50,000 a year would be in their mid 30s to early 40s and starting to raise a family and move from their first home into a larger home, however this is not true.

According to PayScale’s 2016 research, the average annual income for graphic designers in the U.S. is $58,162, which translates to an hourly rate of $28.03. The median annual income is $47,500 per year and the most common occupations are graphic designer ($60,000), animator ($60,000) and illustrator ($48,000).

Average salary in america

There are many factors that decide the average salary. There are also many factors that contribute to the average salary not being exactly $50,000. Overall, the idea of what an average salary is is quite relative and one’s salary needs to be viewed in context of their occupation and other details. Luckily, average salaries can give a sense of how much money one is potentially going to make.

This information was collected from the BLS, based on 2014 data. If the average salary in America is $53,000 and the median salary is $31,000 this leaves a lot of people earning below the average. The average being 52k and high income being around 100k that leaves 48% of people making less then $40k a year. But what if you wanted to see what your salary would be at different income levels? You could use excel and plug in an equation. But let’s do it in slop.

After taking a look at the charts above, it should come as no surprise that salary varies depending on the field in which you work. While editors top the list with an average yearly income of approximately $80,000, visual artists stand at the very bottom of the pay scale at only $28,600. Few fields are exempt from the salary range that we see in the above chart. Public relations specialists are not far behind visual artists with an average yearly income of $33,600, and fashion designers come in one notch higher at $38,600.

On average, in America, a graphic designer makes about $40k. Graphic designers will tend to make more in places like California and Washington D.C.

One of the first things people will likely ask when entering any field of work is, “How much do people make doing this job?”. This guide can help answer that question for the field of design. It is designed to be an ongoing project that adds to the list quarterly and possibly annually with articles discussing how much designers currently make in various locations, roles, sizes of companies, and years of experience.

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