Starting Salary For Criminal Lawyers

As a criminal lawyer, you will be required to have a solid understanding of the law. Your job is to defend your client and have them exonerated of any charges against them. This means that you need to be able to deal with the legal system, which can be confusing and intimidating if you’re unfamiliar with it.

As a criminal lawyer, you’ll be responsible for representing clients that are being accused of a crime. This includes working with the police to review evidence, and then presenting case in court.

The starting salary for criminal lawyers can vary significantly depending on where you work and the size of your firm. According to, an experienced lawyer working as a solo practitioner typically earns $125 an hour with $50,000 or more in annual earnings. A junior associate working for a medium-sized law practice will earn between $70,000 and $80,000 per year. An experienced criminal lawyer at a large firm may earn much more — about $90,000 for part-time work.

Starting Salary For Criminal Lawyers Overview

When you’re looking for a criminal lawyer in Lagos, Ikeja, or anywhere else around Nigeria, you want to know how much they’re going to cost.

The good news is that since the Nigerian economy has been doing so well, most lawyers are able to make a decent living. In fact, some can make quite a lot of money.

The bad news is that there are no official starting salaries for criminal lawyers in Nigeria. This is because there are no official standards—a lawyer’s salary will depend on what kind of law they practice and where they practice it.

For example, if you have an auto accident and need an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases, then the person who helps you may charge less than someone who specializes in corporate law or family law. The same goes if you live in Abuja or Lagos: different cities will have different rates for attorneys with similar qualifications and experience levels but different specializations within their field (e.g., criminal law).

So what does all this mean for you? It means that even though there isn’t an official starting salary for criminal lawyers in Nigeria, there are still ways for you to get an estimate of how much your attorney might charge based on their experience level and how many years they.

Criminal Lawyer Career

The principle of freedom which Americans highly prize is demonstrated in this nation’s commitment to the presumption of innocence in a criminal trial. In many other nations, the accused is presumed guilty until he proves his innocence or the government inadequately proves its case. Yet in the United States of America, the presumption of innocence requires the prosecution to prove its case against the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt before he would be pronounced guilty.

Under the U.S. Constitution, everyone accused of a crime has the right to a lawyer’s defense. It is criminal lawyers who represent defendants in and out of court. They make several attempts to settle the case outside of court but occasionally, they must go to trial.

Educational Requirements

A criminal lawyer must hold a juris doctorate and an attorney’s license in order to practice criminal law. Experience in criminal law is advisable before obtaining a position as a criminal lawyer. However, significant clinical experience may be equated with some criminal law experience for a recent graduate. Or, participation in internships, volunteer positions or part-time jobs with public defenders and criminal prosecutor offices can be the necessary work experience required.

Pick from the links below, depending on your education level that best describes your situation

The Average Salary of Criminal Lawyers

Criminal lawyers defend and prosecute people who have been charged with crimes by the government. Criminal law is distinct from civil law, in which one party sues another. Most criminal defense lawyers and all criminal prosecutors are government employees and earn a salary. However, some private attorneys provide criminal defense services and generally charge by the hour, day or case


Prosecutors are lawyers who argue the case for the state and against criminal defendants. According to a national salary survey conducted by the National Association for Law Placement (NALP), the median entry-level salary for a prosecuting attorney in the United States was $51,100 in 2014. Criminal prosecutors with five years of experience reported a median salary of $63,600, and those with between 11 and 15 years of experience earned a median salary of $80,000 per year. Harvard Law School puts the average salary for a prosecutor between $35,000 and $90,000, varying depending on the state or municipality.

Public Defenders

Public defenders are criminal defense attorneys who are paid to defend citizens accused of criminal acts who are unable or do not wish to pay a private attorney. Public defenders tend to make slightly more than prosecutors, according to the NALP. As of 2014, starting public defenders reported a median salary of $50,400 per year, while those with five years of experience reported salaries of $63,000 and those with between 11 and 15 years earned a median of $84,500. LawyerEDU found that on average, a public defender makes $78,500 a year.

Private Defense Lawyers

The income of private defense lawyers largely depends on how many cases they take per year, and what they charge. Private defense lawyers who bill hourly typically charge hundreds of dollars per hour, while those who bill daily typically charge thousands of dollars per day. Others may charge flat rates for certain types of cases, such as misdemeanors. As of May 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median annual income for a private lawyer was $118,660. However, some private lawyers reported starting incomes of $200,000 or more.

Other Factors Influencing Income

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, lawyers employed by the federal government tend to earn the highest salaries of any public attorneys, an average of $139,460 per year, as of 2016. By comparison, state attorneys averaged $88,020 and local government attorneys $91,950 per year. Private attorneys reported an average annual income of $118,660 per year. Location was also found to be a distinct factor in expected income for attorneys; those who practiced in the District of Columbia, higher paying than any states, averaged $182,810 per year, according to Career One Stop. Attorneys in Montana, the lowest-paying state, averaged less than half that — $70,840 per year.

How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Make in a Year?

A criminal lawyer prosecutes or defends a person who is charged with a crime. Criminal defense lawyers may be public defenders appointed by local, state or federal courts, or they may work in private firms. Criminal prosecutors, by contrast, are always public officers who are paid by the district attorney’s office. Their job is to appear in court on behalf of the government. Public criminal lawyers receive a lower salary than private criminal lawyers because the pay is coming from the public purse.

Years of Experience 

How much does a criminal lawyer make? Lawyers earn a generous salary which is not surprising after several years of education and training. Income depends on the lawyer’s job role and increases with time and experience. The median annual wage for all lawyers – criminal and noncriminal – is $118,160 in 2016. Median means that half of all lawyers earned more than the specified salary and half earned less. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned $56,910 per year, and the highest-paid 10 percent earned at least $208,000.

The salary trajectory based on the type of criminal lawyer and years of experience is:

Public prosecutor

  •          Entry-level with less than five years of experience: $57,000
  •          5-10 years: $66,000
  •          10-20 years: $100,000
  •          20+ years: $131,000

Public defender

  •          Entry-level with less than five years of experience: $52,000
  •          5-10 years: $69,000
  •          10-20 years: $74,000
  •          20+ years: $94,000

Criminal defense attorney – private firm

  •          Entry-level with less than five years of experience: $80,000
  •          5-10 years: $96,000
  •          10+ years: $112,000

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