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Academic year 2021-2022

The UniTo 2021-22 Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulation is being revised to transpose the new ministerial provisions that raise the no-tax area to € 22,000 of ISEE and further decrease the single comprehensive tuition fee for students with ISEE between € 22,000.01 and € 30,000.
The information and contribution amounts will be updated as soon as the new Regulation is approved (end of September 2021).

Here you can find the main information on students’ contribution.
For further details, please consult Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2021-2022 (Italian version).

Please see also Vademecum per chi studia a.a. 2021-2022 (Italian version).Ask for ISEE to pay according to your economic situationTuition fees for international studentsFull-comprehensive contribution based on ISEE parificato and GDP per capita PPP of the country of residence

If you are a student

  • resident abroad (unless you are registered with AIRE and married to a citizen resident in Italy)
  • resident in Italy, but you do not meet the independence requirements pursuant to art. 8 of DPCM 159/2013 as amended and your family members are resident abroad

you can choose to request a reduction for the full-comprehensive contribution due for enrollment on study courses of the academic year 2020-2021  based on the ISEE parificato or based on the GDP pro capita and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of the country of  residence or that of parents (if you are not a self-employed student).

The independence requirements are considered to be met if you meet both the following conditions:

  • you have resided outside the home of the family of origin, for at least two years, in a flat not owned by one member of the family;
  • have declared an income of at least € 6,500.00 in the years 2018 and 2019.

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