What jobs can you get with a bachelor’s in criminal justice

A bachelor’s in criminal justice can lead to many types of careers and jobs. Whether you are thinking about going to graduate school or already have a degree, a criminal justice major can help you enter the workforce. This article will give you an overview of some of the different paths that are available to you with this degree. S ome of these jobs will require further education, while others just need good experience and knowledge, but they are all attainable with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.

With a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, you can do a lot.

You can work for federal or state agencies such as the FBI, DEA, or NCIS. You can also work for local law enforcement agencies such as city police departments or sheriff’s offices. You could even be an agent with the Department of Homeland Security.

If you’re interested in working in corrections, you can get a job at jails and prisons across the country. You could also work at juvenile detention centers or drug treatment centers.

If you want to work as a private investigator, you might want to ask yourself: what kind of private investigator will I want to be? If it’s someone who works exclusively for attorneys and businesses, then that’s great—you’ll have plenty of opportunities for employment. However, if you want to be an investigator who helps people find missing persons (or helps locate suspects or witnesses), then that’s another story: there are far fewer jobs available for those positions.

What jobs can you get with a bachelor’s in criminal justice


A bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is a versatile degree that can prepare you to work in law enforcement and other related fields. The following are some of the most common occupations for those with a background in criminal justice.

What jobs can you get with a bachelor’s in criminal justice?

“What jobs can I get with a bachelor’s in criminal justice?”

This is a question that many people ask, and it’s certainly a valid one. A bachelor of arts degree in criminal justice is an excellent way to prepare yourself for a variety of different careers in law enforcement, social work or even the corporate world. If you’re considering earning your BA with this focus but aren’t sure what types of opportunities are available after graduation, here are some examples:

  • Police Officer
  • Corrections Officer
  • Social Worker

The field of criminal justice is diverse, with many different career paths

You might be wondering what jobs you can get with a bachelor’s in criminal justice. The field of criminal justice is diverse, with many different career paths and specializations. You can choose to pursue a career that directly relates to criminal justice, such as an investigator, probation officer or corrections officer. You can also choose a job that indirectly relates to your degree and still has ties back to the field of criminal justice: for example, working as an assistant district attorney or social worker would still allow you use the skills and knowledge you’ve gained from studying the subject matter in school.

Forensic science technician

A forensic science technician is a trained professional who works in crime labs. They collect and analyze evidence to help solve crimes, whether it’s at the scene of the crime or in a lab.

  • Public: Forensic technicians work for county, state and federal government agencies. They may work as part of a team or individually, depending on the case at hand.
  • Private: Some private labs specialize in DNA analysis while others focus on drug testing or hair analysis. If you have experience working with these types of evidence, you’ll be able to find job openings at these kinds of facilities easily by looking online for employment information about specific companies that work in this field (you can use LinkedIn as well).

Probation officer

Probation officers are considered to be part of the criminal justice field. They work for community-based agencies that supervise offenders who have been released from prison and are serving probation sentences. These individuals perform a similar role as parole officers, but they work in the community rather than in an institution or halfway house setting.

Probation officers make sure that offenders do not break any laws while under their supervision; they also provide treatment and rehabilitation services to help them stay out of trouble after they have served their sentence.

Private detective and investigator

Private detectives and investigators are hired by private companies, organizations and individuals to gather information about the activities of others. They may work for private investigation firms or in other settings such as insurance companies or law firms. Private detectives and investigators do not work for government agencies, but they often work with law enforcement officers when investigating crimes.

Private detectives must have at least a four-year degree in criminal justice with a specialization in forensic science, criminology or police science; some also pursue graduate education in these areas as well.

General public safety officer

The general public safety officer is a broad term that covers several different jobs. In the private sector, you could be a security guard at a casino or retail store. In law enforcement, you might be a police officer or deputy sheriff for city or county government or for state government as an official of the Department of State Police. You could also work in firefighting as an emergency medical technician (EMT).

The military offers many career possibilities for those with criminal justice degrees. A criminal justice major can enter service as an intelligence specialist with either Army Intelligence or Marine Corps Intelligence and Air Ground Combat Center units; Navy special warfare operators; Marine Force Reconnaissance candidates; Air Force Special Operations Command airmen; Army Special Forces soldiers; Navy SEALs or SWCCs (Special Warfare Combatant Crewman); Coast Guard rescue swimmers; Air Force pararescuemen (PJs) who serve on battlefield search-and-rescue teams

Human services specialist

Human services specialists are responsible for providing support and assistance to individuals in need. These professionals often work with clients who have substance abuse problems or mental health issues, and they may assist with rehabilitation or recovery programs.

Human services specialists may assist in the case management process by developing treatment plans, assisting clients with accessing resources, conducting evaluations and monitoring progress toward recovery goals. Human services specialists also provide information regarding a wide range of social programs to families who are dealing with issues such as homelessness, poverty or hunger.

To become a human services specialist you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from an accredited college program; some employers prefer candidates who hold master’s degrees in social work, counseling psychology or clinical psychology because these degrees often offer more specialized training than bachelor’s degrees do.[1] You can find employment opportunities as a counselor at youth detention centers or residential treatment facilities; some employers may require candidates to hold certification as addiction counselors (ACS) through the National Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC).[2]

Correctional treatment specialist

Correctional treatment specialists are responsible for providing rehabilitative services to incarcerated individuals. Correctional treatment specialists must have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related field, such as psychology or sociology. The job outlook for this position is 20% growth from 2014-2024 with an average salary of $42,000.

  • What is a correctional treatment specialist? A correctional treatment specialist works in prisons and jails, monitoring prisoners’ behavior and administering rehabilitative services designed to reduce the likelihood that they will re-offend upon release. They may supervise other staff members who provide these services, such as psychologists or counselors (who usually require additional education).
  • What kinds of jobs are available? This role can be found within any type of prison system including federal penitentiaries or local jails; there may also be opportunities within halfway houses that provide transitional housing for offenders on probation or parole following their incarceration term.* The average salary varies depending on location; most positions pay between $40k-$60k per year based on experience level plus benefits such as health insurance coverage through their employer.*
  • Job prospects: Due to high demand for correctional officers nationwide due largely by increasing population rates over time coupled with budget cuts due shrinking public funding due recessionary times which led officials downsize their workforce needs though increased demand still persists meaning fewer openings exist than candidates interested in applying so competition between applicants increases making being qualified even more important than usual – especially since most people think they qualify because they’re willing but don’t actually understand what qualifications are needed before applying! In addition “demand” applies not just literally meaning higher numbers seeking employment than number

Local government inspector or administrator

As a local government inspector or administrator, you’ll be responsible for ensuring that your city or county operates efficiently and provides the best possible services to its citizens. This is sometimes referred to as “inspector” work, because you’re checking up on things like building safety codes and road repairs. You can also find jobs in this field that are more administrative in nature, where you oversee groups of inspectors instead of working directly with them.

Some local governments hire their own employees as inspectors; other places contract out their inspection needs to private companies. In either case, it’s likely that you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice if you want to work as an inspector or administrator.

There are many career options that you can pursue if you have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.

There are many career options that you can pursue if you have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. You can get a job in the criminal justice system as an employee of a government agency, or you may decide to work for a private company and help them with their security needs. There are also opportunities for those who want to start their own business.

If you’re interested in working with the police force, there are several options available such as becoming an investigator or even joining the military after graduation! In addition, some schools offer criminal justice internships where students can get hands-on experience by working alongside professionals like detectives from police departments during investigations into crimes such as homicides and robberies – helping them solve cases faster than ever before possible before today’s technology advancements came about back when we used paper files instead (which could take weeks just finding someone’s information). Also since everyone knows how important it is these days not only how fast someone comes forward after witnessing something happen but also making sure they don’t leave anything out because then it could skew everything else later down line if we didn’t know about this missing piece first thing off hand then maybe our entire investigation would’ve been ruined because things wouldn’t have matched up correctly when comparing both sides together perfectly match up perfectly every single time every single detail has been accounted


We hope this has been helpful in deciding if a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is right for you.

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