Salary for church administrator

Thanks for stopping by. Are you looking for salary information for church administrators? We’ve got you covered. So, you want to become a church administrator. But how much will you get paid? That really depends on how big your salary is at the moment. Because I assume that you won’t stop working as a developer and turn into a church administrator (or maybe?). So let’s take a look at what factors determine what your salary as an admin would be in the USA:

A church administrator’s salary is determined by the size of the church and the number of employees. A larger church can afford to pay more than a smaller one, but there are also many other factors that affect how much a person earns in this position.

As with most other jobs, an administrator’s salary will depend on their experience and education level. A person with a bachelor’s degree in business administration or similar field will likely earn more than someone who has only completed high school. However, there are some positions that require specific degrees or certifications to be eligible for them.

The amount of time spent doing administrative work at the church can also affect salary. If a person spends most of his time doing non-administrative tasks such as preaching or teaching a class, then he may make less money than someone who spends all of his time on administrative tasks such as payroll management or creating budgets for upcoming events.

Finally, some churches pay their employees higher salaries because they receive donations from wealthy individuals or corporations who want to help support their religious beliefs through giving money away.

Salary for church administrator

How much does a Church Administrator make?

The average Church Administrator in the US makes $61,272. The average bonus for a Church Administrator is $482 which represents 1% of their salary, with 100% of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year. Church Administrators make the most in Austin at $86,292, averaging total compensation 41% greater than the US average.

U.S. Average



Base Salary




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Salary Ranges for Church Administrators

The salaries of Church Administrators in the US range from $25,333 to $153,570 , with a median salary of $45,759 . The middle 50% of Church Administrators makes between $39,045 and $45,662, with the top 83% making $153,570.

How much tax will you have to pay as a Church Administrator

For an individual filer in this tax bracket, you would have an estimated average federal tax in 2018 of 22%. After a federal tax rate of 22% has been taken out, Church Administrators could expect to have a take-home pay of $51,853/year, with each paycheck equaling approximately $2,161*.

* assuming bi-monthly pay period. Taxes estimated using tax rates for a single filer using 2018 federal and state tax tables. Metro-specific taxes are not considered in calculations. This data is intended to be an estimate, not prescriptive financial or tax advice.

Quality of Life for Church Administrator

With a take-home pay of roughly $4,321/month, and the median 2BR apartment rental price of $2,506/mo**, a Church Administrator would pay 58% of their monthly take-home salary towards rent.

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