What’s a good salary in california

If you’ve ever wondered what’s a good salary in California, you’re not alone. According to Trulia’s 2015 Cost of Living report, the Golden State is a great place for jobs in terms of the cost of living. But how can that reflect on your income? Today I’m going to give you some guidelines to what’s a good salary in California so that you can make the best financial decisions for yourself and your family, provided you don’t mind the weather.

If you’re looking for a great salary in California, you’ve come to the right place.

This state is full of opportunities, so let’s take a look at what you can expect to make depending on your occupation.

The average salary in California is $53,120. That’s higher than the national average of $45,790 by more than $7K. If you want to make even more money as a California resident, it’s important to keep in mind that your salary will be affected by where you work and what industry you’re in.

For example, if you’re looking for an entry-level job in Silicon Valley, it’s going to cost you about $75K per year—while entry-level positions in Fresno are about $40K per year. And if you’re looking for something more specialized or technical? You’ll probably be able to command even more than that!

What’s a good salary in california


So you’re about to start a new job in California. Congratulations! You’ve just moved out of the starting gate toward financial independence – or at least, toward working in a city where you can afford to buy a house. (Or at least one that’s made entirely out of cardboard boxes.) Still, before you get started with your first day on the job, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting what you deserve. After all, this is California. If they’re paying you peanuts here, the rest of the country might as well be called the Sahara Desert.

If you’re starting a new job, it’s important to know how much money you should be making.

When you’re starting a new job, it’s important that you know how much money you should be making. The average salary in California is $64,000 per year. The average salary depends on what city you live in and the type of work that you do.

If your job is low-paying and requires little skill, such as waiting tables or working at a fast food restaurant, then expect to make around $18 per hour. If the job requires more specialized skills or education (such as computer programming), then expect to be paid more—usually about $30 per hour for entry-level positions and up to $100 per hour for experienced workers with advanced degrees or certifications.

The best way to figure out if your pay is fair is by looking at what other people with similar jobs are paid in your area—and this information can help ensure that negotiations are successful when looking for higher wages!

There are many measures of how expensive it is to live in a city

A more accurate way to measure cost of living is to compare the cost of a basket of goods and services in different areas. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) uses this method when they calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The CPI is a measure of how much prices are changing over time, and it averages data over many years.

The BLS publishes annual reports that provide information about the CPI by region, so we can look at how much it costs to live in California compared with other states and cities across America.

Look at the company

> Location:

  • In order to get a good idea of what a salary should be for the job you’re applying for, it’s important to look at the location of the company. If it’s in San Francisco, then you should expect higher salaries than if it was in Dallas.
  • Another factor is whether the city has a high cost of living because that can affect how much money people make on average. For example, New York City has a high cost of living and wages are generally lower than they would be somewhere else like Kansas City or Houston.
  • Industry:
  • The next thing to consider is what industry your potential employer operates within and how competitive these industries are overall (i.e., tech vs construction). For example, if you want an entry-level marketing position at Facebook but there are 20 other applicants who have more experience than you do and come from Ivy League schools (or similar prestigious institutions), then chances are that none of those people will accept offers from Facebook because they have better options elsewhere (and can demand higher salaries).

How much is enough?

There are many ways to answer the question, “how much is enough?”

The first step is to know what your needs are. If you’re single and don’t plan on having children, or if you’re a new graduate working in an entry-level position for a large company, then your needs will likely be significantly lower than those of someone with a family who’s been working for themselves for years. Here are some questions to ask yourself about your current situation:

  • What does my dream lifestyle look like? Do I want to live in an extravagant house with all the latest technology? Do I want to travel every month of the year? Would it make me happy if I could afford not to work at all because my investments were bringing in more than enough money each month? These kinds of questions can help give clarity as to what kind of standard of living is actually possible based on savings and income goals.

Make sure you’re getting paid enough.

If you’re in the process of interviewing for a California job, it’s important to make sure that the salary is right for your needs. The company’s budget and current financial situation are factors that affect how much they’ll be able to pay you. Also consider how much money you can expect to earn in your area based on its cost of living and how much other people are making there.

If your prospective employer offers a lower salary than expected, ask them if they have any plans to increase it in the future or provide some other incentive (e.g., flexible hours or extra vacation days).


Now you know what a good salary should be, it’s time to get paid! As we’ve discussed already, there is no set amount for how much you should be earning in California. Different industries and different companies will offer different ranges. But you can use the information we’ve outlined today to negotiate a fair deal that works for both you and your employer. And if that doesn’t work out, then it might be time to find a new job. Your career deserves to pay off in all ways possible, so don’t settle for less than what you deserve!

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