LSE is known for providing its students with an excellent education and quality research. The School attracts students from all over the world and the quality of teaching has made it one of the best places to study. If you are thinking about applying to LSE, here are some key points to help you with your application.
Minimum entry requirements for MPhil/PhD Law
Our normal entry requirement is a distinction in an LLM or equivalent qualification. If you do not meet this requirement, you may still be admitted where there is strong, alternative evidence of your suitability for our PhD programme. On the other hand, if you do meet this requirement, you should be aware that there is no guarantee of admission. We typically receive many more applications with an LLM average of 70 per cent or over than we have places available.
With your application you should give the title of a broad general area in which you wish to undertake research, and a detailed outline (three or four pages) of a specific topic within that field, indicating the ways in which you consider that extended scholarly research and analysis in the field will make a significant and original contribution to knowledge. You should also give some indication of the materials you expect to use, where you expect to find them and the methods of analysis you propose to use. If the proposal takes the form of a theoretical hypothesis, you should indicate how you propose to test it.
More guidance on what is required form a successful research proposal can be found on the LSE Law PhD programme FAQs page.
Competition for places at the School is high. This means that even if you meet our minimum entry requirement, this does not guarantee you an offer of admission.
If you have studied or are studying outside of the UK then have a look at our Information for International Students to find out the entry requirements that apply to you.
phd law oxford
The Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) is the Faculty’s most advanced research qualification, and entails writing a thesis of between 75,000 and 100,000 word, which must make a significant and substantial contribution to its field. Full-time study for the DPhil usually comprises three to four years and part-time six to eight years, inclusive of research methodology training in the first year for full-time students and over years one and two for part-time students. Part-time study requires attendance for a minimum of 30 days of university-based work each year, normally coinciding with the full terms of the academic year, to be arranged with the agreement of the student’s supervisor
The Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford has one of the biggest cohorts of law research students in the English-speaking world.
Students are not admitted to the DPhil degree directly. Instead, they are first admitted to Probationer Research Student (PRS) status. During the first two terms, all full-time students, except those who have previously completed an MPhil in Law at Oxford, are required to undertake the Faculty’s Course in Legal Research Method (CLRM), or the alternative methods courses run by the Centre for Criminology and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies for students affiliated with those centres. Part-time students must also take the CLRM (or the Centre for Criminology / Centre for Socio-Legal equivalent), but may do so over a period of two years. At the same time, students begin working on their doctoral theses, and in their third term (or sixth term for part-time students) undertake a Qualifying Test which involves the submission of a draft chapter and an outline of the intended thesis. Providing they pass the Qualifying Test, students are then admitted to full DPhil status.
A further assessment known as Confirmation of Status is conducted in the sixth term after admission (the 12th term for part-time students) which also involves submission of draft chapters of the thesis and an outline of the research topic. This is intended to ensure that the student is making satisfactory progress toward ultimate submission of the thesis. After satisfactory completion of Confirmation of Status, students then submit the completed thesis in the third or fourth year (or between years six and eight for part-time students).
Students who have previously completed an MPhil in Law with the Faculty may incorporate the MPhil thesis into the DPhil and, once they have passed the Qualifying Test, may count the three terms of MPhil fees towards the DPhil fee liability.
All students are assigned a specialist supervisor, who will meet regularly with the student throughout the course of the DPhil. A list of Faculty members and their research interests can be found via the link at the foot of this page (applicants to not need to identify or make contact with a prospective supervisor before applying).
Student experience
The induction programme is usually held in the last week of September and comprises Bodleian Law library and IT induction sessions and an orientation session (see 2020 programmePDF 343KB) for all new research students. During October the Social Sciences Division also holds a welcome event for all new research students.
The Library has 40 reader workstations, which provide access to the internet, legal databases, Microsoft Office applications and Endnote. There is a Graduate Reading Room, a large seminar room, two IT rooms, and three small ‘discussion rooms’ for private study or group work.
Opportunities for teaching and training
Once a year the Law Faculty runs a two day graduate teaching skills programme – the Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO) programme. Students must complete the PLTO if they wish to undertake teaching for the Faculty Research students who complete the course are listed on the Faculty’s Teaching Register, a resource for Faculty members who are looking for teaching provision in particular areas. . Each year the Faculty also appoints a number of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) in areas where additional undergraduate teaching is particularly needed.
Student Pastoral and Welfare support
In addition to the pastoral support provided by college advisors, the Faculty seeks to support students by various means. Each programme has dedicated administrative support and the administrators in question will be able to help and advice students on a range of matters relating to their studies, or point them towards dedicated sources of support elsewhere in the University. Academic Supervisors and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies – Research can also serve as a source of support.