Plant Ecology Books Free Download Pdf

Plant ecology is the science of plant communities and their interactions with the ecosystem. It is a subdiscipline of ecology that studies the distribution, abundance, diversity, and interactions of plants and their environment. This includes the study of competition, predation, mutualism, herbivory, pollination, as well as other interactions between plants and animals. Plant ecology can be considered a branch of botany or a branch of biology. Plant ecology is closely related to plant physiology and plant morphology.


The first use of the term “plant ecology” appears in 1866 in Robert Hartig’s work “Die Vegetationsverhältnisse der Erde”. It was not until 1918 when Einar Naumann used the term “plant ecology” in his book “Die Vegetation der Erde”. In 1923, Tansley wrote about plant ecology as part of general ecological theory in his book “The British Isles: Their Structure and Distribution”. Tansley viewed plant communities as parts of ecosystems that have interrelated physical and biotic components (Fernald 1940). He defined community as a group of species coexisting in a given habitat under similar environmental conditions (Tansley 1939).

Plant Ecology Books Free Download Pdf

Plant Ecology Books Free Download Pdf is one of the most popular books on ecology. This book covers all the basic theories and concepts related to plant ecology. The book helps students to learn about plants and their relationship with the environment around them. It also covers how plants grow, how they adapt to different environmental conditions, how they reproduce and how they interact with other organisms.

This book is available as a free download in PDF format.

The author of this book is Edward O. Wilson, who is a renowned biologist, researcher and writer. He has written many books on different subjects including biology, anthropology and sociology that have received international acclaim from people around the world.

In 1940s onwards there

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