What is the average salary for nurse practitioner

There are many things that matter when comparing jobs like cost of living and the area’s climate. After some consideration, nursing salary and job opportunity are common factors in most nurses’ minds when considering a new area to practice. If you are looking for a change, it is important to consider where your salary goes further. Below is information on what is the average salary for nurse practitioner in different locations.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), for their May 2014 report, the average salary for a Nurse Practitioner was $95,710 per year. According to BLS, the highest-paid 10% earned at least $121,990 in 2012 ($90660 in 2014 dollars). Because salaries can vary widely by individual location, education and years of work experience, it is important to know the average salary of a nurse practitioner.

What is the average salary for nurse practitioner


As with many healthcare professions, nurse practitioners can make a very good living. The average salary as of May 2018 was $113,930 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, the number is somewhat misleading since it doesn’t take into account location and type of NP—two very important factors. Nurse practitioners in some states can expect to earn more than their peers in other states while those who specialize in certain types may earn more or less than other NPs. Here’s a breakdown of the various factors that may affect your salary as an NP:

Salary for nurse practitioners varies significantly depending on location and type of NP.

Although the average salary for nurse practitioners is $90,000 per year and rising, it’s important to keep in mind that there are many factors that impact the actual pay you receive. These include your location (the national average is lower in rural areas) and the type of NP you are. For example, a home health care nurse practitioner might earn less than a hospital-based NP because their job involves more work with patients and less administrative duties. Your specialty also plays an important role in how much you earn: family practice NPs tend to make less than acute care specialists like those working in intensive care units or emergency rooms.

Additionally, your experience level matters when it comes to salary: entry-level positions often offer relatively low wages compared with those who have been practicing for five years or more—though this varies from state to state; some require additional education after earning a master’s degree. Finally, industry plays an important role as well: for example private practices tend to pay more than hospitals do (though salaries are typically higher at larger institutions).

The average salary for all nurse practitioners was $113,930 per year as of May 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average salary for all nurse practitioners was $113,930 per year as of May 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest-paid nurse practitioners earned more than $143,100 and the lowest-paid made less than $69,540 during this time frame.

This figure includes those who work in hospitals and physicians’ offices as well as those who work for other employers such as nursing homes or home health agencies. It also includes salaried and hourly employees who are paid on an annual basis (known as “full-time equivalent”).

The top 10 percent made $145,630 per year while the bottom 10 percent made $84,210 per year.

Nurse practitioners are one of the most highly trained health care professionals, requiring an average of 4 years at college and 2 years of graduate school. This can be a very rewarding job with a huge variety in working conditions. The top 10 percent made $145,630 per year while the bottom 10 percent made $84,210 per year.

The average salary for nurse practitioners was $113,930 per year

The highest paying industry is the federal government. Nurse practitioners there made an average salary of $179,690 per year in 2018.

The federal government is the largest employer of nurse practitioners, with more than 50,000 jobs available. In 2018, average pay for a nurse practitioner working in the federal government was $179,690 per year. The highest paying industry for nurse practitioners is the federal government; however, it’s also important to note that not all roles in the federal government are considered “highest paying”, as this depends on specialty and experience level.

In-demand areas pay more than some other areas. For instance, the average salary for nurse practitioners in New Hampshire was $138,040 in 2018 while they made an average of $86,750 in Hawaii.

As with other professions, location matters when it comes to determining your salary. In fact, the average salary for nurse practitioners in New Hampshire was $138,040 in 2018 while they made an average of $86,750 in Hawaii.

The highest paying industry is the federal government and the lowest paying industry is wholesale trade (which includes things like gas stations).

You can a good living as a nurse practitioner, but location and experience matter a lot.

The average salary for nurse practitioners is $113,930 per year. This amount can vary greatly depending on your location and experience level. If you want to make the most money possible, you should consider working in an area where there are more jobs available.

The top 10% made $145,630 or more annually while the bottom 10% made $84,210 or below annually .

The highest paying industry is the federal government which paid an average income of $116,820 per year for all positions nationwide. In this industry it’s also important that you have as much experience as possible because employers will pay more for someone with a lot of experience than they would someone who just graduated from nursing school with no past work history at all!


As you can see, nurse practitioners enjoy rewarding and lucrative careers. They are often in high demand, which translates to more employment options, higher pay and better benefits. As the healthcare sector continues to grow, nurse practitioners are poised to enjoy continued job growth. The BLS reports that employment of nurse practitioners is expected to grow 26 percent between 2018 and 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.

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