Southeastern Technical Institute Nursing Admissions

STI offers full-time day and part-time evening Practical Nurse Programs that prepare the graduate to be eligible to apply to take the NCLEX-PN examination.The course of study includes classroom, laboratory and clinical learning experiences. Candidates should be highly motivated and energetic, seeking to enter the demanding field of nursing.The entry-level graduate of Southeastern Technical Institute is expected to:

  1. Utilize critical thinking within the framework of the  nursing process as a basis for nursing practice.
  2. Execute effective communication with patients,  families and members of the health care team.
  3. Apply knowledge of the physical, behavioral and social sciences while providing therapeutic nursing  care.
  4. Implement safe therapeutic nursing care.
  5. Participate in nursing decisions consistent with standards and scope of LPN practice.
  6. Utilize holistic care as a member of the health care team.
  7. Establish goals consistent with the principles of life-long learning.

STI Current Licensure: 96%

STI Current Job Placement: 100%

Graduates from the STI Practical Nurse Program are qualified to work in the state of Massachusetts upon the successful attainment of the appropriate licensure. Not all states accept a Massachusetts license. If you intend to practice outside of Massachusetts and obtain a license in another state, you are encouraged to review the NCSBN website for eligibility.  As an applicant to the STI Practical Nurse Program, you are encouraged to discuss your ability for licensure and work in another state other than Massachusetts with the Practical Nurse Program Director.

STI’s Practical Nurse Programs are approved by:

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
75 Pleasant Street
Malden, MA 02148-4906

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Board of Registration in Nursing
Division of Health Professions Licensure Department of Public Health
239 Causeway Street, Suite 500, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02114


September 2022 – June 2023 (40 week program)
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m.– 2:10 p.m. classroom
7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. clinical (Clinical times may vary.)


September 2022 – July 2024
September (of even years) – June (80 week program)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
4:30 p.m.– 10:30 p.m. (Clinical times may vary.)


  • Assisted Living Facilities & Senior Centers
  • Home Health Care
  • Long-Term Care & Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Medical Offices & Health Clinics
  • Outpatient Services

Day and Evening Course Descriptions

Term I


This course introduces the beginning student to the basic concepts of microbiology, basic nutrition, and structure and function of the healthy human body.  Content provides a solid science foundation necessary for application in subsequent nursing courses.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: None


This course examines the theories, concepts, and trends related to human life cycle from birth to death. Emphasis will be placed on physical, psychosocial, emotional and cognitive development of the individual, including factors influencing changes that occur during each life stage. The course includes specific age related health issues to assist the student in role related responsibilities.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: None


This course provides a review of basic arithmetic necessary for solving simple computations in dosage and solutions. Instruction in the metric, household systems of measurement, and of conversion from one system to another is included. Instruction and practice in solving problems of divided dosage is provided. Emphasis is placed upon basic information of commonly used drugs and principles of safe drug administration.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: None

FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING #1DNT04, 1ENT04170 hours(class & lab)

This course introduces the student to nursing theory, principles and practice. Course sequencing progresses from simple to complex. The nursing process is used as the framework for theory, laboratory and clinical experiences. The course includes concurrent classroom and laboratory components. Emphasis is placed on providing safe and effective nursing care.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: – Clinical Practice I

100 hours

This supervised clinical practice is closely correlated with Fundamentals of Nursing and takes place in a variety of stable adult settings. Activities related to providing basic patient care and of developing an appropriate nurse-patient relationship are practiced.  Emphasis is placed upon the safe performance of technical skills based upon accepted principles and daily clinical objectives.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Nursing

Term II


This course provides the essential information for the nursing care of patients with health problems resulting from alterations in various body systems. Emphasis is placed on providing safe and knowledgeable nursing care to patients of various age groups and utilizing critical thinking within the nursing process. Clinical pharmacology, clinical nutrition, and nursing trends as well as concepts of growth and development and mental health are integrated throughout this course. The role and responsibility of the Practical Nurse as an accountable health care provider in a variety of settings is developed.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Nursing, Integrated Science, Introduction to Pharmacology, Growth, Development and Behavior


This supervised clinical practice closely correlates with Nursing Care of the Child, Adult, and Aged theory. A variety of settings are used in providing a diverse clinical learning experience. The utilization of the nursing process is emphasized.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Nursing, Integrated Science, Introduction to Pharmacology, Growth, Development and Behavior, and Nursing Care of the Child, Adult, and Aged

Term III


This course focuses on the theoretical foundation of family centered care, mental health and well-being, and professional topics related to the role and responsibility of the LPN. Strategies for health promotion and health life style behaviors are emphasized. Current concepts of family centered care including safety, health promotion and wellness, communication and community resources will be stressed throughout the course. Content regarding pregnancy, parturition, puerperium, and care of the newborn including the principles of grown and development are applied in family centered health teaching. The course includes discussion of common professional issues focus on on preparation for NCLEX-PN, seeking employment, transition to the workplace, continuing education in nursing and professional responsibilities of the LPN.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Nursing, Clinical Practice I, Integrated Science, Introduction to Pharmacology, Growth Development and Behavior, Nursing Care of the Child, Adult, & Aged, Clinical Practice II.


This supervised clinical practice takes place in a variety of structured health care settings. The student practices the role of team leader incorporating the principles of leadership, delegation, and supervision. Students plan and provide multi assignment patient care, interact purposefully with other disciplines and actively participate as a member of the health care team. This supervised clinical experience provides the student an opportunity to apply the nursing process to individuals from newborn through adulthood. Emphasis is placed on health promotion and the use of community resources.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisites: Fundamentals of Nursing, Clinical Practice I, Integrated Science, Introduction to Pharmacology, Growth, Development and Behavior, Nursing Care of the Child, Adult, & Aged, Clinical Practice II, and Advanced Practical Nursing.

Candidates for admission to the Practical Nurse Program are required to submit the following:

  1. Completed online application form along with a non-refundable application fee.
  2. Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Entrance Examination. Applicant must meet a minimum  adjusted individual score in all three sections as  identified below to continue with the selective admissions process: ATI TEAS Reading 65%
    ATI TEAS Math 50%
    ATI TEAS English 55%
  3. Proof of high school graduation with an official transcript, or official GED (scores included) or  official HiSET (scores included). Certified translations must be provided for transcripts supplied in a language other than English and equivalency to U.S.  education must be provided.
  4. Two (2) confidential reference forms: recent supervisor, employer, school teacher/instructor.
  5. Completed Proof of Health Insurance form with copy  of card, front and back.
  6. Satisfactory completion of Criminal Offender Record  Information (C.O.R.I.).
  7. Interview with Program Director or designee.

To view the complete admissions process and procedure please read the Course Catalog in the Student Services menu. Once accepted to the program, a $500 seat deposit is required upon signing an enrollment agreement.

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