ntnu geotechnical engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering 

Photo. Field research station Geotechnical Engineering. Text on photo states researchgroups name "Geotechnical Engineering"

What is Geotechnical Engineering?

Geotechnical Engineering is about how to build on, in or out of soil and rock. Geotechnical engineers design building foundations for structures on land and on the seabed, such as high-rise buildings and bridges and offshore installations such as platforms, windmills, pipelines and bottom structures.

The Geotechnical engineering group at NTNU has a focus on Computational Geotechnics complimented by extensive field work and advanced testing of geomaterials. The research aims for safe, environmentally sound and cost-effective solutions for the built infrastructure. Research encompasses roads, railways, harbours and complex deep-underground city construction. Offshore Geotechnics for oil and wind energy is another important field of application, which builds on the extensive expertise developed at NTH/NTNU for the oil exploration since the 1970’s.

In Norway a lot of infrastructure is built on challenging soils, where soft and often quick clays (extremely collapsible clay) require advanced geotechnical engineering. Norway has been among the leading countries for developing geotechnical engineering since the 1950’s. Today, climate change amplifies the demand for geotechnical engineering due to increased risks of flooding, rock fall and landslides.

Seminar based courses in Geotechnics at PhD level

We offer two large seminar based courses at PhD level at our research group. 
The courses are taught in English, and are made up by intensive lecturing in combination with exercises. The courses are offered in the fall semester alternating years. Normally top international guest lecturers gives parts of the courses. 

Both courses has 10 ECTS credit hours

BA8305 Geodynamics – Next course fall 2021

The course provides the necessary background for estimating the dynamic response of foundations and vibrations in soils.The specific program for fall 2021 will be posted here early spring 2021.


Visit the department research projects overview site here

E39 Project

NTNU creep

Klima 2010

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