Salary For Student Services Coordinator

Student services coordinator are often students’ first point of contact with a university’s administration. Student services coordinators have to have academic degrees and must be knowledgeable about the academic policies and procedures in place at their colleges and universities. They also need to be organized, detail-oriented, friendly, personable and some background in counseling would also be helpful.

A student services coordinator generally has a bachelor’s degree and has completed college coursework in higher education, student affairs, or counseling. Other job duties may include compiling clerical reports, maintaining student records and overseeing the management of files; developing policies requiring compliance with federal and state laws; interviewing students; assisting faculty members with students’ concerns; providing administrative support to faculty members; disciplining students as necessary

The median annual wage for student services coordinators in the U.S. was $46,440 in May 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest 10 percent earned more than $72,970, while the lowest 10 percent made less than $28,890.

Salary For Student Services Coordinator overview

A student services coordinator is a person who manages student affairs at a school. Student services coordinators help students and faculty with their academic and campus life needs. They are often responsible for managing the activities of student organizations, overseeing student health and safety, providing support for students in crisis situations, and organizing campus events.

Student service coordinators may also be responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with local businesses that provide discounts to students or offer special services on campus.

The responsibilities of a student services coordinator will vary depending on the type of institution they work at, as well as the overall size of their organization. In some cases, they may be required to supervise other staff members who perform administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments or ordering supplies.

In order to succeed in this role, it’s important that you have strong interpersonal skills and an ability to work well under pressure. You should also possess excellent time management skills so you can keep track of all your responsibilities without falling behind schedule!

What Is A Student Services Coordinator

An academic administrative position is responsible for helping students in their academic careers. As a Student Services Coordinator, you will coordinate and provide student services. You will help with registration, financial aid, and coordinate tutoring, assess students with disabilities and generally help students.

Depending on where you work, elementary, junior, high school, or college, the staff will give you the specifics of your job. The best thing about a student services coordinator? You will work with students, get to know them, and feel a sense of accomplishment when you successfully get students on their way to learning. Minimum requirements include having a bachelor’s degree in social work or another related field.

To work full-time in this position, you may need a master’s in social work, at least a year of counseling experience, and a good attitude. You can make anywhere from $32,000 to $57,000, depending on where you work.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to being a Student Services Coordinator. For example, did you know that they make an average of $20.1 an hour? That’s $41,800 a year!

Responsibilities and Duties of Student Services Coordinator

  • Ensures that the SSS program is implemented in full compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the SSS Program regulations, the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), and all other applicable federal regulations and requirements.
  • Manages implementation of the project’s activities, goals, and objectives as outlined in the grant-funded proposal, federal regulations/guidelines, and Santa Fe College polices and priorities.
  • Effectively manages SSS program budget as approved by the Department of Education and the college grants accountant, monitors and reviews expenditures monthly, and prepares a detailed annual budget.
  • Leads the plan of operation by informing the institutional community about SSS, identifying and selecting participants, assessing students, developing individual action plans, assigning services, monitoring participants’ progress, retaining and graduating students.
  • Coordinates services for SSS participants including, but not limited to: tutoring, course advisement, academic coaching, disability and career services, peer mentoring, personal counseling services, and cultural enrichment activities, assistance in financial aid application and enrollment into 4 year degree programs.
  • Develops and refines methods for continuous monitoring of participant progress, as well as timely follow-up.
  • Oversees and assists with the maintenance and monitoring of recordkeeping to ensure an efficient system that facilitates program planning and evaluation and tracking of services to students.
  • Strictly honors student confidentiality and exhibits sensitivity toward program participants.
  • Oversee smooth management of the college-dedicated SSS participant tutoring and computer lab.
  • Supervises SSS staff including an Administrative Assistant, Transfer/Academic Coach, and Peer Tutors. Conducts in-service staff training. Encourages input from SSS staff to facilitate ongoing program review and retention improvement.
  • Makes final selection of SSS participants in consultation with the Academic Coach.
  • Maintains communication with SF grant office, grant accounting office, and the Federal Department of Education.
  • Collaborates with Financial Aid to determine and distribute financial aid to qualified SSS students.
  • Conducts research and planning necessary to facilitate program evaluation and reporting. Oversees and assists with the evaluation process, handles the annual performance review/report and consultant visits.
  • Participate as a member of the grant proposal design and development team.
  • Actively participates in college-related committees, providing service to the College as required.
  • Provides and promotes service excellence through courteous, informed, accessible and professional engagement.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Student Services Coordinator Average Salary Level

The wages and salaries of student services coordinators can vary greatly, typically depending on the following factors:

• Their level of education and experience

• The amount of responsibility inherent in their job

• The size and type of their employer

• The discretion of their employer

• Their salary negotiating abilities 

• The region in which they work

It is very difficult to determine the typical earnings of student services coordinators, as reliable salary statistics are very difficult to find for this exact occupation. However, we can get a baseline idea of what they earn by looking at the salary and wage figures for the closely related occupation of “School Counselor”.

Canada (Alberta figures only): According to the 2016 Alberta Wage and Salary Survey, the average salary level of Albertans working in the ‘Educational Counselors’ occupational group is $57,257 per year. The average overall wage is $31.20 per year. Unfortunately, at the time of writing there were no figures available from reliable sources for the rest of Canada at the time of writing (June 29, 2019).

United States: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary level of Americans working in the ‘School and Career Counselors’ occupational group is $56,310 is per year (May, 2018 figures).

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