university of graz fees

university of graz tuition fees for international students

University of Graz or Karl Franzens Universität Graz (KFUG) – public higher education institution in Austria. KFUG began its academic activity in1585. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Graz.

University ranking. University of Graz is one of the best universities in Austria, taking its rightful place among the top 5 educational institutions of the country. University of Graz is among the oldest and the most prestigious universities of Austria. University of Graz is in the top 5% according to the international rankings. Its expertise lay in the fields of: «Arts and Humanities», «Natural Science». The university is considered to be among the best in the quality of education and ranks in the top 400 in that criterion.

Application process and the cost of tuition. The enrollment is based on the exam results. The university shares the popular system in Austria that divides the academic year into semesters. KFUG has affordable bachelor’s programs that cost less than 2,000 USD/year. The master’s degree will cost an applicant about 1,677 USD per an academic year. Despite the tuition gees being quite low, the students often participate in scholarship programs. On the official website of the university ( you can read more about the programs and associated tuition fees.

The composition of the university. University of Graz is classified as a large university with more than 20,000 concurrent students. The university accepts both local and foreign students. Among the students every 8 is a foreigner. The academic staff includes more than 1300 teachers and professors. The academic staff mainly consists of foreign specialists The university offers its students and the academic staff to participate in the international exchange programs. KFUG has the following social media pages TwitterYoutubeFacebook.

Infrastructure of KFUG. The university has a functioning library. For those who require accommodations dormitories on and off campus are offered. University of Graz is a part of the following groups European University Association (EUA), OECD-IMHE, Coimbra Group, Utrecht Network, Universities Austria (uniko), European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN), International Assiocation of Universities (IAU).Free consultationUniPage services

Ranking  419   4
Karl Franzens Universität Graz
Bachelor (foreigners)1,677 USD/year.
Master (foreigners)1,677 USD/year.
Bachelor (citizens)822 USD/year.
Master (citizens)822 USD/year.
Living expenses$605 -1,103 USD/month

 General information

Finance typeNonprofit
Organization typePublic
Academic calendarSemesters
AdmissionBased on entrance examinations
Gender limitationNo limits
Campus typeUrban
Financial aidAvailable
Exchange programsAvailable
• Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft, Österreich
• European University Association (EUA)
• Coimbra Group
• Utrecht Network
• Universities Austria (uniko)
• European Universities Continuing Education Network (EUCEN)
• International Assiocation of Universities (IAU)


World ranking419
Country ranking4
Academic Reputation330
International Faculty264
International Students374
Ranking in world by sphere
Arts and Humanities296
Natural Science394
International rankings
UniPage World University Ranking419
QS World University Rankings433
ARWU Academic Ranking401

Cost of living in Graz

Expenses – USD/MonthMin.Med.
Communications and utilities92146
Sports and leisure1878
Accommodation in GrazUSD/Month
Shared room outside of centre235
Shared room in city centre276
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre396
1 bedroom apartment in city centre436

Alternative title

Arabicجامعة غراتس
GermanKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz
SpanishUniversidad de Graz
FrenchUniversité de Graz
hrSveučilište u Grazu
PortugueseUniversidade de Graz
RussianУниверситет Граца
slUniverza v Gradcu

Location on map

Object on map

Bachelor – University of Graz


Description of University of Graz

Situated between the Mediterranean Sea and the Alps, the University of Graz has been a great influence on the character and the life of the capital of Styria for 425 years (founded in 1585). So far, six Nobel Prize winners have taught and researched as professors at Austria’s second oldest university. Today, these six large faculties define the holistic approach: Faculty of Theology: The Catholic Theological Faculty is committed to the tradition of the Second Vatican Council. It promotes the dialogue between theology and its cultural, social and political environment by way of research activities and teaching programmes. Its target groups are students in vocational training schemes for church and school professions, adult education, culture and media as well as graduates working in these fields who are interested in further education. Faculty of Law: Current and basic questions on society and economy are at the centre of research and teaching in Law. The study programme offers a sound basic education and provides students with knowledge and an understanding of law. In traineeships, students are prepared for their demanding jobs at an early stage and they learn a sensitive approach to problems as well as how to apply their knowledge in a competent way. Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences: The social and economic scientific subjects at the University of Graz are characterised by intellectual independence, critical discussion and cutting-edge research. The trendsetting study programmes are designed to provide answers to practical questions. A comprehensive offer of business languages – among them Russian, Japanese and Chinese – round off the excellent educational programmes. Faculty of Humanities: The Faculty of Humanities includes about twenty different disciplines. All these individual scientific disciplines have one thing in common – their multifacetted approaches to discussing culture, society and cultural heritage. Apart from numerous co-operations with institutions in Austria and abroad, the Humanities are involved in large European programmes in which they contribute innovative approaches in the field of New Historical Research. Faculty of Natural Sciences: Graduates of the natural scientific disciplines acquire distinct analytical capabilities, specific approaches to solving problems and a skillful use of modern technologies. With the showcase-project NAWI Graz, the University of Graz and the Graz University of Technology have created a co-operation in the special fields of chemistry, technical and molecular bio-sciences, mathematics, physics and geo-sciences that is unique in Austria. Faculty of Environmental and Regional Sciences and Education: With this faculty that was founded in 2007, the University of Graz actively engages in societally relevant topics like education, sports, climate and the environment and pools important aspects for the development and future of the region. The integration of the Environmental and Regional Sciences offers an optimal basis for interdisciplinary research and teaching. By strengthening the educational sciences, the growing importance of lifelong learning is given proper consideration. Diversity and a wide scope – that is what characterizes the education programmes at the University of Graz. About 32.000 Students from about 100 countries can choose from more than hundred fields of studies. Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes have been established in order to provide compatibility with international systems and mobility for students. The programmes ensure a sound preparation for traditional vocational fields and have innovative potentials for contemporary areas of work. Selected doctoral programmes create an ideal basis for a scientific career. Under the framework of NAWI Graz, joint degree programmes with the Graz University of Technology have been established. With our international partner universities we offer 11 Master and 1 Doctoral programme as international Joint degrees. The University of Graz also wants to accompany interested persons on a lifelong basis. This is reflected in the comprehensive offer of continuing education programmes, which are based on the latest research results and also geared to the demands of industry and society. The research profile of the University of Graz is primarily characterized by seven interdisciplinary fields: Models and Simulations, Molecular Enzymology and Physiology, Brain and Behaviour, Environment and Global Change, Heterogeneity and Cohesion Europe’s History of Culture and Interpretation, Learning – Education – Knowledge. As a modern scientific institution, the University of Graz pools first-rate research on an international level in numerous projects and co-operations. Special research programmes funded by the Austrian Science Fund as well as a national research network are co-ordinated here. Successful co-operations with industry provide new stimuli, particularly for the future region. By cross-border programs, the University of Graz fulfills its traditional function as a connecting link in a new Europe. Intensive co-operations with about 600 universities – among them, 24 carefully selected complete academic partner institutions – underpin the great significance of a worldwide integration of research and teaching. Research projects, curricula development, as well as mobility through the exchange of teachers and students, visiting professorships and internships form an important quality feature. Due to its geographical situation and historical tradition, the University acts as a central point of intersection and scientific platform for its partner institutions. For more than a decade, the University of Graz has been co-operating successfully with more than 300 partner institutions in numerous EU-education programs. It is Austria’s only university in the UTRECHT network and in the COIMBRA group, where it has proven its strength as a driving force for innovation and reform

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