Salaries for South Dakota State University Employees

The average salary for south dakota state employees, including hourly, weekly, monthly and annual figures.


The state of South Dakota recently released salaries of its public employees, and has created an easy way to search the salaries. The database allows you to browse by job title, agency name and location or any combination of these factors. Click here for total compensation details for individuals in each job title.

# Part 2: Create a Blog Post with Sections and Subsections

In this part, you will use your knowledge of blog posts to write your own blog post based on the brief below. Also, you will create subsections within your own blog post from a given prompt below. You should also add some rules under each element in the outline for what makes that section or subsection successful (i.e., “use simple language” or “no more than two sentences long”).

It’s up to you how much time you want to spend perfecting this assignment; but remember that there is no right answer—the goal is just to practice using the tools we’ve learned so far! When you’re finished, move on directly to part 3 without submitting anything here.

The most popular job in state government is a correctional officer followed by highway maintenance worker.

The most popular job in state government is a correctional officer, followed by highway maintenance worker. The third most popular position is secretary.

The average salary for a highway maintenance worker is $34,062 and their hourly wage is $16.79.

The average salary for a highway maintenance worker is $34,062 and their hourly wage is $16.79.


Highway Maintenance Worker: $34,062 – $45,076

The highway maintenance workers are responsible for the daily operations of the state highway system including maintaining highways, bridges and related facilities. They also perform emergency repairs on highways when needed. A high school diploma or equivalent (GED) is generally required; however some positions may require additional technical training or experience and some positions may require a valid driver’s license depending on location of work assignments.

The highest paid occupational group in state government is the medical, dental and hospital group with an average of $68,782.

The highest paid occupational group in state government is the medical, dental and hospital group with an average of $68,782. The second highest paid occupational group is the professional employee group at $56,241. The third highest paid occupational group is the executive management/administrative professional employee at $51,819.

The highest paid person in state government was Robert Kittle of Sioux Falls whose salary was $183,000 as of July 2014 according to a report by South Dakota State University’s Bureau of Economic Research. Kittle retired from his position as President and CEO of Sanford Health on October 1st 2011 so his total compensation could have been much higher than what was reported but we only have access to data for this time frame due to open records laws here in South Dakota.

The most common work experience level employed by the state is bachelor degree holders with an average salary of $43,059 while people who report no high school diploma or GED earn an average salary of $38,349 per year working for state governments around our nation including South Dakota’s own public sector employees

The lowest paid occupational group in state government is office of administration with an average of $32,745.

The lowest paid occupational group in state government is office of administration with an average of $32,745. The average salary for a highway maintenance worker is $34,062 and the average salary for a correctional officer is $56,105.

The highest paid person in state government makes 7 times more than the lowest paid person who makes $29,440 as a special needs assistant.

The highest paid person in state government makes 7 times more than the lowest paid person who makes $29,440 as a special needs assistant. The average salary for state employees is $43,059. The highest-paid employee in South Dakota is the University of South Dakota’s president Charles Kupfer, who makes $1 million per year.

The most common work experience level employed by the state is 10-19 years with 399 employees earning an average of $43,059.

The most common work experience level employed by the state is 10-19 years with 399 employees earning an average of $43,059.

The average salary for a correctional officer is $44,542.

The total number of employees in southeast South Dakota was 1,491 which amounts to 14 percent of the 10,461 employees statewide.

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Average Salaries for State Employees in Southeast South Dakota

The average salary for state employees in south-central South Dakota is $34,062. The average salary for correctional officers is $41,019, and the average salary for highway maintenance workers is $39,251. The average annual salary for medical, dental and hospital group employees is $68,782.

Title: Table 1: Average Salaries for State Employees in Southeast South Dakota by Occupational Group (FY2019)

Southeast South Dakota has a total of 1,381 state employees.

Table 1: Average Salaries for State Employees in Southeast South Dakota by Occupational Group (FY2019)

Occupational Group Average Salary

  • Highest Paid Employees ($139,964)
  • Lowest Paid Employees ($19,078)
  • Most Common Work Experience Level (1-2 years)


The average salary for public employees in Southeast South Dakota is $41,990 or 29% less than the average for all state employees of $58,938. The highest paid state employee is a medical director for the Department of Health which has an annual salary of $206,829, which is 155% more than the average state government employee. The lowest paid public employee in South Dakota is a special needs assistant at Children’s Care Hospital who earns an hourly wage of $14.19, which translates into a yearly income of about $29,440 per year.

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