trinity western university nursing tuition

If you are reading about Trinity Western University Nursing Tuition for the first time, it may seem overwhelming to those who have not previously done so, but you will probably find it fascinating. 

You’ll also find more information about other topics like Trinity Western University Nursing Requirements, Trinity Western University Nursing Tuition, Trinity Western University Nursing Masters, Langara College Post Degree Diploma In Nursing, Langara College Nursing Requirements on infolearners.


The School of Nursing admits 60 students to the undergraduate program each fall.

Acceptance to the program requires the following:

  • Acceptance to TWU as an undergraduate student
  • High school pre-requisites
  • Nursing application
  • References
  • CASPer assessment and Snapshot

The admission decisions will be based on academic standing, nursing application score, references, and CASPer and Snapshot results.

The deadline for applications is February 28Applications will not be reviewed until all application requirement have been received. Late applications will be reviewed and considered if space becomes available.

Since the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of seats available, fulfilment of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. The School of Nursing reserves the right of selection of all students for admission to the program. While we consider all applicants who complete the application process, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given preference.

Admission to the program will be granted to students who not only demonstrate academic potential but also demonstrate the qualities, skills, and clinical aptitude necessary to become a caring and professional nurse.

Students who meet the admission requirements, but are not admitted, will be placed on a waitlist and may be admitted after May 1 as seats become available.

Admitted students will be notified by email and/or telephone in April. A $550, non-refundable, deposit is due by May 1. Prospective students who do not make the deposit by the due date will forfeit their seat in the program.

Applications are not carried over from year to year, therefore, a new application is required each year if re-applying for a subsequent year.


Requirements should be reviewed prior to applying to the School of Nursing

The British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP) has established Requisite Skills and Abilities that must be met by Registered Nurses in order to provide safe, competent, and ethical nursing care. It is important that you are aware of these requirements prior to applying for admission to the nursing program. 

If you have concerns about whether or not you meet the required skills and abilities for admission to, or progression through, the nursing program, you may contact the School of Nursing at


Admission to the nursing program requires a minimum grade of 70% (B-) in each of the following courses (or equivalent):

  • Biology 12 or Anatomy & Physiology 12
  • Chemistry 12
  • English 12 or English First Peoples 12
  • Math 11* or Math 12 (higher mark will be used)

* Pre-calculus or Foundations of Math for BC students

Nursing pre-requisite equivalency


Two references are required:

  • Character – This should be someone who knows you well but is not a family member or peer (e.g. not a current high school or university friend). It should be someone who can answer the questions thoroughly.
  • Academic or Professional – This should be someone who can speak to your ability to handle the requirements of a rigorous academic program or to your work ethic, including proficiency in oral and written English.

References are to be sent directly to Trinity Western University by the referee, not the applicant.


All applicants are required to complete an online CASPer assessment, to assist with our selection process. Successful completion of CASPer is mandatory to attain admission eligibility.

CASPer is an online test which assesses for non-cognitive skills and interpersonal characteristics that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program, and will complement the other tools that we use for applicant screening. In implementing CASPer, we are trying to further enhance fairness and objectivity in our selection process. 

In order to complete CASPer testing, you will require access to a computer with audio capabilities, a webcam, and a reliable internet connection on your selected test date. CASPer can be completed practically anywhere that you can satisfy these requirements. No exceptions will be provided for applicants unable to take CASPer online due to being located at sites where internet is not dependable due to technical or political factors.

Please go to to sign up for the Canadian Undergraduate Health Sciences test (CSP10202) and reserve a test using a piece of government-issued photo ID. You will be provided with a limited number of testing dates and times. Please note that these are the only testing dates available for your CASPer test. There will be no additional tests scheduled. Please use an email address that you check regularly; there may be updates to the test schedule. The tests for the next admission cycle will be open for registration in September. Applicants are permitted to take the CASPer test only once per admission cycle and the test results are valid for only one admissions cycle. Applicants who have already taken the test in previous years will therefore be expected to re-take it.

The fee to take CASPer is $40 (CAD). There is also a distribution fee of $10 (CAD) to send your results to the institutions you select.

Alternatively, you may use the chat bubble in the bottom right hand corner of your screen on the website.

The CASPer test is comprised of 12 sections of video and written scenarios. Following each scenario, you will be required to answer a set of probing questions within an assigned time limit. The test typically takes between 75-90 minutes to complete. Each response is graded by a different rater, giving a very robust and reliable view of personal and professional characteristics important to our program. No studying is required for CASPer, although you may want to familiarize yourself with the test structure at Also, ensure you have a quiet environment to take the test.


Transfer students, including students already attending TWU, must meet all entrance requirements listed above.  Post-secondary GPA will be considered as part of the overall application evaluation.

Transfer credits must be approved by the TWU Transfer Office prior to the application deadline to be considered as replacements for high school requirements.

The following TWU courses, with a minimum grade of C, may be used in lieu of high school requirements:

High School RequirementsTWU Courses
Math 11 or 12MATH 102 or 105 or 108 or 123
English 12 or English First Peoples 12ENGL 101 or 102 or 103 or 104 or 105 or 106
Biology 12 or Anatomy & Physiology 12BIOL 103 or 104 or 113 or 114 or 241 or 242
Chemistry 12CHEM 103 or 111

Students who have taken nursing courses at other post-secondary institutions will have their nursing credits considered on a case-by-case basis.


Current TWU students are eligible to apply for early review and admission to the nursing program if the following criteria are met:

  • Enrolled in a minimum of 9 s.h. at TWU in spring semester
  • High-school pre-requisites completed (not in progress)
  • Minimum grade of B in BIOL 241 or BIOL 242 and ENGL 101, or 102, or 103, or 104, or 105, or 106
  • GPA of 2.3 (C+) or higher
  • Complete nursing application received on or before deadline
  • 2 references
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident

All application requirements must be received by the School of Nursing by February 1 at 1600 (PST). Successful applicants will be informed of their acceptance in March. The School of Nursing reserves the right to limit the number of seats for early applicants. Applicants who are not accepted for early admission will be re-evaluated with the general pool of applications that are due February 28. Note: Current students must complete the CASPer assessment before the February 1 deadline in order for their application to be considered complete. 

Applicants may ask to have their applications re-evaluated if they upgrade their TWU grades (e.g. a student did not obtain a B in BIOL 241 in fall semester but obtains a B or higher in BIOL 242 in the spring semester). Students may repeat a required course once to improve their course grade.

Students who take WRTG 100 are not eligible for early admission, however, they may ask to have their application re-assessed after the completion of ENGL 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, or 106 with a minimum grade of B.


Successful applicants will be contacted by phone. An acceptance letter and nursing Admissions Package containing important information regarding next steps will be sent by email. This package includes, but is not limited to, Consent to Criminal Record Check, Photo and Video release, BCCNP Requisite Skills and Abilities Confirmation, Release of Information, Immunization Requirements, and any necessary Health Authority Requirements.

TWU School of Nursing students are required to comply with current regulations of the Provincial Health Authorities related to vaccine-preventable communicable diseases. Proof of immunization status must be made available upon request. Clinical sites may request this documentation from students at any time in preparation for or during clinical activities. Failure to provide documentation of immunization status may prevent a student from attending clinical practice, and thus may jeopardize a student’s ability to complete all program requirements.

The School of Nursing’s immunization policies for undergraduate students reflect the directive from the provincial government regarding their influenza immunization infection control policy. These measures, for all health care workers, include either receiving the influenza vaccination (the preferred option) or wearing a surgical/procedure mask during flu season.

All newly admitted students to the School of Nursing will be required to complete Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – Level C or Health Care Provider (CPR-C or CPR-HCP) and First Aid with AED certification.


Costs includes tuition, housing, meal plan, student fees, and books.  Students under 20 years old, not living at home, are required to live in on-campus housing and have a meal plan. Tuition is calculated at $742 per semester hour.

Tuition for 15 semester hours per semester$11,130$22,260
Housing (standard dorm room) $2,200$4,400
Meal plan (Gold level – 14 meals per week) $2,454$4,908
Books and supplies$750$1,500
*BC Medical InsuranceMedical Insurance costs for one person is approximately $900 per year
Student Fees$25 per credit for domestic students and $35 per credit for international students.

*TWU requires all non-Canadian students who reside in BC during the academic year to enroll in the British Columbia Medical Services Plan (BCMSP). Out-of-province Canadian students must make appropriate arrangements with their provincial health care bodies. 


We have tools available to help you see the full financial picture so that you can make a skilled, informed decision. Book an advising appointent with one of our admissions counselors and we can help you develop a financial plan.

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