oslo and akershus university college of applied sciences fees

Both citizens and foreigners are able to apply. More than 1500 teachers are employed by the university.

Infrastructure of HiOA.

Ranking4829 11
World ranking4829
Bachelor (foreigners)203 USD/year.
Master (foreigners)203 USD/year.
Living expenses$993 -1,865 USD/month

OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University or Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) – public higher education institution in Norway. HiOA became active in 2011. The main building of the university is located in Oslo inside an urban campus. OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University is a well known educational institution in Norway that firmly holds its position among the top 20 universities of the country.

Application process and the cost of tuition. The admission process has multiple requirements, the most important of which is the applicant’s previous academic performance. OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University chose to divide its academic year into semesters. The tuition is very affordable costing less than 1000 USD per year for bachelor’s programs. If you want to obtain your master’s at HiOA this will cost you less than 1000 USD. On the official website of the university (http://www.hioa.no) you can read more about the programs and associated tuition fees.

The composition of the university. OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University is average in terms of student capacity, teaching the maximum of 20 thousand students. Both citizens and foreigners are able to apply. More than 1500 teachers are employed by the university. The university offers its students and the academic staff to participate in the international exchange programs. HiOA has the following social media pages FlickrTwitterFacebookLinkedin.

Infrastructure of HiOA. There is a library on the campus. The students can live on campus if the apply for a dormitory room.

Ranking  4829   11
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
Bachelor (foreigners)203 USD/year.
Master (foreigners)203 USD/year.
Living expenses$993 -1,865 USD/month
Official Websitewww.hioa.no

General information

Finance typeNonprofit
Organization typePublic
Academic calendarSemesters
AdmissionBased on past academic records
Gender limitationNo limits
Campus typeUrban
Exchange programsAvailable
• Kunnskapsdepartementet, Norge


World ranking4829
Country ranking11
International rankings
UniPage World University Ranking4829

Cost of living in Oslo

Expenses – USD/MonthMin.Med.
Communications and utilities93121
Sports and leisure33143
Accommodation in OsloUSD/Month
Shared room outside of centre463
Shared room in city centre593
1 bedroom apartment outside of centre834
1 bedroom apartment in city centre1,085

Alternative title

oldOslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

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