Are you looking for information about a specific University Of Maryland College Park Courses? Well this blog may be right for you, here we have a lot of information regarding university of maryland college park courses.
- Accounting
- Aerospace Engineering
- African American Studies
- Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Air Force ROTC
- American Studies
- Animal and Avian Sciences
- Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation Program
- Arabic Studies
- Architecture
- Army ROTC
- Art
- Art History and Archaeology
- Asian American Studies Program
- Astronomy
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
- Behavioral and Community Health
- Biochemistry
- Bioengineering
- Biological Sciences Undergraduate Program
- Biology
- Biophysics
- Business
- Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Chemical Physics Program
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Classics
- Communication
- Comparative Literature Program
- Computer Science
- Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, & Counselor Education
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Dance
- Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
—Formerly Information Systems and Management Science & Statistics
- Economics
- Education, Curriculum and Instruction
- Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- English Language and Literature
- Entomology
- Environmental Science and Policy Program
- Environmental Science and Technology Program
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Executive Programs
- Family Science
- Film Studies
- Finance
- Fire Protection Engineering
- Fischell Dept. of Bioengineering
- French Studies
- Geography
- Geology
- Germanic Studies
- Government and Politics
- Health Services Administration
- Hearing and Speech Sciences
- Historic Preservation Program
- History
- Human Development (Institute for Child Study)
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Individual Studies Program
- Information Management
- Information Science
- Institute of Applied Agriculture
- Italian Language and Literature
- Japanese Language and Culture
- Jewish Studies Program
- Joint Program in Survey Methodology
- Journalism
- Kinesiology
- Korean Language and Culture
- Landscape Architecture
- Latin American Studies Center
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Studies Program
- Letters and Sciences
- Library and Information Science
- Linguistics
- Logistics, Business and Public Policy
- Management and Organization
- Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences
- Marketing
- Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Mathematics
- Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation
- Mechanical Engineering
- Music
- National Persian Flagship Program
- Natural Resources Management Program
- Naval ROTC
- Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program
- Nutrition and Food Science
- Persian Studies
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture
- Psychology
- Public Policy
- Real Estate Development Program
- Reliability Engineering
- Russian Language and Culture
- School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Second Language Acquisition
- Sociology
- Spanish and Portuguese languages and Literatures
- Special Education
- Statistics Program
- Sustainable Development and Conservation Biology (CONS)
- Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
- Networking and Telecommunications Services
- Theatre
- Urban Studies and Planning
- Veterinary Medicine
- Women’s Studies
university of maryland college park majors
With over 90 undergraduate majors across 12 colleges and schools, we have you covered.
Pick one, pick two or even create your own major through our Individual Studies Program and explore a new interest through one of our 80+ minors.
Still considering your options? To find the perfect fit for your fearless ideas, take some time to review these additional program types offered at UMD:
Certificate and Pre-Professional Programs
Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Programs
Computer, Data and Information Sciences
Letters & Sciences
Limited Enrollment Programs
Students who wish to complete a second major concurrently with their primary major must obtain written permission from the appropriate departments and college(s). Therefore, second majors cannot be declared during the application process. Admitted students are encouraged to discuss their interest in pursuing a second major (a.k.a double majoring) during advising sessions. This can begin as early as New Student Orientation. Specific criteria may differ among departments and college(s).
When you apply, your preferred major does not affect your admissibility to the University of Maryland.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
College of Arts and Humanities
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Robert H. Smith School of Business
College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences
College of Education
A. James Clark School of Engineering
College of Information Studies
Philip Merrill College of Journalism
School of Public Health
School of Public Policy
Public Policy