What jobs can you get with a environmental science degree

Curious about what jobs you can get with an environmental science degree? The term “environmental science” encompasses a variety of different jobs, including careers in the government and nonprofit sectors along with opportunities in the private sector. Look below to learn more about some of the most common careers available to people with an environmental science degree.

Environmental science is a broad field, so the exact jobs you can get with an environmental science degree will depend on your specific interests and skills. But there are some general trends you can expect to see when it comes to job options for BS degrees in environmental science.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists several jobs that require an environmental science degree, including:

• Environmental scientists and specialists

• Biochemists and biophysicists

• Geoscientists (including geologists)

• Atmospheric science specialists

What jobs can you get with a environmental science degree


An environmental science degree can open up doors to many different career paths. The field is interdisciplinary by nature, so you can find yourself working in the private sector, for a nonprofit, or even for the government. You may want to work outdoors conducting research, or inside in an office analyzing data. A career in environmental science usually involves some combination of environmental restoration and protection; wildlife conservation; resource management; land use planning; and public health concerns relating to water, air pollution, and pesticides. Regardless of whether you’re interested in natural resources or hazardous waste clean-up, your job will likely involve observing how humans interact with their environment and then making recommendations as to how we should change our behavior. There are many potential jobs that someone with an environmental science degree can pursue. But before we dive into those careers, let’s talk about what it means to study environmental science at the university level.

Environmental Engineer

A job as an environmental engineer can be fulfilling and rewarding, but it’s important to know what you are getting into. An environmental engineer is responsible for designing, building and maintaining the natural environment. They are also in charge of making sure that human activity does not negatively impact on the environment, or vice versa. Some might argue that restoring an area after pollution is a waste of time and money while others may say that it is necessary if we want our planet to survive long enough for us to find a new one where we can continue living without harming anything else in our path.

This type of work requires analytical skills as well as creativity when it comes to finding ways around problems such as how much pollution was produced during various eras throughout history so these days may be able to be rectified through some sort of clean-up effort using technology like solar panels which collect energy from sunlight instead using fossil fuels such as oil since these produce greenhouse gases which contribute directly towards global warming especially when there aren’t many trees left anymore due partly due toward cutting down forests so there isn’t any oxygen left anymore either because trees give off oxygen through photosynthesis (when exposed directly into sunlight).

Environmental Educator

  • Teach science to kids.
  • Teach science to adults.
  • Teach science to both kids and adults.
  • Teach science to people in other countries or states or cities or towns.

Environmental Auditor

Environmental Auditing and Consulting

Environmental auditors analyze and evaluate environmental compliance, safety, quality and risk. Their duties include reviewing policies, procedures, activities and facilities to determine if they comply with government standards or industry best practices. They may also conduct audits of products (such as dietary supplements) to verify their compliance with appropriate regulations. Environmental auditor may hold certification in an appropriate field such as occupational health & safety or food science.

Environmental Compliance Manager

Environmental compliance managers are responsible for monitoring and enforcing environmental regulations. They play an important role in the development of environmental policy, as well as making sure that businesses and organizations are following those policies.

Environmental compliance managers may work for government agencies or private companies. For example, they can be employed by federal agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or they may work at an organization like the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). In Canada, most environmental compliance managers work in Alberta’s oil fields where there are many opportunities to monitor activities such as drilling sites or pipelines.

Environmental Lawyer

You can work in a variety of fields, from government to private sector. For example, you could work for an environmental law firm, an agency such as the EPA or FEMA, or a non-profit like Greenpeace. You could also find employment at a private company that deals with environmental issues such as manufacturing or oil and gas exploration. Another possibility is working for your university’s campus sustainability office!

Environmental Science Professor

If you want to teach, and your degree is in environmental science (or a related field), there are several options for you. If you have the credentials to teach at a university level, then this could be an option for you. You may also be able to teach at high schools or community colleges; however, these teaching positions tend to require more experience than just your degree alone. And if you’re passionate about sharing your love of the environment with children, then teaching at a private school or public school might be right up your alley!

Environmental Geologist

A geologist is an expert in a wide range of natural sciences, including biology and astronomy. They study the earth and its processes to find out how it’s changed over time. The field is divided into subfields like geomorphology (the study of landforms) or sedimentology (the study of sedimentary rocks).

Geologists work in offices to create maps and models of what they’ve studied. They use this information to predict where oil deposits may be found, or where earthquakes could take place. They also use it to determine where different types of rock are located underground so that if there’s an accident at a mine it won’t spread further than necessary when the soil has been disturbed by digging for minerals or coal under ground.


A biologist is a scientist who studies living organisms. Biologists can work in a variety of industries, including academic research, government and private industry. If you’re interested in biology as a career path, it’s essential to understand what this type of job entails.

Biologists have many different responsibilities when they work on their research projects. They need to observe the behavior and interactions of animals under controlled conditions (such as in laboratories). Biologists also collect data about these animals’ behavior by conducting experiments or surveys with them. This information helps them learn more about how plants and animals interact with each other within an ecosystem, which can contribute valuable insights into how ecosystems function over time. In addition to conducting research themselves, biologists might also be involved with writing up their findings so that other people can understand what they found out through their experiments/surveys etc.; communicating these findings through publications such as scientific journals; working with graduate students who are doing similar work; helping them develop their ideas into publishable form; supervising postdocs who assist researchers with specific tasks like running experiments or managing equipment maintenance schedules for labs where there may not be enough staff members available at any given point during business hours; teaching undergraduate level classes at universities around North America (either full-time professorships only applicable after obtaining Ph Ds); serving as adjunct professors at community colleges–which allows them more flexibility since they don’t have any official duties outside teaching class hours but still receives compensation from

The best thing about having an environmental science degree is you can work in a variety of industries.

The best thing about having an environmental science degree is you can work in a variety of industries. This means you can work with different types of people, making the job more enjoyable and challenging. You also have the opportunity to live and work in different countries, which will allow you to experience new cultures.

In addition to working in various locations, having an environmental science degree will give you the chance to explore a variety of roles as well as positions within your field. It’s not uncommon for people with this kind of education background to move between research, consulting and management opportunities during their career.


There you have it, a comprehensive list of the jobs that an environmental science degree can get you. As you can see, there is a wide variety of industries and positions to choose from when you graduate. If you are considering pursuing an environmental science degree at your local university, this should be a huge relief since you know that your choices won’t be limited. And remember: if any of these sound perfect for what you want in life (or close enough), then make it happen!

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