vienna university of technology tuition fees for international students

vienna university of technology tuition fees for international students

Students’ Union Fee (ÖH-Beitrag)

With admission to a study programme at TUW you also become a member of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH), the legal representation of students’ interests. The Membership is compulsory. To get admitted or to continue the study programme you have to pay the students’ union fee (€ 20.70) each semester within the admission period (deadlines: winter semester 30.11., summer semester 30.4.). If you miss this deadlines your admission expires and you cannot continue your studies.

NOTE: The ÖH-Beitrag is not part of the tuition fee and must be paid by all students without exception each semester.

Tuition Fee

At all public universities in Austria tuition fee has to be paid by the students. As a result of the statutory provisions, however, the tuition fee in degree programmes for Austrian and EU nationals must be paid after the duration of the degree programme stipulated in the curriculum is exceeded, plus two tolerance semesters. This means that in the bachelor’s degree program from the 9th semester, in the master’s program from the 7th semester and in the doctoral program also from the 9th semester the tuition fee must be paid to continue the degree programme.

Non-degree students and non-EU nationals are subject to regular study fees from the first semester.

Important information

Amount of the tuition fee

In general, the tuition fee is € 363.36 per semester, respectively € 726.72 for non-EU nationals. Apart from this amount, you will also need to pay the students ‘union  fee incl. insurance (€ 20.70 per semester).

This leads to a total amount of either € 383.06 or € 746.42 per semester in the general admission period.

Within the extended admission period the amount of the tuition fee is increased by 10%, which leads to a total amount of € 399,70. The amount of the tuition fee is not increased for non-EU-nationals and the amount of the students’ union fee remains the same within the extended admission period.

This leads to a total amount of either € 420.40 or € 745.92 per semester in the extended admission period.

Please note!
The extended admission period is only valid for admission to a master or doctoral programme. Persons, who will apply for a bachelor programme have to pay until September 5th in winter term/February 5th in summer term (regular admission period)!

Who is exempted from tuition fee?

Exemption for a limited period

The following degree program students are exempted from the tuition fee as long as they study within the minimum duration of their degree program plus two additional semesters:

  1. Austrian citizen
  2. Citizen of the EU
  3. Citizen of the EEA
  4. Citizen of Switzerland
  5. Recognised refugees
  6. People granted subsidiary protection
  7. People with following settlement permits:
    • “Daueraufenthalt – EG” issued by the responsible Austrian authority
    • “Daueraufenthalt – EG” issued by the responsible authority of an EU-member state and a settlement permit for Austria
    • “Daueraufenthaltskarte” issued by the responsible Austrian authority
  8. Citizen of Turkey if they currently live with the parents and those are or were properly employed in Austria (according the Association Agreement between Turkey and the European Economic Community)
  9. Students because of the Personengruppen-Verordnung (except students with an Austrian residence title “Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierende”)
  10. Students with another Austrian residence title than „Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierende“

PLEASE NOTE! You must provide the original and a copy of your residence title at the Admission Office!

In this case students pay only the students’ union fee of € 20.20 until the end of the admission period in order to continue their studies.

In case you exceeded the minimum duration of your degree program (plus two additional semesters) you pay the tuition fee of € 382.56. This amount consists of the tuition fee (€ 363.36) and the students’ union fee (€ 20.20).

General exemption

If you are national of one of the following countries TUW grants you a general exemption of the tuition fee. You only have to pay the students’ union fee of € 20.20 per semester.

Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo – Democratic Republic, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Cambodia, Cap Verde, Kiribati, Comorian, Laos – People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauretania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen and Zambia.

Other countries

If you are a non-EU-/EEA-citizen of a country, which is not mentioned in the lists above, you have to pay the double amount of the tuition fee (€ 726.72) and the students’ union fee (€ 20.20).

How to pay the tuition fee?

Full and timely payment of your prescribed tuition fees is a prerequisite of your admission to studies, respectively of registration for the continuation of your studies! Payment by instalments is not an option.

Please pay only within the admission period of each semester!

You can find the amount of your tuition fee online here:, opens an external URL in a new window.

Please note! A payment form is not any longer available at the Admission Office for continuing you studies.

Information for payment :

Remission of the tuition fee

Degree programme students (except non-EU-nationals who are holders of an Austrian residence title for students – “Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierende”) have the possibility to apply for remission of the tuition fee. Please note! Apart from the remission of tuition fee, you will always need to pay the students‘ union fee incl. insurance (€ 20.20 per semester) to continue your studies!

The application period for the summer semester ends with the admission period (winter semester: 30.11.; summer semester 30.4.). Please submit applications for a remission of tuition fees to the Admission Office. All documents must be submitted as original documents or legalized copies. Documents issued in foreign languages must comply with the appropriate regulations with regard to translation and legalization.

The following statutory grounds are valid:

  1. The student was hindered in his/her studies by serious illness for at least two months during the respective semester or for at least two months during the respective semester due to pregnancy.(Documentation: written confirmation from a medical specialist)
  2. The student is the main person responsible for the care and upbringing of a child below the age of 7 years, or until the child enters first grade, living in the same household. (Documentation: Birth certificate and residence registration form (Meldezettel) of the child, residence registration form of the student and a sworn declaration that the student is the main person responsible for the care of the child)
  3. The student has a disability of at least 50% as defined by federal regulations. (Documentation: disability pass issued by the Austrian social services office)
  4. The student was enlisted for military service or compulsory social service for more than 2 months of the respective degree program or program phase. (Documentation: written confirmation from the relevant military command post or social service agent)
  5. The student is the recipient of a study grant pursuant to the Student Support Act (Studienförderungsgesetz, StudFG) 1992 in the current semester or the semester immediately preceding the current semester. (Documentation: Official notification letter from the Austrian Study Grant Authority – Studienbeihilfenbehörde)
  6. Study/internship during a mobility programme in Austria or abroad. (Documentation: confirmation of participation by the mobility programme)
  7. Stay abroad: due to mandatory participation by the curriculum. (Documentation: Confirmation by the dean office.)


If it is not possible to submit your application for remission of the tuition fee before October 31 or March 31, respectively, or in the case that valid grounds for a remission (e.g. illness, conscription to military or social service, or responsibility for the care of a child) occur at a later date during the respective semester, tuition fees must be paid. However, an application for reimbursement of the tuition fee must be submitted, accompanied by the documents named above, for the winter semester by March 31, and for the summer semester by September 30.

Missing of the term

We are sorry, this information is only available in German. The English Version is under construction.

Reimbursement of the tuition fee

You have valid reasons for reimbursement of the amount payable to TU Wien if you have paid your tuition fee and one of the following applies:

  1. your application for remission of tuition fee was approved after you paid your tuition fee;
  2. you have paid excess tuition fee
  3. your tuition fee payment fell short of the prescribed amount, thus invalidating your admission to studies at the TUW.
  4. you have completed your studies or you have disenrolled from your studies at TU Wien before the end of the extended admission without taking any examination during the relevant semester, you may not have submitted any scientific work for evaluation and you may not have been admitted to studies at any other Austrian university;
  5. you paid tuition fee because you got your documents concerning your application for remission after the application period for remission

Applications for reimbursement shall be submitted to the Admission Office before the following deadlines:

  • for the winter semester: the next 31st March
  • for the summer semester: the next 30th September

Tuition fee for non-degree students?

Regardless of their citizenship, non-degree program students have to pay € 383.06 per semester within the general admission period. This amount consists of the tuition fee (€ 363.36) and the students’ union fee (€ 20.70). The amount of the tuition fee is not increased for non-degree program students during the extended admission period.

If you are attending exclusively a continuing education program at TU Wien, you are exempted from the tuition fee. You have to pay the students’ union fee and the fee of the program you are attending.

ÖH-Beitrag (Studierendenbeitrag)

Mit der Zulassung zum Studium an der TUW werden Sie nicht nur Angehörige_r der TUW, sondern auch Mitglied bei der Österreichischen Hochschüler_innenschaft (ÖH), der gesetzlichen Interessenvertretung der Studierenden. Die Mitgliedschaft in der ÖH ist eine Pflichtmitgliedschaft (wie bei der Arbeiter- oder Wirtschaftskammer). Jedes Semester ist der Studierendenbeitrag – der sog. ÖH-Beitrag – innerhalb der Zulassungsfrist zu entrichten. Die Zulassung und die Fortmeldung des Studiums sind erst mit der Einbezahlung des ÖH-Beitrages abgeschlossen.

Wird der ÖH-Beitrag nicht bis Ende der Nachfrist (Wintersemester 30.11.; Sommersemester 30.4.) einbezahlt, erfolgt keine Fortmeldung des Studiums und die Zulassung erlischt! Sie werden damit automatisch vom Studium abgemeldet.

WICHTIG: Der ÖH-Beitrag ist nicht Teil des Studienbeitrags und von allen Studierenden jedes Semester ausnahmslos zu entrichten.

Der ÖH-Beitrag beträgt derzeit € 20,70.


Grundsätzlich besteht in Österreich an den öffentlichen Universitäten eine generelle Studienbeitragspflicht für alle Studierenden. Infolge der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen entsteht die Studienbeitragspflicht in ordentlichen Studien jedoch erst mit Überschreiten der im Curriculum festgelegten Regelstudiendauer zuzüglich zwei Toleranzsemester. Das bedeutet, im Bachelorstudium ist ab dem 9. Semester (6+2), im Masterstudium ab dem 7. Semester (4+2) und im Doktoratsstudium ebenfalls ab dem 9. Semester (6+2).

Nach Überschreiten der studienbeitragsfreien Zeit besteht jedoch die Möglichkeit, einen Erlass des Studienbeitrages bzw. eine Rückerstattung für den bereits entrichteten Studienbeitrag zu beantragen.

Ab dem ersten Semester studienbeitragspflichtig sind außerordentliche Studierende (unabhängig von der Staatszugehörigkeit) und Drittstaatsangehörige im ordentlichen Studium. 

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