What is the average salary for a traveling nurse

If you are a traveling nurse, you deserve to know what is the average salary for a traveling nurse. I personally know this can only be answered depending on many variables. And while it depends on your experience and what state you are in, if you are an experienced RN and are traveling in California, the average pay can start at around $80K per year with bonuses.

The average salary for a traveling nurse is $60,000.

The average salary for a traveling nurse varies based on several factors, including the nurse’s experience, certifications, and employer.

What is the average salary for a traveling nurse

What is a travel nurse?

A travel nurse is a registered nurse who works in a different geographic location than the one they live in. They’re employed by a staffing agency, and often work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities across the country. Travel nurses often have to travel long distances because of their job requirements.

Travel nurses can work in a variety of specialties. They might be skilled at working with newborns or handling postoperative care for older people, for example. In order to do this kind of specialized work as accurately as possible, travel nurses must keep up-to-date on new techniques and technologies that are used by their employers—and it helps if they have some experience with them already!

Types of travel nurses

Travel nurses can be either independent or agency-based.

  • Independent travel nurses are self-employed and work for themselves, contracting with facilities directly.
  • Agency-based travel nurses work for an agency that contracts with facilities, as well as handle any insurance billing and paperwork on behalf of their employees.

The perks of being a travel nurse

Being a travel nurse provides you with many perks. One of the main advantages is flexibility. Travel nurses are not locked into a specific schedule, so they can work when they want and where they want.

For example, if you want to take your family on vacation during your off-time, then being a travel nurse will let you do that. However, if your schedule doesn’t work out for that trip, then maybe next year would be better instead of waiting another year before taking another vacation (or maybe never).

Another advantage is that travel nurses have more opportunities for advancement than other jobs may offer because there are so many different hospitals throughout the country looking for staffing help from traveling healthcare providers like traveling nurses or traveling physicians who can fill their open positions quickly with no hassle at all in getting hired by contacting them directly through email or phone call with very little effort involved on either side since both sides already know what they’re looking for when hiring someone else who has previously worked at another location which needs medical staffing help now due to some reason such as sudden illness among existing staff members which makes it hard to keep up with demand right away without having time

Travel nurse salary and pay structure

As a travel nurse, you can expect to make an average of $73,000 per year. Travel nurses can make more than $80,000 per year and some even make close to $100,000 per year.

The average annual pay for a travel nurse was $73,000 in 2018.

The average annual pay for a travel nurse in 2018 was $73,000.

The average hourly pay for a travel nurse in 2018 was $32.47 per hour. This is equivalent to an annual income of $16,852 assuming 40 hours per week and 52 weeks worked per year.

The average hourly pay for a travel nurse in 2018 was $16.69 per hour, which comes out to an annual income of $33,152 assuming 40 hours per week and 52 weeks worked per year.

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