Where To Study Horology

Collegelearners will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on watchmaking school Switzerland , horology courses online free, horology school near me, horology degree and so much more

1. Australian Antiquarian Horological Society Inc.

Clock restoration and conservation classes plus workshops in repairs.

Website: http://www.clockandwatchclub.com/workshops.php


2. Technicum Noord-Antwerpen, Antwerp

Technicum Noord-Antwerpen features a course in Learning & Working for clock and watchmaking.

Website: www.tna.be

3. I.A.T.A Institute of Arts Education Techniques Sciences and Crafts,  Namur


4. Ecole National D’Horlogerie, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec

Located in Quebec, Canada, the National School of watchmaking trains individuals for a duration of 1800 hours over 1 ½ years to obtain a vocational diploma.

Website: www.ecolehorlogerie.com

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5. Den Danske Urmagerskole, Ringsted

Den Danske Urmagerskole Student Service Center offers clock and watchmaking courses.

Website: www.zbc.dk


6. The Finnish School of Watchmaking, Kelloseppakoulu

This Watchmaking School is a private vocational school which has three year degree programs for watchmakers using modern technology.

Website: www.kelloseppakoulu.fi

Established in 1824, the Geneva school is the oldest watchmaking school in Switzerland, now with three units. The technical college provides full-time teaching for micromechanics, watchmakers and watchmaker-repairers. The vocational college teaches theory to apprentice micromechanics, watch fitters, watchmakers and watchmakers in industry. The Professional Education and Training (PET) college provides training for microtechnicians with various specialisms, leading to a higher diploma (diplôme ES).


Association Suisse des magasins spécialisés en Horlogerie et Bijouterie (ASHB) – Verband Schweizer Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschäfte (VSGU) , Berufsbildungszentrum – Centre de Formation Professionnelle Biel/Bienne (BBZ-CFP) , Centre de Formation Neuchâtelois pour Adultes (CEFNA) – Le Locle, Suisse , Centre de formation professionnelle Berne francophone (CEFF) , Centre Interrégional de Formation des Montagnes neuchâteloises – École d’arts appliqués La Chaux-de-Fonds (CIFOM-EAA) , Centre Interrégional de Formation des Montagnes neuchâteloises – École Technique Le Locle (CIFOM-ET) , Centre Interrégional de Formation des Montagnes neuchâteloises – École Technique Le Locle (CIFOM-ET) , Centre Interrégional de Perfectionnement Tramelan (CIP) , Centre Jurassien d’Enseignement et de Formation – Avenir Formation (CEJEF) , Centre Jurassien d’Enseignement et de Formation – Division Technique Porrentruy (CEJEF/DIVTEC) , Centre Neuchâtelois d’Intégration Professionnelle Couvet (CNIP) , Watchmakers of Switzerland Training and Educational Program – WOSTEP , Centro d’arti e mestieri Bellinzona (CAM) , ECAL University of Art and Design Lausanne , Ecole d’horlogerie de Genève , École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) – Section de Science et Génie des Matériaux , École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) – Section Microtechnique , École supérieure du canton de Neuchâtel – Domaine des Arts (CIFOM-EAA) , École supérieure du canton de Neuchâtel – Domaine Technique (CIFOM – ET) , École Technique de la Vallée de Joux Le Sentier (ETVJ) , École Technique de la Vallée de Joux Le Sentier (ETVJ) , Fondation Battenberg , Fondation pour la Formation des Adultes Genève (IFAGE) , Haute École Arc-Conservation-restauration , Haute École Arc-Ingénierie , Haute École du Paysage, d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture de Genève (HEPIA) , HEAD Geneva University of Art and Design , Swiss Gemmological Institute SSEF , ZeitZentrum Uhrmacherschule Grenchen

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