Where To Study Psychology Uk

Collegelearners will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on how to study psychology at home, how to study psychology for beginners , learn psychology for beginners free, how to learn psychology without a degree and so much more.

  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • University College London
  • King’s College London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • University of Edinburgh
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Exeter
  • Cardiff University

how to study psychology at home

We can easily trace the study of psychology all the way back to ancient Greece, as records show early conversations around the duality between mind and body first began there. It’s important to dive into the history of psychology and how it began before diving into other specific subjects. 

Once you have a better understanding of what psychology is, as well as how psychologists past and present have asked certain questions, you can begin learning more about the different subfields of study. 

Below, we’ll go in depth into how you can successfully begin learning psychology on your own as a beginner. 

Read Introduction to Psychology Textbooks 

There are plenty of resources available to you if you’re looking to start self learning this subject. A great start would be any introduction to psychology textbooks you can find that will give you an overview of the history of psychology, as well as an introduction to some of the founding pioneers in the field. 

A popular choice amongst beginners is Hergenhahn’s An Introduction to the History of Psychology. This textbook will provide you with an overview of the field and will discuss in great detail themes such as consciousness, learning, memory, and perception. 

You have the option of purchasing this book through Amazon or renting it for a short period of time. You can also choose between renting or purchasing a physical textbook, as well as a digital version. No matter what the best option is for you, you’ll be sure to receive all the information you need with this textbook when you’re first starting out

Look for Online Courses You Can Take

Even as a solo learner, you can still enroll yourself in a psychology course, which will allow you access to hundreds of modules and pieces of information that will be beneficial to you while you work independently.

There are plenty of free courses that you can find online if you choose not to enroll yourself in a college course. For example, Alison offers free online psychology courses that pertain to a number of different subfields that you can start right now. 

For example, the course linked above dives into the connection between stress and certain diseases, but there are plenty more you can explore and take that are all free and available to you at any time. Online courses such as these are a great way to self learn psychology on your own time, no matter what your schedule looks like.

Alison is also unique in that you can receive different kinds of certification once you’ve completed certain courses. An unlimited amount of knowledge is available to you with just a click of a button, so what are you waiting for? 

MIT OpenCourseware also offers excellent courses related to psychology and its subfields. Here you’ll find courses such as “Introduction to Psychology,” “Cognitive Processes,” and “Psychology of Gender.” You can easily access these courses with a click of a button and begin working on them on your own time, which is another upside of self learning a new subject.

Yale also offers open online courses on a wide variety of subjects, including psychology. Get started today on any subject that catches your interest. It’s never been easier to get started learning a new subject as an independent learner. There is so much information available right at your fingertips, and you just have to know where to look. 

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