Aerospace Control Engineering – Master
Satelitteknologi, sivilingeniør – master
Duration: 2 yearsPhoto: MostPhotosCAMPUS
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- Aerospace Control Engineering – Master
Do you want to be an active part of the future of aerospace? Crewless aerial vehicles (i.e., drones) are a growing technology with limitless possibilities and applications which were previously only possible with operating aerial systems. In the Aerospace Control Engineering master program at UiT Narvik, you will learn to develop state-of-the-art guidance, navigation, and control systems for unmanned aerial systems, including fixed-wing UAVs, multirotor, and satellites. If you want to improve technologies for next-generation autonomy, then this study program is for you.
Satelitteknologi, sivilingeniør – master (Aerospace Control Engineering) gir studenter spesifikke ferdigheter som er nødvendige for å modellere, designe og kontrollere den dynamiske oppførselen til luftfartssystemer, inkludert fastvingede UAV-er, droner og satellitter. Masterprogrammet er egnet for studenter med interesse for utdanning innen utvikling og bruk av toppmoderne kontrollteknologi for luftfartsrelaterte formål. Denne typen teknologi har også store likheter med teknologier for ekstreme miljøer, som i arktiske regioner og havbunn. Studenter med interesse for utvikling av teknologier på slike felt som i arktiske regioner og havbunn, vil finne dette programmet relevant. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STUDYE-post:
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Se video all Program descriptionDuration: 2 YearsCredits (ECTS): 120Admission requirements: A relevant undergraduate Bachelor Engineering programme within electronics or space technology with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics and 7,5 credits physics.Degree Name: Master of Science in Aerospace Control Engineering / ‘Sivilingeniør’Application code: 9009
The master program in Aerospace Control Engineering at IVT-faculty, UiT Narvik Campus provides a unique education in Norway, where you as a student will learn about the most relevant technologies necessary for design, construction, and utilization of control systems in aerospace applications. Through the two-year program, important theoretical preliminaries such as applied mathematics, digital system and signal theory, embedded systems, navigation and automatic control are covered, as well as more specialized topics on system identification, artificial intelligence, and modeling, guidance and control.
Through a multidisciplinary program, students learn the relevant methods and skills in various technological fields, with a commonality through its application in aerospace-related systems. The program involves lectured courses, as well as a high degree of problem-based education (i.e. learning by doing), where the students spend their time working on relevant projects under supervision of a highly qualified staff. The project topics are chosen from ongoing internal research projects, as well as national and international aerospace related projects that UiT participates in. Therefore, several projects has ended in results at a high international level, published in international scientific journals. The students have also been able to present their results for international audiences at scientific conferences and workshops. In the last few years, such projects have included:
Attitude determination and control system design for the European Student Earth Orbiter (ESEO) and European Student Moon Orbiter (ESMO) spacecraft under the SSETI-project initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA).
- Development of an Aerosol detector rocket payload for collection of ionized dust particles, under the ESPRIT project by NASA.
- Design, implementation and testing of all subsystems (ground station, power supply, data handling, control, communication and payload) in UiTs own spacecraft HiNCube.
- Mathematical modelling, synchronization and coordinated control of small spacecraft in formation, in cooperation with internal PhD-students and supervisors.
- Mathematical modeling, guidance and control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in cooperation with internal PhD-students and supervisors.
To provide a high-quality education with relevance to industry, UiT is cooperating with the national universities in Oslo (UiO), Bergen (UiB), Trondheim (NTNU), as well as European Space Agency, Norwegian Space Centre and the Norwegian Centre for Space-related Education (NAROM). Learning outcomes Job prospectives Program structure Admission requirements Teaching and assessment Language of instruction Access to further studies Exchange Destinations for studies abroad More information about the program Study plan