schools in portchester

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2022 Best Public Schools in Port Chester

Explore the best public schools serving your area based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Read more on how this ranking was calculated.

View On MapSEARCHSchoolsDistrictsGRADE LEVELPre-KElemMiddleHighMAX GRADE OFFEREDExclude schools that offer grades higher than the selected grade.Select a grade…Pre-KKindergarten123456789101112SCHOOL TYPEPublicTraditionalCharterMagnetPrivateRELIGIONCatholicChristianJewishIslamicBOARDING STATUSOffers BoardingCOED STATUSCoedAll-GirlsAll-BoysSPECIALTYOnlineSpecial EducationMontessoriTherapeuticTUITIONTuition is for the highest grade offered and may have changed for the current school year. For more information, please contact the school.Select a value$ACADEMICSAP ProgramIB ProgramGifted/Talented ProgramSTUDENT-TEACHER RATIORatio of students to full-time equivalent teachers. Please note: Student-teacher ratio is not a representation of average class size.Select a valueNICHE GRADESAcademicsABCDTeachersABCDDiversityABCDSportsABCDORGANIZATIONNational Association of Independent SchoolsThe Association of Boarding SchoolsNational Catholic Education AssociationAssociation of Christian Schools InternationalBest Schools

More search topics13 results

  1. Glenville SchoolGreenwich School District, CT K-5#62 Best Public Elementary Schools in Connecticutgrade AOverall Niche Grade404 Students13:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  2. New Lebanon SchoolGreenwich School District, CT PK, K-5#175 Best Public Elementary Schools in Connecticutgrade B+Overall Niche Grade298 Students9:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  3. Port Chester Senior High SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY 9-12 Rating 3.65 out of 5 145 reviews#573 Best Public High Schools in New YorkSenior: I liked how the teachers would help out their students when they are having trouble with their homework at Port Chester Senior High School. One day, I needed help on a trigonometry question and myRead 145 Reviewsgrade BOverall Niche Grade1,619 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  4. Park Avenue SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY K-5grade C+Overall Niche Grade453 Students21:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  5. Port Chester Middle SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY 6-8 Rating 5 out of 5 1 reviewAlum: I went to Port Chester schools and loved it! The teachers were amazing. I learned so much! The activities and all the resources we had were great!Read 1 Reviewgrade C+Overall Niche Grade1,080 Students14:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  6. King Street SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY K-5 Rating 2.5 out of 5 2 reviewsParent: Overall a great school, with lots of opportunity for kids to participate in after school programs. The teachers are all amazing and very helpful.Read 2 Reviewsgrade C+Overall Niche Grade407 Students17:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  7. Thomas A. Edison SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY K-5grade C+Overall Niche Grade416 Students19:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  8. John F. Kennedy Elementary SchoolPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District, NY K-5grade COverall Niche Grade798 Students19:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  9. Armstrong Court PreschoolPreschool GREENWICH, CTgrade unavailableOverall Niche Grade11 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  10. Five Mile River Nursery SchoolPrivate School NORWALK, CT PK, Kgrade unavailableOverall Niche Grade11 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  11. Project Explore – ValhallaPreschool VALHALLA, NYgrade unavailableOverall Niche Grade11 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
  12. The Gateway SchoolPreschool GREENWICH, CTgrade unavailableOverall Niche Grade11 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to List

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