The average salary for a professor in the United States is $86,874, as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This means that 50% of full-time faculty in the nation earn more than $86,874 and 50% earn less than $86,874.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a professor was $102,450 in 2016. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $62,480 and the highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $160,600.
What is the average salary for a professor
Salaries for a professor can vary greatly depending on factors such as the level of education, field of study, years of experience and the type of institution where they work.
The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) recently reported that full-time faculty members earned an average salary ranging from $62,000 to $79,000 annually in 2018. The average annual salary for associate professors was higher at $66,000 to $81,000 while assistant professors earned an average salary between $61,000 and $72,000 per year in 2018.
Professors’ salaries are also determined by the type of institution where they teach. For example, a full-time professor teaching at a medical school can earn more than one working at a liberal arts college with fewer research requirements and prestige. Salaries also depend on whether professors work at public or private institutions since state funding tends to be lower than enrollment fees from students. According to Forbes magazine there is also a difference between how much private university professors make compared with their counterparts at public ones although the differences tend to be small for full professors who earn about 3 percent more working at private colleges and universities than public ones.
Experts say that many academics have had their pay frozen or have suffered pay cuts over the past decade however high salaries are still available for some professionals such as those specializing in business management who can earn up to six figures annually particularly if employed by private business schools like Harvard University’s prestigious MBA program.”’
The average annual salary of a full-time faculty member ranged from $62,000 to $79,000 in 2018.
In 2018, the average annual salary of a full-time faculty member ranged from $62,000 to $79,000.
At private institutions, where tuition is usually higher than public universities’ tuition, the average annual salary for full-time faculty was higher than that at public universities: $73,600 versus $69,100. This is because most professors at private colleges are hired on a part-time basis and receive only a small portion of what they would earn if they were employed by the institution on full time basis. In addition, some fields may have lower salaries than others because of their demand or supply in the labor market as well as other factors such as location and institutional cost structure which affect how much money colleges can afford to pay their instructors.
For example: The highest paid field was business with an average annual salary of around $99k while engineering had an average annual salary below 50k (about half). However since many engineering professors choose not to pursue tenure track positions due to low salaries it skews this figure down considerably when looking across all institutions within each field type rather than just focusing on those who received tenure track positions only–which were actually quite hard to come by during this period given all those Baby Boomers retiring soon!
For associate professors, the lowest salary was $66,000 and the highest was $81,000.
Associate professors are the second-highest rank in academia. They typically work as full-time, tenured academics. As such, they are members of their university’s faculty and receive benefits like health insurance and paid leave.
The lowest associate professor salary was $66,000 and the highest was $81,000.
For assistant professors, the average salary ranged from $61,000 to $72,000.
As is the case with all other occupations, professors’ salaries vary depending on factors like type of institution, region and field of study. In 2010-2011, the average salary for assistant professors was between $61,000 and $72,000.
The highest paid professors are those specializing in business and management at private business schools.
The highest-paid professors are those specializing in business and management at private business schools. The average salary for a professor is $133,000 per year, with an additional $6,000 bonus. This can increase to as much as $200,000 if the school offers a lot of funding for research grants or has high tuition costs.
The lowest-paid professors specialize in humanities, social sciences and education. They make an average of $90,000 per year with no bonuses or incentives offered by their schools because these subjects are less profitable than other subjects such as engineering or computer science.
Professors who specialize in the arts and sciences fall somewhere between those two extremes when it comes to salaries: they make between $100-$125k annually with no bonuses or incentives offered by their schools because these subjects are less profitable than other subjects such as engineering or computer science
Experts say that many academics have had their pay frozen or have suffered pay cuts over the past decade.
Pay freezes and pay cuts are a common occurrence for professors. The average salary of a full-time faculty member ranged from $62,000 to $79,000 in 2018, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education (CHE), which also reported that roughly one third of college professors earn less than $40,000 annually.
As such, many academics have had their pay frozen or suffered pay cuts over the past decade. “This is one of the reasons why there’s been so much turnover in university staff positions over time—it can be difficult to find work when you have little stability in your career path,” says Dr. Sarah Friera at Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM).
Depending on the field of study and type of institution where they work, professors’ salaries can vary widely.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a professor at a four-year college in 2016 was $72,280 per year. This is for all types of colleges (public institutions, private institutions, liberal arts colleges and research universities).
Salaries vary widely by field. For example, an economics professor at a private university earns about $85k per year; but the same position at a public university would only pay about $60k. A biology professor at a liberal arts college earns less than someone who teaches the same subject matter at a large research institution—about $75k versus $90k respectively. Likewise, business school professors tend to make more money than those teaching in other fields—$100k compared with around $80-90k.
So, if you’re considering a career in academia, it’s important to keep in mind that while professors do have the potential to earn some good money—even six figures!—they also have the potential to earn much less. But even if your pay isn’t especially high, we think there are plenty of other compelling reasons to become an educator. You could have a positive impact on young peoples’ lives and help guide them as they make their way through university. You could help bring new research into the world, and help students and colleagues alike understand how it might influence our future. You could share your passion for your academic specialty with those who may not know much about it yet!