This article takes a look at the average teacher salary in Massachusetts.
The average teacher salary in Massachusetts is $74,330. In addition to the starting annual salary of $49,793, other benefits that teachers receive include sick time and vacation days.
An English teacher can expect to earn around $36,000 per year at a public high school in the state of Massachusetts, which is the lowest average salary we encountered while researching this article. Out of all the options available in Massachusetts this is one of the worst salaries you can find. However, don’t let that turn you off Massachusetts as there are many high paying jobs out there, and if you plan on living in a big city like Boston, eventually your pay will reflect the cost of living. The decision to move to any place is subjective but I’m certain there are better options for teaching salaries in other states.
What is the average teacher salary in Massachusetts
Massachusetts spends about $1.16 billion per year on teacher salaries alone, which averages out to about $72K per teacher.
The average teacher in Massachusetts earns about $72K per year.
The average teacher in Massachusetts earns about $72K per year.
The average salary for teachers in Massachusetts is $72,000, with a salary range of $45,000 – $100,000 annually.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education collects data on salaries for all public school teachers in the state.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education collects data on salaries for all public school teachers in the state. According to their website, average teacher salary for 2016-2017 was $66,013; this does not include special education or early childhood education teachers.
The average salary for a teacher in Massachusetts is $72,099 per year.
The average salary for a teacher in Massachusetts is $72,099 per year. This figure includes all public and private schools, including those that aren’t accredited by the state Department of Education.
The median salary for teachers with a master’s degree is $79,255 per year while those without one earn around $70,000 annually.
The lowest average salary is $41,636 and belongs to teachers who teach grades K-3 with less than 3 years experience, who also do not have a master’s degree.
The average salary of Massachusetts teachers is $62,375, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This may sound like a lot of money for someone who works in an office all day, but teaching can be a physically demanding job that requires long hours outside the classroom and often on weekends.
Teachers with less than 3 years experience earn an average annual salary of $41,636. Teachers with more than 25 years of experience make an average annual wage of $77,628 per year. Teachers who have master’s degrees earn an average annual wage that is 41 percent higher than those without them; doctoral-level teachers earn more than double this amount ($100,093).
The highest average salary goes to teachers who teach high school with more than 20 years experience and who have a doctoral degree. These teachers earn an average of $97,989 per year.
The highest average salary goes to teachers who teach high school with more than 20 years experience and who have a doctoral degree. These teachers earn an average of $97,989 per year.
Teachers with more experience earn more than their peers. Teachers with at least 30 years of teaching experience earn an average salary of $91,849 per year. Teachers with 25-30 years of teaching experience earn an average salary of $87,559 per year while those with 15-25 years’ worth of teaching bring home an average annual income of $77,871.
A master’s degree increases your pay by about 10 percent over what you’d make as a bachelor’s graduate; but an advanced degree such as a doctorate or other graduate certificate can increase that figure by another 10 percent or so (from 2010)
There are many factors that go into determining the salary of a teacher in Massachusetts
The salary of a teacher in Massachusetts is determined by several factors.
- The school district: Each school district has its own set of rules for determining how much teachers will be paid.
- Experience: The more experience a teacher gains, the higher his or her salary tends to be. Teachers who have been teaching for many years tend to make more money than new ones do. This is because they’ve probably developed certain skills and know how to handle situations that might come up in the classroom—skills that take time and practice to develop. They also may have earned some advanced degrees during their careers, which can lead to better paychecks as well.* Education level: A higher degree usually leads to higher paychecks, especially if it’s at least a master’s degree (but even then it depends on what subject area).
We can see from these data that there is a wide range of salaries for public school teachers in Massachusetts. There are many factors that go into determining the salary of a teacher in Massachusetts. These include years of experience, level taught (elementary, middle or high school), and whether or not the teacher has earned higher education degrees.