University of Vechta Masters

Last Updated on December 14, 2022

Are you among the set of people that have been thinking of going to the University of Vechta so that you can have an edge to boost your career? Are you a student in search of a good university to further your education. Do you have what it takes and the necessities to help you excel in your career?

Do you want to know more about the University of Vechta Masters or you want to know more about the University of Vechta ranking? Be prepared! You are about to gain information on how long it takes to enroll to the school of your dreams. Get ready as we tell you on the practical and theoretical skills your school has to help you fulfill your career.

University of Vechta Masters opens its doors to international students. University of Vechta offers degrees and graduate courses at affordable fees.

This University will educate both undergraduates, postgraduates, and practitioners to stay abreast of the course occurring in the field of any discipline. Visit to get unlimited access to information that websites don’t have.

university of vechta masters programmes

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Cosmopolitan, personal, familial – the University of Vechta is a youthful, modern campus university with excellent conditions for studying and a clearly delineated profile. For the 5000 students and 400-odd staff, the campus offers a familial atmosphere conveniently coupled with the infrastructure of a modern university.


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The original institution was directed solely towards teacher training. Following expansion into a Catholic seminary for schoolteachers, in 1940 it became the Duchy of Oldenburg Vechta Teacher Training College (Oldenburgische Lehrerbildungsanstalt Vechta).


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The Bologna Process has been fully implemented, with the emphasis on quality – attractive, forward-looking courses, personal support, and global exchange programmes are the hallmarks of a high-quality degree programme.

Subjects available as part of the two-subject Combined Studies degree or the Master of Education degree (primary or secondary education)


With regard to research, the University of Vechta focuses on innovative and forward-looking key areas, giving it a distinct profile. Instead of being divided into faculties or departments, the University is made up of 20 subjects and seven institutes.

Research centers interlink the University’s key areas of research in a multidisciplinary manner. With around 60 professorships, 170 research assistants and almost 200 doctoral candidates, it is firmly established in the region as an important scientific center.

Master’s Programmes

Student services

During your stay at the University of Vechta, you will be looked after by the International Office, which should be your first port of call after arriving in Vechta.

It is advisable to arrive in Vechta early enough for you to take part in the induction week at the beginning of the term. In addition to finding out about how to organize and plan your studies, you’ll also gain information about the structure of the University of Vechta and also have the chance to get to know other students from your degree programme or course.

Housing services

Our student residences:

Student residence Sonnenkamp
Student residence Immentun
Female Student Residence St. Dominikus
Private accommodation can be found through the Oldenburgische Volkszeitung, the Students’ Union Executive Committee or through private housing agents.

Library services

The library at the University of Vechta obtains literature for all members of the university. It procures books, journals, electronic resources and media required for researching, teaching and studying, and makes them available to users.

Medical services

In order to enroll at the University of Vechta, international students will be required to show proof of health insurance valid in Germany. However, if students have health insurance in their home country, there is a chance that it is recognized in Germany.

University of Vechta – A Rounder Sense of Purpose

Campus life

Campus life at the University of Vechta means first and foremost one thing – a wide variety of opportunities. From student initiatives, a broad range of leisure options, and university sport, to attractive and inexpensive housing, it offers everything the student heart could wish for. Social events such as the summer festival and University ball, performances in the auditorium and refectory, the University’s own cinema and a wide range of nightlife promise a varied student life.

Student clubs

AStA is the executive committee of the student body. Its task is to manage the student body and to represent its interests within and outside the university. AStA receives a budget to organize student activities, such as student councils and parties. In addition to providing all kinds of assistance regarding studies and problems, AStA offers the following services: laundrette tokens, international student cards, concert tickets, B1 cinema Star Card (5 films for the price of 4), and so on.

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