2022 Best Online High Schools in North Carolina
The 2022 Best Online High Schools ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Ranking factors include state test scores, college readiness, graduation rates, SAT/ACT scores, teacher quality, and online school ratings. Compare top cyber schools and virtual schools in your state. Read more on how this ranking was calculated.
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- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Virtual High SchoolOnline School Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, NC 9-12 Rating 4 out of 5 5 reviewsJunior: I think the overall idea of the school is exceptional. Allowing the students to move at their own pace while developing independency and time management. Personally online school isn’t for me, but ifRead 5 Reviewsgrade B+Overall Niche Grade224 Students42:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- North Carolina Virtual AcademyOnline School DURHAM, NC K-12 Rating 3.94 out of 5 18 reviewsParent: I enrolled my 2nd grader due to Covid concerns. NCVA has been SUPER overall…BUT it takes A LOT! of parental (“Learning Coach”) time and oversight. I think some of the bad reviews/performance scoresRead 18 Reviewsgrade C+Overall Niche Grade2,610 Students25:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- North Carolina Connections AcademyOnline School DURHAM, NC K-12 Rating 4.71 out of 5 14 reviewsAlum: I really enjoyed online learning, the lessons were well organized and easy to follow. There is also good communication between teachers and students!Read 14 Reviewsgrade C+Overall Niche Grade2,249 Students31:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- Apprentice Academy Hs Of NcOnline School MONROE, NC 9-11grade unavailableOverall Niche Grade225 Students13:1 Student-Teacher RatioCompare Your FavoritesAdd this to your list to save it for later.Add to ListView Nearby Homes
- Granville AcademyOnline School Granville County Schools, NC PK, K-12grade unavailableOverall Niche Grade164 Students25:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- Gaston Virtual AcademyOnline School Gaston County Schools, NC 3-11grade unavailableOverall Niche Grade101 Students23:1 Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- https://fd0a89d3bf6b151611cd3c5d263c6745.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html
- Stanly County Virtual EducationOnline School Stanly County Schools, NC K-12grade unavailableOverall Niche Grade39 Students— Student-Teacher RatioAdd to ListView Nearby Homes
- Madison County Alternative High SchoolOnline School Madison County Schools, NC 9-12grade unavailableOverall Niche Grade22 Students— Student-Teacher Ratio