Or Nurse Salary In California

Nurse salary in California

The nurse salary in California is on a steady rise, with an average of $100,000 per year. Nurses who are employed by the government earn more than those who are employed by private companies. In addition, the number of hours worked and the type of hospital can affect your salary. The average nurse salary in California is $105,000 per year.

Nurse Salary in California 2017

Nurses are an essential part of the healthcare system and make up a large portion of the nursing workforce. In California, nurses are responsible for providing direct patient care and making sure that all medical equipment is working properly. They also work to educate patients about their health conditions and how to take care of themselves. In addition to these duties, nurses may have other responsibilities such as filing medical records and assisting doctors with surgeries or other procedures. Nurses can also specialize in certain areas such as oncology (cancer), pediatrics (children’s health), geriatrics (elderly people’s health), or obstetrics/gynecology (women’s health).

In California, nurses are required to complete an Associate Degree in Nursing or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing before they can begin practicing their profession full-time. This means that nurses must first complete two years of college before they can apply for jobs in hospitals or clinics throughout the state. Once they have completed their education requirements, these professionals must then pass an exam administered by the State Board of Registered Nursing before receiving their license so that employers know who has been trained properly for this type of work environment.

Or Nurse Salary In California

Average Registered Nurse Salary in California

  1. Nurse Salaries
  2. Registered Nurse
  3. California

Registered nurses in California earn an average of $124,000 per year (or $59.62 per hour).


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49% higher than the national average


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California registered nurses earn 49% higher than the national average salary for RNs, at $82,750 (or $39.78 per hour).

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Registered nurse salary range in California







Annual SalaryHourly Wage
90th Percentile$165,620$79
75th Percentile$155,930$74
25th Percentile$98,960$47

80% of California RNs earn between $78,070 and $165,620.

Cost-of-living adjusted registered nurse salary in California

Cost-Of-Living Adjusted



Overall Average



Adjusted for cost-of-living, California RNs earn about $112,318 per year. Cost-of-living in California is 10% higher than the national average, meaning they face higher prices for food, housing, and transportation compared to other states.

Registered Nurse Salaries by State

Highest paying cities in California for registered nurses

San Jose, CA$155,230 per year
Oakland, CA$151,640 per year
Fairfield, CA$146,360 per year
Santa Rosa, CA$141,440 per year
Napa, CA$139,680 per year

California nursing salaries vary from region to region across the state. The area where registered nurses are paid the highest is San Jose, where the average RNs salary is $155,230 and 20,640 registered nurses are currently employed. The Oakland area comes in second, with a $151,640 average RN salary and 41,160 registered nurses employed.

How much do similar professions get paid in California?

Nurse Anesthetist$232,540 per year
Nurse Midwife$159,590 per year
Nurse Practitioner$151,830 per year
Dental Hygienist$109,970 per year
Physical Therapist$104,500 per year
Licensed Practical Nurse$65,140 per year
Pharmacy Technician$49,990 per year

At a $124,000 average annual salary, RNs in California tend to earn less than nurse anesthetists ($232,540), nurse midwives ($159,590), and nurse practitioners ($151,830). They tend to earn more than dental hygienists ($109,970), physical therapists ($104,500), licensed practical nurses ($65,140), and pharmacy technicians ($49,990).

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