What is the average salary for a respiratory therapist

One of the things people ask me regularly is: “What exactly is the average salary for a respiratory therapist?” There are a lot of factors that go into answering that question. It all depends on where you work, what you do and quite often, how long you’ve been doing it. I will try my best to outline the average salary for a respiratory therapist but please remember this is only an estimate because income really does differ in each area.

The average salary for a respiratory therapist is $60,000. This is the median income for respiratory therapists in the United States, according to Salary.com.

To get an idea of what kind of salary you can expect as a respiratory therapist, you need to take a look at your location and experience level. The state with the highest average salary for these professionals is Alaska—$62,000 per year. California comes in second at $60,000 per year, followed by Nevada ($59,000), New Jersey ($57,000), and Texas ($56,000).

The lowest paying states are Mississippi ($48,000), Arkansas ($51,000), Alabama ($52,000), and Louisiana ($52,000).

What is the average salary for a respiratory therapist


The average salary for a respiratory therapist in the United States is around $59,846 per year. Salaries typically start from $47,889 and go up to $73,939.

The average salary for a respiratory therapist in the United States is around $59,846 per year.

A respiratory therapist’s salary can vary depending on their experience level and years in the field. The average national salary for a respiratory therapist is about $59,846 per year, or $27.81 per hour. This figure is based on a survey of over 1,000 respiratory therapists and data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The amount you’ll make as a new graduate will likely be lower than this figure—but don’t worry! As you gain experience and become more skilled at your job, you’ll likely see your pay increase too.

The average salary for a respiratory therapist in the United States is around $60k

The average salary for a respiratory therapist in the United States is around $60k per year. This is a good salary, and it’s also a good job and career to have. You can get paid well to do this work, which will help you make money while helping people breathe better! That sounds like a win-win situation to me.


As we’ve explored above, respiratory therapists are responsible for maintaining the health of their patients through a variety of methods. Their goal is to improve a patient’s condition by providing treatments that can help them breathe easier. They provide support for patients who have lung diseases like asthma or COPD as well as those who need oxygen therapy due to other illnesses such as heart disease and cystic fibrosis. Respiratory therapists must complete specialized training before beginning their careers so that they’re able to care for people with these illnesses effectively.

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