What jobs can you do with photography

Photography is such a broad field, one can only guess what jobs can you actually do with photography. While many traditional professions have embraced photography in recent years and reaped the benefits, others are still underutilized. One area that has largely been left unaddressed is using photography as a job qualification for non-photographer roles. If you’ve ever found yourself asking what jobs can you do with photography, read on for our list of ten ways photography skills translate to other professions.

Photography is an incredibly versatile art form and can be used in a number of different ways. There are many jobs within the field of photography that provide people with the opportunity to work independently, as well as those that provide a more collaborative experience.

Some common jobs in this field include:

-Photographer: A photographer is someone who takes photographs, which can be anything from formal portraits to candid shots. Photographers often work with models and other staff members during shoots to capture their images.

-Photojournalist: Photojournalists are journalists who specialize in taking photos while they’re on assignment. They may cover everything from sports events to natural disasters, depending on the type of publication they work for. They often travel extensively for their jobs and may have to stay out late into the evening if they have an important deadline looming over them.

-Art Director: Art directors work with designers, photographers and other creative professionals to create advertisements for clients’ products or services through printed media such as magazines or newspapers; online marketing campaigns; packaging materials like boxes or wrappings; product packaging itself (iPad cases made with high quality leather); etcetera! This job requires knowledge about both

What jobs can you do with photography


Photography has become one of the most popular career choices for creative types over the last decade. Everyone’s got a camera, but there are still plenty of job opportunities for photography aficionados who want to turn their passion into a full-time gig. Here are five great photographic careers worth looking into:

Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is a great way to make money and meet new people. You can also express your creativity and learn more about photography.

When you are a professional portrait photographer, people will come to you for portraits because they trust that you know what you’re doing. They will take their time with the shoot because they want the best photos possible.

You will be able to set your own hours so it won’t interfere with other things in your life such as school or work.

Audience Photographer

The photographer for the audience is an important part of the concert experience. This person captures the action in the crowd and those moments that people enjoy, but don’t get to see on TV or online. For example, a great audience photographer at a rock concert will be able to capture amazing photographs of fans getting into their favorite songs, as well as photos with their friends during those songs.

The best way to become an audience photographer is just like anything else: practice! Go to concerts whenever you can (or at least try) and take pictures of everything that happens around you. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t very quickly – so don’t be afraid to experiment with different equipment, lighting styles and compositions before deciding on one style for yourself!

Advertising Photography

  • “Advertising photography” is its own niche in the photography world.
  • Advertising photographers are hired to take pictures of products, people, and events to be used in advertisements.
  • Advertising photography is a great way to get your name out there and get noticed.
  • It’s also a good way to make money!


  • Photojournalism is a type of journalism that uses photographs to tell a news story. This can be done in print media, such as newspapers or magazines, or online through websites and blogs.
  • Photojournalists are usually employed by a newspaper or magazine and sent to cover breaking news events such as natural disasters and political happenings. They may also be asked to report on stories like environmental issues, sports events, fashion shoots or entertainment stories (think red carpet events). In some cases they may simply take photos of everyday life in the community they serve (for example: a local street festival).

Wedding Photography

Wedding photography is probably the most popular and profitable form of photography. It can be a great choice if you’re looking to make money with your camera, as there are many clients who will pay well for your services.

As with other types of photography, wedding photographers need to take a wide variety of photos in order to capture all aspects and elements of their subject matter. However, because this type of photography involves people (specifically bride and grooms), it also requires that those people feel comfortable around you in order to get natural expressions from them during the ceremony and reception. If a couple feels uncomfortable around you when taking pictures on their special day, chances are high that they’ll end up looking awkward or unhappy instead of happy!

Fashion photography

Fashion photography is a form of photography that is used to promote the sale of fashion goods. Fashion photography is used to promote fashion brands and their products, as well as designers and their collections. Fashion photographers usually work for magazines and newspapers, or for advertising agencies.

Fashion photographers are responsible for both capturing images and creating them. They may be hired by a clothing company or designer in order to take photos at events such as runway shows, photo shoots or fashion shows:

There are a lot of potential careers in photography

If you’re interested in entering a field that has no boundaries, photography is definitely for you. In other words, there are endless ways to make money with your camera and be creative with it at the same time. You can do anything from shooting for stock photography websites to making YouTube videos about photography tips!

Here are just some of the different types of jobs available:

  • Print advertising photographer: This job involves taking pictures for advertisements that appear in newspapers and magazines.
  • Photojournalist: A news photographer who shoots images for newspapers or television broadcasts on a freelance basis, or as part of an organization like Reuters or AP Images.
  • Fashion photographer: Photographers who specialize in taking pictures of models wearing clothing lines by designers such as Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein (these are also known as “editorial” shots).


The possibilities are endless when it comes to a career in photography. There are so many different areas you can specialize in, and a variety of jobs that require photographers every day! Photography is also one of those careers where you’re constantly learning and growing as an artist, so if you feel like it’s time for a change in your career path, think about what kind of photos you take or would like to take.

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