Which country has the highest salary for doctors

The average salary for doctors varies from one country to another but the majority of these figures are very similar. Nonetheless, there are some big differences in terms of the average doctor paycheck in different countries. Let’s see whether you live better than your peers in other countries.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the highest-paid doctors in the world are found in the United States. The average annual salary for a doctor in the US is $217,000—more than twice that of the next country on the list.

In second place is Australia, where doctors make an average of $140,000 per year. In third place is Italy, with an average income of $132,000 per year.

Which country has the highest salary for doctors


It’s a common dream to become a doctor. It can be an extremely rewarding career, and you make the world a better place. However, not all countries have the same pay for doctors. If you’re interested in becoming a doctor, or just curious about the salary for doctors in other countries, this article will help you understand where doctors are paid the most.


Qatar is a country in Western Asia, occupying the small Qatar Peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.

Qatar has the highest salary for doctors: The average annual salary of a doctor in Qatar is $162,731.

Qatar has the highest GDP per capita: According to World Bank data, Qatar has an estimated GDP per capita at PPP of $124,876 (as of 2018). This means that it’s one of the richest country in the world!

Qatar also has highest per capita income: As per World Bank data, you can see that Qatar’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita is approximately $29051 (as of 2018). This makes it one of the top richest countries in terms of income!

As you may know, having a high standard living means being able to enjoy life more as there are more opportunities available for leisure activities like traveling etc. Well according to this metric too Qater does extremely well because its GNI per capita accounts for about 563% higher than world average GNI ($5165).

United States of America

The United States of America has a salary range of $170,000-$200,000 and an average annual income of $200,000. The top-paying states are California, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois.


The average salary for doctors in Ireland is $85,000. The average annual salary for doctors in the US is $175,000, and the average annual salary for doctors in the UK is $100,000. In Brazil, however, it’s a much lower amount at just $50,000 per year.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has the highest number of doctors per capita and also one of the highest average salaries. The average cost of living there is $66,000, with accommodation costing an average of $18,000 and food costing an average of $22,000. The total cost works out to $140,000 USD per year (around £108,000).


  • The average salary of doctors in Brazil is $170.6 thousand per year (1).
  • The highest paying jobs in Brazil are:
  • Physicians and Surgeons – $63,000/yr (2)
  • In 2010, the median pay for workers at this occupation was $80,890 per year.
  • Dentists earn an average annual salary of $58,000/yr (3).

South Africa

According to the WHO, South Africa has the highest salary for doctors. The average doctor in South Africa earns an annual salary of $170,000. The United States comes in second with an average salary of $180,000 annually, followed by Qatar at $200,000.


The average annual salary of a doctor in Australia is $255,000.


The average physician in Canada earns $300,000 annually. This is the highest salary for doctors in the world, excluding the United States.

If you’re interested in practicing medicine in Canada, you may want to consider these factors:

  • The country is known as a leader in healthcare standards and quality of life.
  • The cost of living is high, but so are wages and salaries.
  • You’ll enjoy a shorter work week than American doctors do (only 40 hours).


In France, the average physician salary is around $83,000. This is significantly higher than in other countries such as the United States and Canada, where a typical doctor earns between $60,000 and $80,000 annually.

France has long been known for having high-quality medical care at reasonable prices. The country’s university system trains many of the best doctors in Europe who then move abroad to practice their trade at hospitals throughout Europe and North America (especially in France).

Qatar has the highest salary for doctors

Are you a doctor? Do you want to know where the highest salary for doctors is?

Here are some of the countries that pay their doctors the most:

  • Qatar has the highest salary for doctors. The average annual salary for a doctor in Qatar is $312,000 USD.
  • The United States pays its doctors an average annual salary of $199,000 USD.
  • Ireland pays its doctors an average annual salary of $145,000 USD. This country also has some of the best benefits packages for medical practitioners in Europe!
  • In Britain (or England), there’s a difference between the salaries paid to general and specialized physicians in terms of annual pay; however, both earn £88k per year on average – which equates to over €1000 per month after tax deductions! That said… if you’re looking at starting out as an MRCGP trainee then this number doesn’t count towards your income because it technically falls under ‘training’. As such… when all’s said and done it’ll add up to about £10k annually before tax deductions kick in – so not bad at all!


After going through this article, you’ll have a better understanding of the best places for doctors to work in the world.

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