PhD In Geography In Iit

Geography is the study of the earth, its features, and its inhabitants. Geographers are interested in all aspects of human activity, including cultural development and social change.

PhD in Geography in IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) is an interdisciplinary degree that combines geospatial technology with environmental science and policy. The program’s curriculum includes courses in mathematics and statistics, geography, meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric sciences and geodesy. Students may also enroll in a PhD program in environmental science or a PhD program in computer science at the same time as their PhD in Geography.

PhD students can specialize in one of three areas: physical geography; human environment interaction; or environmental management systems.

PhD in Geography in IIT

The Department of Geography, IIT Delhi offers doctoral programs through the regular PhD and direct PhD programs. In addition, there is an interdisciplinary program in Disaster Management, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Earth Sciences and the Ministry of Science & Technology. The department also offers a PG diploma course in remote sensing.

Admission to the PhD program takes place twice a year, once in June and once in December. Students are admitted based on their academic performance and their written test scores (GEOSAT).

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