What is the average salary for a registered nurse

The average salary of a registered nurse depends on several factors including the state, certification, experience, and employer. There is no average salary for all nurses as there are so many variables that play a role in what you can earn as a RN.

Registered nurses are one of the most sought-after professions in the United States. The average salary of a registered nurse is $64,690 per year, but that figure can vary depending on the type of nursing you do.

Registered nurses are classified by their level of education and expertise, with each level corresponding to a different pay grade. For example, a licensed practical nurse is typically paid less than a registered nurse because she has less education and experience. A staff nurse will make more than an LPN because she has more training and experience.

In addition to education and experience, other factors that can affect your salary include where you work and whether or not you’re employed by an agency.

What is the average salary for a registered nurse


Registered nurses work hard, but their work also pays off—literally. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the median salary for registered nurses was $73,550 as of May 2018—and that’s not counting the extra benefits, opportunities for bonuses and promotions, or job security a career in nursing can provide.

The average salary of registered nurses was $73,550 in May 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average salary of registered nurses was $73,550 in May 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This includes all RNs in all types of settings. It’s not just hospital nurses who make this amount: those working in home health care can earn up to $85k per year on average, while those working as travel or contract nurses can make even more with wages ranging from $60k-$80k per year depending on experience level and how much they are willing to travel to different locations each day or week.

In addition to a good salary, nursing offers other benefits such as great insurance options (including dental coverage), flexible scheduling options (depending on where you work), low turnover rates compared with other industries due to high job satisfaction levels among registered nurses who choose this career path above others because they enjoy helping others feel better by providing them with care when needed most.”

The typical hourly wage was $35.37 per hour.

The average hourly wage for a registered nurse was $35.37 per hour, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

This figure represents how much you would earn in a 30-hour work week. It does not take into account overtime or bonuses, which can substantially increase your yearly earnings.

Salary is typically defined as an annual amount of money paid to an employee over their employment contract period, regardless of whether they work full-time or part-time hours during that time frame; however, the BLS lumped together both salary and hourly wages for registered nurses in their report on the industry’s overall salaries.

It’s a good time to be a registered nurse!

The average salary for a registered nurse is $70,000. This number is up from last year, when it was $68,000. And the industry is still growing; the job outlook is positive! Demand for nurses has increased dramatically in recent years, and the average salary has been increasing as well because there aren’t enough nurses to fill all of these positions.

Nurses have diverse responsibilities that challenge them every day: they take care of patients’ physical health needs like performing tests or giving medications; they monitor their mental state too—this can include checking on people’s moods or making sure they’re comfortable with what’s going on around them; plus there are safety rules to follow when handling medications or working around vulnerable patients who could harm themselves if not watched carefully at all times (which takes up a lot more time than you might think). It’s no surprise that this profession requires excellent communication skills since these interactions happen so frequently throughout each shift!


In this article, we’ve looked at what registered nurses earn. We started by looking at the overall salary of registered nurses in the US and then broke down how RNs in different states are paid differently. It’s a good time to be a nurse!

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