Undergraduate Admissions
This area provides admissions information for:
- Application Deadlines
- Application Forms: Application for study abroad, career, 4-year, and non-credit internship/SPEL programs at FUA-AUF
- Enrollment Guidelines and Admissions Requirements: To enroll in academic programs related to any of these periods, please consult their corresponding link within the below sections where you will be guided to more information along with the application forms.
Application Deadlines
Valid up to and including the Summer 2022 academic season:
FALL Aug Intersession, Aug 4w Session, 15/16w Semester, Session I: July 15 11/12w Semester, Session II: Aug 15 Session III: Sept 15 Session IV: Oct 15 | SPRING Jan Intersession, Jan 4w Session, 15/16w Semester, Session I: Dec 15 11/12w Semester, Session II: Jan 15 Session III: Feb 15 Session IV: March 15 | SUMMER Summer Semester, I, V, A, C: April 20 Summer II, VI, D: May 11 Summer III, VII, B, E: June 1 Summer IV, VIII, F: June 22 |
Application Forms
The FUA-AUF application form for admissions can be used for the following programs of study:
- Study Abroad: Semesters, Quarters/Intensive Sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer, Highlight Programs).
- Career Programs: Fulfillment of levels based on the Quarter Sessions. Includes special highlight career programs on a short-term basis.
- 4-Year Undergraduate Programs: 4-Year Curricula and their relative concentrations.
- Non-Credit Internships/SPEL: Minimum 3-week experience that combines Italian language and professional internships or SPEL placement courses, minimum 6-week experiences for externally-based internships.
2021-2022 Application Form, valid for Fall 21, Spring 22, and Summer 22.
Enrollment Guidelines and Admissions Requirements
1. Application Deadlines per session.
2. Applicants are expected to meet the following criteria:
– For US/Canadian students a required minimum GPA of 2.75, English Fluency, High School Diploma or equivalent.
– Please note that Internship and SPEL placement courses have additional interview requirements.
3. Please send Program Application (signed and completed), official transcript, CV, or statement of prior experience (if applying for intermediate or advanced levels only), and USF Conduct Waiver (if requesting a USF School of Record Transcript) using one of the following methods:
Email: admissions@fua.it
Fax: (+39) 055 2476234
Florence University of the Arts
ATTN: Admissions Office
Corso Tintori, 21
50122 Firenze ITALY
1. Application Deadlines
2. Requirements: Application form and fees, High School diploma, English fluency. For A.A. programs, the English language level is as stated below for the bachelor’s degree programs.
3. Students applying for entrance to non-beginning program levels or the Master-level programs must consult program-specific requirements.
Please note: U.S. Veterans, please inquire for information on 2-year Apicius programs that are eligible for tuition benefits.
4. Please send Program Application (signed and completed), official transcript, CV, or statement of prior experience (if applying for intermediate or advanced levels only, see above), and USF Conduct Waiver (if requesting a USF School of Record Transcript) using one of the following methods:
Email: admissions@fua.it
Fax: (+39) 055 2476234
Florence University of the Arts
ATTN: Admissions Office
Corso Tintori, 21
50122 Firenze ITALY
Please note: For admissions requirements related to the BA-BLPS dual degree program, please visit the program page.
1. Application Deadlines
2. Requirements:
- Application form and fee: students must submit a completed and signed application form along with the application fee.
- Official transcripts: For all bachelor’s degrees, students are required to submit a complete certified/official high school transcript and diploma (a certified English translation is required along with course descriptions and syllabi for faculty evaluation). For transfer credit requests related to previous higher education coursework, foreign language transcripts as well as course descriptions and syllabi must be submitted with translations that are certified / authenticated. The Admissions Office reviews the transfer requests with the Academic Affairs Office and pertinent faculty members.
- GPA Requirements: For US and Canadian students wishing to complete their Undergraduate Program with FUA-AUF, as a transfer student, they must meet a minimum required cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Language proficiency: 6.5 IELTS or 71 TOEFL IBT. Students who score 6.0 IELTS or 61-71 TOEFL IBT will be required to take LACWRS070 (Research and Academic Skills) and LACWWR101 (Fundamentals of Writing).
- Each qualified applicant will be interviewed by an Admissions officer of FUA-AUF or their nominee in person, by telephone, or other communication means. The main purpose of the interview is to select motivated applicants with the ability to benefit from a solid commitment to FUA-AUF’s program. FUA-AUF actively encourages applications from students of all ages, gender, ethnic, and/or social background, and from students with disabilities.
- Letters of Recommendation: At least one letter of recommendation must accompany the application. They must be addressed to FUA-AUF Admissions Office and sent electronically directly by the reviewer. Letters submitted by the student are not acceptable. The contents of the letter should address the student’s academic ability, potential and what he/she will gain from studying at FUA-AUF and in Florence.
- Personal Statements: Applicants must include a personal statement. This letter should help us learn more about the applicant and his/her qualities beyond test scores, grades, and work history.
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae: Applicants can elect to send a Resume/Curriculum Vitae along with their application. This document should reflect the applicant’s work and research history.
- Direct admission to the bachelor’s degree programs is granted upon completion of Associate’s Degrees / Certificate Career Programs, see specific bachelor’s degree program details for further information.
3. Please send the aforementioned documentation and Program Application (signed and completed) with an official transcript, CV, or statement of prior experience (if applying for intermediate or advanced levels only), and USF Conduct Waiver (if requesting a USF School of Record Transcript) using one of the following methods:
Email: admissions@fua.it
Fax: (+39) 055 2476234
Florence University of the Arts
ATTN: Admissions Office
Corso Tintori, 21
50122 Firenze ITALY