Starting salary for mechanical engineer with bachelor’s degree

This article is a significant source of information on starting salary for mechanical engineer with bachelor’s degree. As all of us know, The United States of America has a workforce comprising of workers holding several academic qualifications and degrees.

Mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree earn a median salary of $62,000. The lowest-earning 10% of mechanical engineers make $41,000 or less per year. The highest earners in this field make more than $110,000 per year.

Starting salary for mechanical engineer with bachelor’s degree


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average starting salary for a mechanical engineer with an undergraduate degree is $68,890.

In 2016, starting salaries for mechanical engineers were $64,290, according to the BLS

In 2016, the average annual salary for mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree was $64,290. Engineers with master’s degrees generally earn higher wages than those with only bachelor’s degrees, so their average annual salary in 2016 was around $73,500. Engineers who have earned doctoral degrees can expect to make even more money—about $81,000 per year on average.

Mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree are among the highest paid workers in the United States

The highest paying jobs in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), are for computer systems analysts and engineers, as well as medical scientists. Mechanical engineers are also among the highest paid workers in America, with an average salary of $90,140 per year.

Mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree earn an average annual salary of $62,990 at entry level positions and experience growth along with their career advancement throughout their lifetime earnings potential.

The range of salaries earned by people with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering was $52,810 to $76,420 in 2016.

In 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the median salary range for people with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering was $52,810 to $76,420.

The average starting salary for mechanical engineers with a bachelor’s degree is 59K per year. However, it should be noted that there are many factors that can affect this number such as experience and location which we’ll cover later on in this article.

For people with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering the starting salary is over $64,000

For people with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, the average starting salary is $64,835. The top 10% of these professionals make over $85,000 and the bottom 10% make less than $50,000. In comparison, all college graduates average a starting salary of $49,800.

The prestige associated with earning your degree from an esteemed institution will also play into your pay scale as a mechanical engineer. If you attended an Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale and can add those credentials to your resume then it will open up more opportunities for higher paying jobs too!


In conclusion, it’s important to note that mechanical engineers have a lot going for them in terms of earning potential. This is especially true when you consider the average starting salary for mechanical engineers with bachelor’s degrees, which is $62,902 per year according to data collected by PayScale. Even if you’re just starting out as an entry level engineer at $47k annually, this can be good money if you live frugally and invest wisely over time. In addition to making life more affordable overall (e.g., housing costs), these higher salaries can also help cover student loans more quickly after graduation from college or university programs like ours here at University College London’s Mechanical Engineering department.”

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