Which country gives highest salary to truck driver

Truck drivers are the backbone of the American economy. Without thousands of hardworking drivers hauling our goods across the country, we would enter a road-less unknown. Running a trucking business requires a certain amount of grit and investment, but what exactly does it take to break even? What are the fixed and variable costs involved? And finally, where do these movers make the most money — what state pays the highest salary for truck drivers?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, truck drivers in the United States earn an average salary of $38,380 per year—or $19.44 per hour. So what about other countries?

The answer depends on where you live and what kind of truck you drive. For example, if you’re a truck driver in Indonesia, you can expect to earn as much as $97,000 annually ($4,500 per month). But if you’re a truck driver in India, your best bet is to work for an international company that will pay you more competitively than local companies do.

If you want to know what the highest-paying country is for truck drivers in general—no matter where they live—then the answer is: Canada. The average annual wage for Canadian truckers is $62,000 ($3,150 per month).

Which country gives highest salary to truck driver


The highest paid country for truck driver is Australia with an average salary of $68,000. The lowest paid country for truck drivers is Germany with an average salary of $42,000.

Australia – 68,000

The average salary of a truck driver in Australia is 68,000 AUD per year. This is the equivalent of over 55,000 USD per year.

The average salary of a truck driver in Australia is 68,000 AUD per year. This is the equivalent of over 55,000 USD per year.

United States -64,000

United States is the second highest paying country for truck drivers. The average salary of a US truck driver is $64,000 per year. This is higher than Switzerland, where the average salary of a truck driver is $53,000 per year and Canada where it is $44,000 per year.

Switzerland – 62,000

Switzerland is one of the most expensive countries in the world to live in, and its salaries reflect that. Switzerland has a reputation for attracting highly skilled workers from across Europe and beyond. The job market is extremely competitive, but if you manage to secure a position, your salary will be high enough to allow you to save up some money or enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Canada – 56,000

If you’re looking to make the big bucks, look no further than Canada. The country is the second highest paying country for truck drivers, with an average salary of $56,000 per year—more than double what you would earn in America.

Canada is home to a whopping 36 million people, with a GDP of $1.6 trillion (about 7% larger than that of the United States). This also means that Canadians have one of the highest standards of living in the world: their GDP per capita is over $47k annually!

Netherlands – 56,000

The Netherlands is one of the best countries to work in as a truck driver. It has a large number of trucking companies and a large number of drivers, which makes it easier to find employment here. The more companies there are, the more competition there will be among them when offering you higher pay rates.

The Netherlands also has a large number of trucks, so if you’re going to be driving heavy vehicles all day long then this may be better for you than other countries with less available transportation options like England or France where public transportation is much more popular than private motorized vehicles (although many people still drive cars).

United Kingdom – 44,000

Truck driver salaries in the United Kingdom are significantly higher than in any other country. The average salary for a UK truck driver is 44,000 pounds per year, or about US$56,000. This may surprise you since many people think of the UK as an expensive country to live in. However, this is because they are comparing it to their own personal circumstances (they may be earning less than that amount). If you take a broader view of how much money one can make as a truck driver in general then yes it seems like a lot but when compared with other countries then it becomes clear that there are other places where wages are even higher.

Germany – 42,000

The salary of a truck driver in Germany is 42,000 Euros. The salary of a truck driver in Germany is for company truck drivers with experience of 2-3 years.

Highest paid country for truck driver is Australia with salary of 68,000 per year

The highest paid country for truck drivers is Australia with salary of 68,000 per year.

Australia pays the highest wage among all other countries. It’s almost double than any other country in the world that offers a salary to truck drivers. In fact, there are not many countries offering more than 60k per year as a starting salary.

Australia is also the only country who pays more than 50k per year to its truck driver. If you’re looking forward to start your career as a professional driver then Australia would be an ideal choice for you where you can get lucrative salaries and enjoy great life benefits along with high quality education facilities and career opportunities


As per the above data, Australia tops the list for highest paid country for truck driver.

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