phd history entry requirements

UK universities offer an array of courses to those looking to continue their education. While the courses on offer are often spread across a variety of areas, history tends to be one of the more popular options. If you’re thinking of applying for a history PhD, it’s important to choose the right university to ensure that your course is accessible, as well as being well-reputed. The University of Oxford offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in history.

PhD History Eligibility

The common PhD History eligibility criteria to be successfully admitted into a college offering this course is as follows:

  • Any aspiring candidates should have passed an M.Phil Degree and a Postgraduate degree in a relevant discipline with minimum 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates) or an equivalent grade from a University or a recognized institution of higher training.
  • Master’s Degree in a relevant discipline with minimum 55% (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates) or an equivalent grade from a university or a recognized institution of higher learning and five years of teaching/industry/administration/professional experience at senior level.
  • For Students without M.Phil – Pass in Post-graduation in History with 50% aggregate marks for direct admission into the Ph.D. program. They must complete the Part I examination. The minimum duration of the period for submission of the thesis is 3 years.
  • For Students with M.Phil – Pass in a Master’s Degree in History with M.Phil in History. These students are exempted from the Part I examination. The duration for submission of the thesis is 2 years.

The above-stated eligibility criteria are the basic eligibility criteria. Each college will have its criterion on which prospective candidates are judged.

PhD History Entrance Exam

Some colleges that offer PhD History programs require their candidates to sit for an entrance examination.

Listed below are some of the popular PhD History entrance exams.

  • CSIR-UGC NET for JRF Entrance Exam: CSIR UGC NET is a national-level exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) to shortlist candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or lectureship in Indian universities and colleges.
  • UGC NET Entrance Exam: The UGC NET for JRF, also known as National Eligibility Test (NET) or NTA-UGC-NET, is the test for determining the eligibility for the post of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or Asst. Professor award in Indian universities and colleges.
  • JMI Entrance Exam: Jamia Millia Islamia offers various research programs offered in M.Phil. and Ph.D. courses. The Ph.D. programs require the candidates to hold a Master’s Degree as the basic requirement. The admission is based on the Entrance test conducted by Jamia Millia Islamia for each course
Exam NameApplication PeriodExam DateExam Mode
CSIR-UGC NET for JRF16 Mar – 15 Apr 202021 Jun 2020 (Tentative)Online
UGC-NET for JRF16 Mar – 16 Apr 202015 Jun – 20 Jun 2020Online
JMI Entrance Exam14 Mar – 15 Apr 2020Oct 2020Online

How to Prepare for a PhD History Entrance Exams?

  • The syllabus for PhD History entrance exams will vary from institute to institute. However, most exams concentrate on History related to current affairs subject knowledge and skills.
  • The entire entrance exam in most of the subjects is a maximum of 100 marks and the duration of the test is two hours or in some cases, it could be three hours.
  • The question paper of the PhD entrance test is divided into two parts out of which: one part contains the objective type (MCQs) and another part contains subjective type questions related to the concerned subject.
  • Candidates must follow the previous year’s PhD entrance test question papers and see the pattern of the papers

Students should consider buying study material and practice material of Ph.D. (History) entrance exams so that they prepare well for the same.

How to get admission in a good PhD History college?

To get admission in top PhD History colleges, the following points must be kept in mind:

  • The application process for most of the institutes starts in January every year and the classes begin in August.
  • The Colleges shortlist candidates through respective entrance exams followed by an interview.
  • The best way is to appear for CSIR-NET and UGC-NET exams to get a good college for PhD and some of the colleges’ GATE is also used as a prerequisite.
  • Getting into a good college for the admission in PhD History program, candidates need to score well in the respective entrance exams.

phd in history salary

Salaries for Professor – History with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent

According to our 100% employer reported salary sources the median salary for a Professor – History with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent is $97,611 – $121,724. Please try our salary wizard to explore how other factors like location, Years of experience and number of direct reports can impact your base pay and bonus.

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