university of antwerp nursing

Master of Nursing and Midwifery

This programme is taught in Dutch. On these pages, and for informational purposes only, we provide basic information about this programme in English.

To find out more, we kindly refer you to the detailed information in Dutch:Detailed information in Dutch

Programme info

Admission requirements

  • Direct: diploma of professional bachelor of midwifery or professional bachelor of nursing and having successfully completed the bridging programme N&M.
  • Students from the Netherlands should have a diploma of bachelor of nursing (HBOV), bachelor of midwifery, bachelor of lecturer nursing, assistant anaesthetics or surgery assistant. They also have to complete the bridging programme N&M.

Learning outcomes

General core competences

1. The master is able to fulfill general management tasks in healthcare.

2. The master is able to operate in a scientific, innovative and creative manner in the multi-professional, complex and uncertain context of nursing and midwifery care.

General scientific core competences

3. The master is able to apply general research methods and techniques.

4. The master has knowledge of research methods for acquiring and processing healthcare data.

5. The master is able to consult, interpret and report on the scientific literature on healthcare.

6. The master is able to develop and implement small-scale applied scientific research in nursing and midwifery care.

Scientific disciplinary core competences

7. The master has thorough knowledge of physio-pathological processes that are relevant to providing adequate nursing and midwifery care.

8. The master has knowledge and mastery of the relevant care processes in nursing and midwifery and is able to situate them in the current framework of nursing and midwifery theory.

9. The master has sound knowledge of and insight into national and international healthcare.

Core competences of a starting practitioner

10. The master incorporates clinical and nursing knowledge in order to apply, develop and coordinate nurse and midwifery care processes independently.

11. The master controls and coordinates direct patient care in a multiprofessional context in order to increase the quality of care provided.

Model Path

Common stem

Systematic literature review

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM4 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Quantitative data analysis

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM3 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The application of qualitatieve research

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM3 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Compulsory courses – Advanced Midwifery Practice

Leadership as direction of care: concepts and skills

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The expert in the evidence based care proces

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The professional as administrator of quality assurance and patient safety

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Enhanced clinical practice in midwifery

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.2E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The midwife in contemporary healthcare society

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.2E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The advanced midwife as a coordinator and facilitator of implementing midwifery models

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.2E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

The advanced midwife in a European and international context

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.2E SEM5 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Master thesis ‘Advanced Midwifery Practice’ – setup and start up

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E/2E SEM3 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Master thesis ‘Advanced Midwifery Practice’ – scientific publication

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.1E/2E SEM9 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

Master thesis ‘Advanced Midwifery Practice’ – argumenting, debating and defending

This information sheet indicates how the course will be organized at pandemic code level yellow and green.

If the colour codes change during the academic year to orange or red, modifications are possible, for example to the teaching and evaluation methods.2E SEM3 ECTS-creditsLecturer(s):

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