ntnu civil and manufacturing

Ntnu Civil And Manufacturing

The Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering develops innovative and sustainable solutions for society. We research modern and sustainable industrial processes, construction processes, design, renewable materials, and technologies. We also develop groundbreaking methods to create living comfort in buildings, control rooms, vehicles, or vessels. Welcome to the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering.

Our programs serve the entire engineering community – from industry and universities to government agencies and private foundations – with students from more than 40 countries. Our 14 departments offer a wide range of opportunities from the possibilities of bioengineering and sustainability to new areas such as urban resilience and cyber security. Find information about Ntnu Civil And Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Civil Engineering courses, ntnu biomedical engineering, ntnu marine technology, and ntnu additive manufacturing here at infolearners.com

Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering - NTNU


Manufacturing and Civil Engineering courses

For: Exchange students
Location: Gjøvik
Level: Bachelor/undergraduate
Language: English

These courses are offered at NTNU in Gjøvik. Please note that it is not possible to combine courses from Gjøvik with courses in Trondheim or Ålesund. 

Autumn semester 2021

August to December
(including orientation days and exam period)

Please note that overlapping schedules and/or exams may occur.

  • BYGG2362 – Universal design (7,5 ECTS) Availability will depend on English demand*
  • TEK2002 – EcoDesign (7,5 ECTS)
  • FENG2020 – Energy system analysis (7,5 ECTS)
  • FENG2022- Bioenergy (7,5 ECTS)  From 2022 Spring course*
  • TEK3091- Design and construction of polymer and composite materials (10 ECTS)
  • TEK3101- Sustainable Polymers and Composites (10 ECTS)

Spring semester 2022

January to June
(including orientation days and exam period)

  • FENG2021- Solar energy (7,5 ECTS)
  • FENG2023 – Life cycle assessment of energy systems (7,5 ECTS)
  • TEK2113- Material science II – Polymers and Composites (7,5 ECTS)
  • MASG2105- Material technology II (7,5 ECTS)

ntnu biomedical engineering

NTNU Health is a new and broader thematic priority programme within health, welfare, and technology. Medical technology will remain an important part of NTNU’s new strategic programme.

Medical technology is a strategic research area at NTNU, SINTEF, and St. Olavs Hospital. It covers a broad range of research areas that involve surgical technology, pharmaceuticals, telemedicine, robotics, and many other types of innovations in the field of healthcare. Examples include minimally invasive surgery, three-dimensional skin tissue equivalents, telerehabilitation, systems for detecting and treating addiction, and drug monitoring. Medical technology is also concerned with identifying promising existing technologies and developing them into new products or services.

The development of new technological methods, materials, and equipment for use in medical prevention, diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation (and increasing understanding of societal aspects of medical technology).

ntnu marine technology

The oceans are a key resource for addressing numerous international challenges: transportation, energy, and food production for the growing global population. If we want to explore these resources responsibly, then we must be aware of how our activities might damage or disrupt marine life.

Read on to find more interesting information on ntnu marine technology.

Department of Marine Technology (IMT, IVT) - NTNU

The Department of Marine Technology is one of the six departments at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The main responsibility of the department is to conduct research, development, and education in systems engineering for marine environments. We are involved in problems related to technology for sustainable solutions in the industry with a focus on petroleum, transportation, shipping, offshore, environmental protection, renewable energy production, and resource industries.

Ship Technology is a quarterly magazine by the Russian Academy of Science. Each issue contains a comprehensive analysis of various phenomena and developments in shipbuilding, ship equipment, and other areas related to the marine industry, oil, and gas industry.

Chapters include offshore wind, wave energy, ocean currents, marine robotics for monitoring the ocean, floating structures in coastal waters, floating bridges, coral reefs and seagrasses, sediment transport in the coastal zone, human dimensions of coastal forces in waves and currents, coastal management decisions in the face of climate change, sea-level rise, storms and tsunamis,  and polar oceans.


The study programme is open to international students.

Job prospects

Marine technology is truly international and offers a wide spectrum of job possibilities.

Study environment

Information about Trondheim, the Department of Marine Technology, and facilities on this master’s degree programme.

Programme components

This master’s degree programme extends over two academic years (4 semesters) and constitutes a course load of 120 ECTS credits. The study programme has six specializations that you can choose from. 


You can contact our student advisers on email: studier@iv.ntnu.no or telephone: (+47) 73 59 37 00 if you have any questions about the programme of study or if you have other academic questions.

ntnu additive manufacturing

We can 3D-print plastics and metals at Addlab. We use several different types of printers with different printing methods to ensure a good result.

IVB - Manufacturing engineering - NTNU


For the student lab and courses in the use of smaller desktop printers: Kjell Sandnes

For the industrial machines for plastic: Pål Erik Endrerud or Kenneth Kalvåg

Access and opening hours

Our student lab is open from 09:00-16:00. Might be closed during courses.

What can you do

Addlab is used for education and research. The student lab is best for prototyping and product development, and to visualizing and testing single products.

To use the printing equipment, you need a digital model of what you wish to produce. With a 3D-modelling tool (E.g. Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Fusion 360, Thinkercad, etc.) you can model your desired geometry which is the basis for what the printers need to be able to print.

By attending a basic 3D print course, you will get the knowledge needed to operate a selection of printers and do the settings needed to ensure a good result.

Equipment and materials


In our student lab S112, we have a good selection of desktop printers from PRUSA (MK2, 2S, 2.5, 3), Ultimaker (3, Extended, S5) and Formlabs. In addition, we have an industrial machine from EOS (P395).

Additive Manufacturing in plastic: EOS P395

EOS P395 is a additive manufacturing system which uses a laser to produce parts from a plastic powder. The build chamber is heated to approx. 160 °C, and the laser adds the rest of the energy needed to melt the powder.

We produce mainly in PA2200 and PA2200GF. (PA12 polyamide with or without glass particles.)

Build envelope: 300x300x580 mm.

PA2200 safety datasheet

Link to the different suppliers:

  • https://www.prusa3d.com/
  • https://ultimaker.com/
  • https://formlabs.com/3d-printers/form-2/
  • https://www.eos.info/


Printing is usually done with PLA filament with different colours, but we also have a selection of different other materials available depending on the parts desired function. Materials can vary in both strength, flexibility and weight.

Training and safety

  • Users need to complete an HSE e-course.
  • Users need to complete a course/personal training for the type of printer that are supposed to be used.


ADDLAB is a partner in the MKRAM, a project cofunded by Forskningsrådet.

Innovation and entrepreneurship

To be able to move from an idea to a physical model in a short amount of time to be tested for function gives good opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.


We can produce components in polyamide using the latest additive manufacturing technology in state-of-the-art production facilities. Our equipment consists of EOS P395 for polyamide manufacturing.

We offer:

  • Production of series production and prototyping.
  • Design help in 3D-modelling tools.
  • Guidance in additive processes.
  • Cooperation in research projects.

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