What jobs can you get with associates in science

If you are planning on entering a domain that involves the environment, health or food, then you must have some training in chemistry, biology, biochemistry or microbiology. Here is what jobs you can get with your associates in science for those who are keen to develop these fields.

If you’re looking for a career in science, you may be wondering what jobs or positions you can get with an associates degree in science. It’s a great question to ask, because there are a lot of opportunities available to students who have completed their associate’s degrees in science. Here are just a few of them:

  • A research assistant is someone who works under the supervision of a scientist or researcher and assists them with their work. This could involve anything from helping out with fieldwork to organizing data and creating presentations for conferences.
  • A lab technician is responsible for keeping everything running smoothly in the lab—from ordering supplies to performing quality control tests on samples—and ensuring that experiments run smoothly and safely.
  • A medical assistant can perform many different tasks in a hospital or doctor’s office, including taking blood pressure readings, recording patient information, and assisting doctors during examinations or procedures.

What jobs can you get with associates in science


What is an Associate of Science?

An associate degree in science is a college degree that’s given to students who complete a two-year program. In the field of science, an associate degree can focus on a wide range of subjects and teach you specific skills for your future career. Some examples include:

Physical Science


Math Science

Computer Science

This article will explore some of the many different jobs you can get with an associate degree in one of these subjects. We’ll also talk about other options if you decide not to pursue a science-related career. Read on!

Dental Hygienist

A dental hygienist is a healthcare professional who cleans teeth and checks for oral diseases.

  • What do they do?

Dental hygienists work in dentist’s offices or free-standing dental hygiene clinics. They clean teeth, check for oral diseases, educate patients about proper oral health care, and perform periodontal maintenance (cleaning around the gum line). Dental hygienists also make impressions of teeth for study models and take intraoral X-rays to determine the cause of tooth decay or unrestored fillings that may be causing pain.

  • What skills should I have?

A high school diploma or equivalent is required for this position. Courses in biology, chemistry and anatomy are helpful when entering into this field as well as courses such as nutrition, social sciences and psychology which help you understand what motivates people to brush their teeth regularly or practice good oral hygiene habits overall.* You will also need great hand-eye coordination because you will be working with sharp instruments all day long! If you enjoy working with people then working as a dental hygienist would be perfect job choice since most your time will be spent interacting with patients.*

Pharmacy Technician

A pharmacy technician works with a pharmacist to assist with the dispensing of medications to patients. This includes filling prescriptions, counting pills, and packaging medications. If you are interested in this career, there are many things you can do to prepare yourself for it.

To become a pharmacy technician:

  • Have at least an associates degree in science (preferably one related to biology or chemistry)
  • Complete a program at an accredited school that has been approved by the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists (ASHP). You will then have your name added to the National Pharmacy Technician Registry database so that potential employers can find out if you are qualified for their position.

There is not currently any official certification process available for pharmacy technicians; however, ASHP recommends that students take classes in math and science as well as learn about pharmaceutical terminology through online courses or textbooks before beginning their training program. After completing these requirements they should be ready for employment!

Physical Therapist Assistant

You can become a physical therapist assistant with an associate degree. This job is growing quickly and pays well. If you like working with people, this could be the right career for you.

  • Physical therapist assistants help patients recover from injuries or illnesses by providing physical therapy treatment under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. They work in hospitals, clinics and private practice facilities such as nursing homes and senior centers.
  • In 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there were over 130,000 people employed as physical therapist assistants across the country with median annual earnings around $47,000 per year. The BLS also predicts growth in this field over 20% through 2022 which means more opportunities to get hired!

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Occupational therapists assist in the treatment of patients with developmental and physical disabilities. They work with patients to promote their participation, independence, and productivity in work, home life, and social relations. The specific duties an occupational therapist assistant performs will vary according to employer or facility where they’re employed.

  • What is an occupational therapist assistant? An occupational therapist assistant (OTA) works under the direction of a licensed occupational therapist to help people with disabilities or impairments pursue activities that are meaningful for them within the context of their environment—at home or at work. OTA’s may perform therapeutic services such as dressing and grooming individuals who have limited function due to various conditions (e.g., stroke); facilitating upper extremity exercises after surgery on a patient’s hand; assisting in introducing adaptive devices into daily living activities; helping clients develop strategies for moving around safely when confined indoors due to poor weather conditions.* How do I become one? To become an OT Assistant you’ll need:* A high school diploma/GED equivalent* Successful completion of an accredited Occupational Therapy Assistant program.* Certification from either NCCA certification board or JCAHO

Radiation Therapist

Radiation therapists use radiation to treat cancer. They typically work at hospitals and clinics, although they might also work in doctors’ offices or other healthcare facilities. Radiation therapists need a bachelor’s degree, which can be in the sciences or in health professions such as nursing and physical therapy.

Salaries for radiation therapists range from $74,360 to $98,600 (or more) annually on average depending on years of experience and location. The national job outlook for this occupation is expected to grow by 12% between 2016 and 2026.*


If you are interested in the medical field and want to work with patients, a career as a radiographer might be for you. A radiographer is a healthcare professional who oversees the use of x-rays on patients. They may also assist with CT scans and other types of imaging procedures.

Radiation therapy technologists (RTPs) scan the body using x-rays, CAT scans, MRIs and other forms of radiation to diagnose or treat disease. They work under the supervision of doctors who direct them on what type of exams should be performed on each patient as well as how much exposure is necessary for each exam so there are no harmful side effects from overuse.

As an RTP, it’s important that you have good communication skills because you will need to explain everything about your examinations in detail so that patients understand exactly what’s going on during their procedure(s). You must also have excellent technical skills since this job involves working with equipment that can harm both yourself and others if not handled properly.

The salary range for radiographers varies based off which state they’re employed in but generally starts around $30k-$50k annually depending on experience level (beginning through senior level).


A geoscientist is a scientist that studies the earth. Geoscientists can be employed in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, mining and other natural resource industries.

Some geoscientists work for companies that want to find new deposits of oil or minerals (for example, gold). They use their knowledge about how the earth’s crust works to locate these deposits. Others help companies manage and protect the areas where they have already found resources.


Meteorologists are the people who study the atmosphere and the weather. Meteorologists use their knowledge of atmospheric science to predict what the weather will be like, as well as how it works. Meteorologists can work for government agencies or private companies that need accurate weather predictions for anything from agriculture to air travel.


Zoologists are scientists who study animals and their behaviors in the wild. They may work with captive animals or live in the field, observing and recording what they see. In addition to studying individual species, zoologists also look at how groups of animals behave as a whole. Zoologists might be called upon to help reintroduce endangered species back into the wild after conservation efforts have been successful.

A degree in zoology gives you both an understanding of animal behavior and an appreciation for nature’s beauty. You’ll learn all about biology, including anatomy and physiology; ecology; animal behavior; genetics; evolution; taxonomy (the classification of organisms); paleontology (the study of fossils); microbiology (the study of microorganisms); botany (the study of plants). Some courses will focus on specific aspects like physiology or medical sciences where others will examine more conceptual topics like conservation science or marine life dynamics.”

these are some of the jobs you can get with associates in science

With an associate’s degree, you can get a job as a dental hygienist, pharmacy technician, physical therapist assistant, occupational therapy assistant, or radiation therapist.

If you have an associate’s degree in science and want to pursue a bachelor’s degree in the same field of study, there are many options available. If you’re unsure about which career path to take next or how much money you can make with education beyond your current training, consider talking to someone who has already been down that road.


If you are interested in any of these careers, it is important to note that there may be other requirements for education and licensure or certification. Before committing to a degree program, you should verify the requirements for career entry with your state’s licensing board or your employer.

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