What Are The Best Nursing Schools In The Us

The Best Nursing Schools in the United States is a post that shares the top ten nursing schools in the United States. If you are looking to learn where you can get into one of the best nursing schools then this is a great post for you to check out.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on What Are The Best Nursing Schools In The Us, how to become an rn in arkansas .We at collegelearners .com have all the information that you need about colleges with nursing programs. I would recommend you save time and effort by visiting our website as soon as possible for the answer to Best Nursing Schools In Orlando .

Best Nursing Schools in 2022 - US News

What Are The Best Nursing Schools In The Us

  1. Henderson State University
    Annual In-State Tuition: $8,902 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $10,612 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 92.6%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: No

Bridge: Yes

Originally a private school, Henderson State University has since become public and earned a reputation as Arkansas’s public liberal arts university. While liberal arts might not interest nursing students, each nursing degree is offered through the Ellis College of Arts and Sciences. Options for study include an on-campus BSN, an online RN-BSN, and an online master’s of science in nursing (MSN). Henderson State’s nursing school has been growing over the past decade with the number of graduates jumping from 9 in 2015 to 27 in 2019. Also, Henderson State nursing grads have enjoyed a perfect pass rate on the NCLEX three of the past five years.

  1. University of Central Arkansas
    Annual In-State Tuition: $9,188 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $15,998 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 94.2%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: No

Bridge: Yes

Based in Conway, the University of Central Arkansas blends a large-school atmosphere with a small-school education. The impressive 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio in uncharacteristic of a school with over 11,000 students — and these small class sizes could be one reason nurses do so well on the NCLEX. UCA’s nursing program is one of the largest in the state, and while transfer students can enter the two-year BSN program, preference is given to students who complete their first two years of schooling at UCA.

  1. University of Arkansas
    Annual In-State Tuition: $9,384 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $25,872 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 93.8%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: No

Bridge: Yes

The University of Arkansas is the premier school in the University of Arkansas system. Considered one of the top public schools in the nation, U of A is a go-to destination for students interested in many different careers — including nursing. The Eleanor Mann School of Nursing has three main options: a traditional BSN, an online RN to BSN, and an LPN to BSN. This is by far the largest nursing program in the state as 180 students graduated from the BSN program in 2019. U of A is a large school, but the sheer size of the nursing program could increase your chances of being accepted.

  1. University of Arkansas – Fort Smith
    Annual In-State Tuition: $7,338.50 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $16,428.50 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 81.1%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: Yes

Bridge: Yes

Over half of the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith’s students come from Sebastian and Crawford county, but UAFS is working to change that. The in-state tuition is extended to residents of Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississipi, Louisiana, and Texas, so UAFS could be an affordable option for some regional students. The potential low tuition cost also attracts nursing students as the BSN program has nearly doubled in size over the past five years. UAFS’s NCELX pass rates aren’t the best in Arkansas, but tuition discounts could make this degree worth it to some border-state students.

  1. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
    Annual In-State Tuition: $11,778 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $22,402| NCLEX Pass Rate: 97.9%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: Yes

Bridge: Yes

Yes, the tuition costs for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is steep compared to other schools on this list; however, that’s the price you pay when you study at one of the best medical sciences institutions in the region. The nursing school currently has 590 students spread across multiple programs, the largest of which is the BSN program. Nurses that currently have a BSN can enroll in the BSN-DNP, BSN-PhD, or the MSN as an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or a nursing administrator. If you can stomach the cost (or reduce it with financial aid), then you’ll earn a BSN from Arkansas’s only academic health center.

  1. Harding University
    Annual Tuition: $21,000 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 97.8%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: Yes

Bridge: Yes

Located in the small town of Searcy (about an hour northeast of Little Rock), Harding University offers a private education and small-school atmosphere. Harding is affiliated with the churches of Christ, though many of the 5,100 students are non-religious or don’t follow the same religion. Founded in 1975, Harding University’s Carr College of Nursing has had decades to develop into the nursing powerhouse it is today. Graduates routinely excel on the NCLEX, and all BSN graduates from 2016-2018 passed the NCELX.

  1. John Brown University
    Annual Tuition: $27,668 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 90.5%

Traditional: Yes

Online: No

Accelerated: No

Bridge: No

John Brown University is a small school with just over 2,5000 students. As a private school, students don’t receive access to in-state tuition; however, the average student ends up paying much less than the annual tuition thanks to financial aid. Interestingly, the nursing program is the most popular degree option at John Brown with 128 students currently enrolled to earn a BSN. The BSN is a relatively new program, and graduates only started taking the NCLEX in 2018. The good news is that pass rates have never dipped below 90%, a good sign for the future of this program.

  1. Arkansas State University
    Annual In-State Tuition: $8,900 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $15,860 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 94%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: Yes

Bridge: Yes

As the second-largest university in Arkansas, Arkansas State University is a common destination for many Arkansas residents. Located in Jonesboro, the campus is spread over 1,376 acres, leaving plenty of room for the 14,000 students to roam and enjoy. Students interested in nursing have no shortage of options at A State. Along with a traditional BSN, online RN-BSN, and accelerated BSN, students can complete an AASN, LPN-BSN, MSN in anesthesia or as a family nurse practitioner, or a DNP. A State’s nursing school is already one of the largest in Arkansas, so nearly any student can find a nursing option that suits their needs.

  1. Arkansas Tech University
    Annual In-State Tuition: $3,712 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $7,424 (Based on per-credit tuition rates) | NCLEX Pass Rate: 93%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: No

Bridge: Yes

Arkansas Tech University has locations across the Arkansas River Valley, though the main campus is in Russellville. The Department of Nursing is also based in Russellville, so students earning a traditional BSN will study at the home campus. Arkansas Tech’s nursing program has improved over time, and NCLEX pass rates have reflected the improved quality of education. Aside from the traditional BSN, nursing students can complete an online RN-BSN, LPN-BSN, or MSN. It’s also worth noting that, students from states bordering Arkansas are eligible to waive the out-of-state tuition and earn in-state tuition, so ATU could be an affordable option for many students.

  1. Southern Arkansas University
    Annual In-State Tuition: $6,420 | Annual Out-of-State Tuition: $10,920 | NCLEX Pass Rate: 96.9%

Traditional: Yes

Online: Yes

Accelerated: No

Bridge: Yes

Southern Arkansas University prides itself on its quiet town of Magnolia near the Louisiana border. With a large campus and just 4,100 students, SAU provides a unique college atmosphere. The quiet and tranquility should be perfect for students completing their BSN. This 120-credit hour program has excellent outcomes, and nearly every recent grad passed the NCLEX to become an RN. Current RNs can take advantage of SAU’s low tuition and complete their BSN through the online RN-BSN.

Vocational Nursing Schools- LVN Programs in Houston | Texas Health School

how to become an rn in arkansas

Arkansas is a great state to work in as a nurse. Demand is high and this is reflected in an excellent average annual salary of $56,150 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, demand is likely to continue to rise in this versatile profession. But how do you become a nurse in Arkansas?


Becoming an entry level nurse is a 3-stage process. STAGE 1. CHOOSE YOUR PROGRAM. You can become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN). LPNs complete a diploma program, whereas registered nurses complete an associate’s degree (ADN) or bachelor’s degree (BSN). An LPN program takes around one year to finish, whereas an ADN will take two years and a BSN four years. STAGE 2. COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS. The LPN program usually have no requirements other than high school or GED. However, ADN and BSN programs will usually ask that you have completed some undergraduate courses. STAGE 3. PASS THE NCLEX EXAM. You need to take the NCLEX examination (PN or RN) after you have completed your educational program.


To become an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in Arkansas, you must be authorized by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing by meeting a number of requirements. This is a four stage process. STAGE 1. EARN A GRADUATE DEGREE. This must be a post-baccalaureate program at graduate level or above. The program must be approved by the Board and must be registered with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and/or the U.S. Department of Education. Additionally, the programs must meet the requirements as set by the Board in their Arkansas State Board of Nursing Rules, Chapter 6. Programs must prepare you to take on a specific advanced practice role. The curriculum must include advanced health assessment, advanced physiology/pathophysioloy and advanced pharmacology. You may pursue a Certificate of Prescriptive Authority as an APN in Arkansas. To be eligible, you must have completed at least three credits at graduate level in pharmacology and/or 45 contact hours in pharmacology for continuing education (CE). You must also have completed at least 300 hours in a preceptorship that included prescribing therapeutic devices, drugs and medicine while being supervised. APNs in Arkansas specialize in a population focus. There are different specialty areas of APNs and CNSs (clinical nurse specialists). APNs can focus on acute care, adult, adult psychiatric & mental health, family, family psychiatric & mental health, gerontological, pediatric, neonatal and women’s health care. A CNS can specialize in acute/critical care – adult, acute/critical care – neonatal, adult health setting, adult/psychiatric & mental health nursing, gerontological nursing and pediatric nursing. STAGE 2. BECOME NATIONALLY CERTIFIED IN ONE OF FOUR AREAS OF SUB-SPECIALIZATIONS. You can be certified in multiple areas. The four options are:

  1. NP – Nurse Practitioner
  2. CNM – Certified Nurse Midwife
  3. CRNA – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
  4. CNS – Clinical Nurse Specialist

The certification must be granted by one of the following agencies: The ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center) that recognizes the Adult Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP), Gerontological Nurse Practitioner (GNP), Family Nurse Practitioner, Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) and the Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). The AANP (American Academy of Nurse Practitioners) that recognizes the Adult Nurse Practitioner and the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP. The AACN (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses)that recognizes the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. The NCC (National Certification Corporation for the Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Specialties) that recognizes the Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner (WHNP) and the Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP). The PNCB (Pediatric Nursing Certification Board that recognizes the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Acute Care and Primary Care. The AMCB (American Midwifery Certification Board) that recognizes the Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). The National Board on Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) that recognizes the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). STAGE 3. APPLY TO BECOME LICENSED. For this you must provide your social security number. You must complete the Advanced Practice Nurse Licensure Application for all specializations and mail this together with the fee and supporting documentation to the Board. The Board no longer provides paper copies of licenses and you must check your status online. You will also need to complete a full criminal history background check. Forms for this are included in your application packet. You can take a fingerprint card to your local law enforcement agency. This must all be sent to the Board together with the necessary fees. You can also apply for your Certificate of Prescriptive Authority so long as you have met the necessary requirements. You must include a Quality Assurance Plan as well as the necessary fees. If you also wish to prescribe controlled substances, then you must be registered through the DEA. STAGE 4. RENEW YOUR LICENSE TOGETHER WITH YOUR RN LICENSED BIANNUALLY. This must be done no more than 60 days before it expires. Expiration date is the last day of the month of your birth. Your license renewal status can also be checked online. You have to meet the necessary CE requirements for the Board as well. This includes 15 hours of contact hours focused on practice every two years. These requirements stand for both your APN and your RN license. You also need to meet the CE requirements of your national certification agency. An additional 5 contact hours must be spent in pharmacotherapy that is related to your field of specialization if you hold and want to maintain your prescriptive authority. You will not get a letter to remind you that your license is due for renewal. You will, however, receive a postcard renewal. Your APN license renewal costs $40, and your RN license renewal costs $75. Arkansas State Board of Nursing University Tower Bldg. 1123 South University Suite 800 Little Rock, AR 72204-1619 Phone: 501-686-2700 Fax: 501-686-2714

Best Nursing Schools In Orlando

1. University of Central Florida – Orlando, FL

The University of Central Florida has educated nurses for four decades. Accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, UCF has bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs for every level of career advancement. Students can attend courses online or on the school’s central Florida campus. The College of Nursing has innovative faculty and uses evidence-based approaches for its courses. Many programs are available entirely online. These are just some of the reasons that make this one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

Central Florida ranks 4th among Florida’s public schools. This large university has more than 41,000 undergraduates. With a 43% acceptance rate, the school offers a competitive environment. The school receives an A rating for academics, campus life and diversity, and 73% of new students go on the graduate from UCF. Nursing is among the top 5 most popular majors at the school.

2. Seminole State College of Florida –  Sanford, FL

Seminole State College of Florida has an on-campus Associate in Science (A.S.) degree in Nursing. The program boasts a high NCLEX-RN pass rate. According to the school’s website, more than 98% of SSC’s graduates passed the licensure test on the first try. The statewide average pass rate is 72%. Additionally, the school matches 97% of graduates with jobs. Along with part-time and evening programs, the RN-to-BSN program can be completed online, making this a great option for students who plan to work and pursue a bachelor’s degree right after graduation. The job placement program helps make SSC one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

Seminole State is a midsize public college with under 6,000 undergraduates. The school accepts 100% of applicants, giving all students an equal chance at furthering their education. SSCF is fully accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) and approved by Florida’s Board of Nursing. The online RN-to-BSN program is also ACEN-accredited.

3. Southern Technical College – Orlando, FL

At Southern Technical College, students can earn an Associate’s Degree in Nursing within two years, and the curriculum is approved by the state’s Board of Nursing. Nursing students can opt for specialized training in perioperative nursing. The school reports an 83% pass rate among students taking the National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX-RN). Graduates typically seek jobs in hospitals, physician’s offices, and other healthcare settings, and this is one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

The ACEN-accredited college accepts 100% of students who apply. Southern Technical College is a small school with over 1,300 students. Students give the professors an 86% approval rating for class preparation and effort. The school’s open enrollment policy gives many students an opportunity to start their higher education, including many who major in medical fields. Southern Technical College receives high rankings in campus life and location. The faculty consists of industry professionals and boasts small class sizes for an ideal learning environment.

4. Lake Sumter State College – Leesburg, FL

Lake Sumter State Colleges’s Nursing, Associate in Science (ASN) Degree has received accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), as well as the approval of the Florida Board of Nursing. Some of the coursework offered includes nutrition, sciences, medical terminology, maternal newborn and pediatric nursing. The ability to continue on to obtain a bachelor’s degree via the RN-to-BSN program makes this one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

Lake-Sumter State College received its accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The school has a 100% acceptance rating and ranks highly for campus safety. Students have an opportunity to finished their associate’s degree and continue on with their education without switching schools. Nursing is among the top selected majors and about 1,700 undergraduate attend this small public university. Students report that 87% of them found jobs within two years of graduation.

5. Orange Technical College – Orlando, FL

Orange Technical College offers a practical nursing program. Students study practical and surgical nursing and are eligible to continue their education at the 12-credit accelerated associate in nursing track at Valencia College. After completing the Practical Nursing program, students can take the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) test. The versatility and small student-to-faculty ratio make this one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

Orange Technical College – Orlando is a tiny public college in Orlando. There are just over 200 undergraduate students, and the 100% acceptance rate gives students a chance to continue their education, even if they didn’t do well in high school. Orange Technical receives high ratings for location and value for money. The faculty-to-student ratio is 9:1.

6. Osceola Technical College – Kissimmee, FL

Osceola Technical College prepares students for jobs as Licensed Practical Nurses. This program has received the approval of the Florida State Board of Nursing, and graduates can go on to sit for their Licensed Practical Nursing exam. Courses include Practical Nursing Foundations, Medical Surgical Nursing and Comprehensive Nursing and Transitional Skills. Students learn basic life support and first aid skills, making it one of the best nursing schools in Orlando.

Osceola Technical is a small Florida public college with just over 300 undergraduate students. The school accepts everyone who applies, and the LPN program is one of the most popular majors. It ranks #7 among community colleges in Florida, and the campus received high ratings for campus safety and value for money.  With a student-to-faculty ratio of 19:1, students have a great opportunity to obtain one-on-one input from teachers and mentors.

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