The question of what is the average salary for a physician has been asked many times and in various ways. Everyone wants to know how much doctors get paid and couldn’t care less about the answer. I created this article with the intent of providing a comprehensive overview of this topic, as well as helping you figure out just that.
The average salary for a physician is $207,000.
This is the median salary for all physicians in the United States. The lowest 10% of physicians earn less than $186,000 per year, while the highest 10% earn more than $271,000.
What is the average salary for a physician
According to the most recent data (May 2017), physicians make an average salary of $210,170 per year.
According to the most recent data (May 2017), physicians make an average salary of $210,170 per year. The median salary for a physician is $192,930.
- The difference between these two numbers is due to the fact that there are some physicians who make much more than others—a few high-earning outliers can skew the overall average upward.
The median is $192,930 a year.
The median is the middle value in a data set. It is not the average, which is also known as an arithmetic mean. The median of 1, 2 and 6 is 3 because that’s where half of the numbers are below and half above.
The mode (which means “most common”) can be different from a data set’s median or average. For example, if there’s only one number in your list then that would be your mode (hence it being called most common). If you have two numbers in your list then those two numbers would be your mode since they’re both more frequent than any other value on the list (again hence them being called most common). If there are three numbers in your list then they’ll all share equal frequencies so they’d all be modes at once! That’s right: each one could still technically be considered “most common” but none will have any advantage over another when it comes to representing what happens most often overall within this group… unless we take into account how many times each individual thing occurs versus how many times all three together occur separately; at which point things start getting interesting again… but wait – let’s save those details for another time 🙂
Physician Salary by State
Salt Lake City, UT: $233,000
Washington D.C.: $231,000
San Jose, CA: $230,000
Minneapolis-St. Paul MN: $227,000
San Francisco CA: $225,000
Not all fields of medicine receive the same salary.
- Surgeons make more than general practitioners.
- Specialists make more than general practitioners.
- Pediatricians make more than general practitioners.
- Psychiatrists make more than general practitioners.
- Orthopedic surgeons make more than general practitioners.
- Urologists make more than general practitioners
Doctors make a lot of money
The average salary for a doctor is $210,170. The median income for physicians and surgeons is $192,930.
For an example of how much money doctors make, let’s say you are a family practice physician who has been working in the same town your whole life and have been practicing medicine since 1999. Your average yearly salary could look something like this:
Average Salary: $210,170 Median Salary: $192,930 Average Bonus/Incentive Pay: $17k Other Compensation (like retirement plans): $11k Total Income: $225K