What is the average salary for a bachelor’s degree

The number of individuals who obtain a bachelor’s degree is relatively small compared to the number of people who obtain an associate’s or technical degree. And when you decide your major, you should think about what career opportunities that degree will open for you after you graduate with a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree can take you a lot further in your career than an associates degree. The reason for this is you will have the option to pursue a master’s or doctorate level program in the future if desired. This will give you many more options in the job market after graduating from college or even looking for job opportunities during college. So many students are not aware what the average salary is for a bachelor’s degree holder now or after career and development. One thing to also consider is that as a bachelor’s degree holder, you will be able to apply to better entry-level positions if desired when searching for jobs. Even if you choose not to go into further education and progress your career, it typically takes 2 years to 3 years before obtaining an entry level position in most professions.

The average salary for a bachelor’s degree is between $50,000 and $60,000.

The average salary for a bachelor’s degree is between $50,000 and $60,000. This means that if you were to take into account every person with a bachelor’s degree in the United States, there would be some people who made more than this amount and some who made less.

What is the average salary for a bachelor’s degree


What will my salary be after I graduate? That’s a question most college students ponder. The answer is, it depends on your major. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2014 the average salary for a graduate with a bachelor’s degree was $50,556 per year. This of course varies by major and industry — computer science majors earn more than art history majors, for example — but it’s clear that having a bachelor’s degree pays off. Here we take an in-depth look at how much you can expect to make based on your chosen field of study and career track:

In 2014, the U.S. Census Bureau found that the average salary for a graduate with a bachelor’s degree was $50,556

In 2014, the U.S. Census Bureau found that the average salary for a graduate with a bachelor’s degree was $50,556 (or $25 per hour).

The highest paying field is computer and information sciences and support services; on average these graduates make $72,000 per year.

The lowest paying fields are counseling psychology, early childhood education and social work ; on average these graduates make just under $30k per year

The highest-paying field for bachelor’s degree holders is computer and information sciences and support services.

The highest-paying field for bachelor’s degree holders is computer and information sciences and support services. The average salary for a person with this degree is $79,464, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A close second is computer systems analysis and programming, with an average salary of $77,630.

The lowest-paying fields for bachelor’s degree holders are counseling psychology, early childhood education and social work.

Although it’s common to think of bachelor’s degrees as a gateway to high-paying careers, not all fields of study have the same earning potential. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), some majors are more likely than others to land you in the top earning bracket—and some aren’t likely at all.

The lowest-paying fields for bachelor’s degree holders are counseling psychology, early childhood education and social work. Counseling psychology is one such example: It ranked ninth from last when NACE assessed graduates’ earnings potential across 15 different majors in 2018. Social work came in dead last as well—the only field with an average salary below $50k.

Accordingly, these jobs have a large number of applicants vying for their share (or even just a fraction) of available positions each year—and that competition drives down wages for those who manage to get hired anyway

It will probably be worth it to get your bachelor’s degree

It’s true that a bachelor’s degree costs money and time, but you’ll likely be able to recoup the investment in about five years. The median annual salary for bachelor’s degree holders is $55,000 per year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. High school graduates only earn an average of $30,000 annually.

Additionally, while 11% of high school graduates are unemployed (or involuntarily working part-time), less than half as many college grads have trouble finding work: just 4%.


In the end, getting a bachelor’s degree is a smart move. The data shows that it will increase your annual salary by an average of $31,000 and give you access to more careers that pay better than many fields without a college education. Ultimately, this means you will be able to have a more comfortable life for yourself and your family

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