new york film academy scholarships for international students

If you are seeking funding for further education, keep reading. The New York Film Academy Scholarships for International Students has a long history of providing financial assistance to deserving students throughout the world. If you are passionate about film making and want to continue your studies while making an impact, this scholarship could be a perfect option for you.

Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on new york film academy tuition fees for international students, new york film academy requirements, new york film academy international students, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Study Abroad Programs | New York Film Academy


Need Based Tuition Assistance
The Need Based Tuition Assistance is designed for applicants with financial need in order to help reduce the cost of education in New York Film Academy’s long-term programs including the One-year and Two-year Conservatory Programs as well as the AFA, BA, BFA, MA and MFA degree programs. In order to qualify, applicants must show a credible need through documentation such as income tax statements or bank statements. Applicants must also submit an essay describing their need and accomplishments.

Fax completed application to the attention of Financial Aid: Fax: 818-333-3557

Talent Based Tuition Award The Talent Based Tuition Award is a program designed to identify applicants with exceptional aptitude for their program of study. All Talent Based Awards are based on an applicant’s audition or portfolio and determined by the Admissions Department during the admissions process. Please contact your Enrollment Advisor for more information about the guidelines or email

Merit Based Tuition Award The New York Film Academy’s Merit Based Tuition Award provides financial assistance to qualified candidates of the college’s Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts Programs. Recipients must demonstrate a history of academic achievement in addition to leadership, community service and a commitment to the arts.

In order to be eligible for a Merit Based Tuition Award, candidates must be accepted to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts program. Applicants are evaluated based upon information provided in the admissions process including high school GPA and documentation of leadership roles, awards, community service or arts involvement.

*International Applicants that wish to be considered for a Merit Based Tuition Award must have academic transcripts converted by WES into a U.S. equivalent GPA.

Matthew Modine Masters Scholarship The New York Film Academy Matthew Modine Masters Scholarship provides financial assistance to outstanding candidates of the school’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) programs in Filmmaking and Acting for Film. Recipients must demonstrate the values set forth by New York Film Academy to further the art of visual storytelling. Candidates will exhibit exemplary purpose, creativity, and commitment to community. All scholarship decisions by NYFA are at its sole and absolute discretion and final. CLICK HERE for more information.

Rising Artist Scholarship for Teen Camps New York Film Academy is looking to award extremely passionate and talented visual and performance artists with a scholarship for a New York Film Academy teen camp or workshop. The awarded teen will have the option to attend in-person at our New York or Los Angeles campus or complete the program online. Candidates must be current high school Freshmen, Sophomores, or Juniors (or equivalent). You must be nominated by a teacher, counselor, boss, or mentor. CLICK HERE for more information.

Federal Pell Grant (Pell)
The maximum Pell Grant for 2020-21 award year is $6,195

The Federal Pell Grant is awarded to eligible undergraduate applicants or students who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Award amounts are based on the applicant’s level of need and enrollment status. If the applicant is enrolled less than full-time, the award will be prorated. Applicants must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to begin the award review process. All information provided on the FAFSA is reviewed for accuracy by NYFA financial aid staff. Award amounts are not determined until a full file review has been completed.

new york film academy requirements

Admissions Requirements | NYFA

All applicants to New York Film Academy programs and workshops must have a high school diploma or acceptable equivalent by the time of the course start date. There is no minimum GPA required; however, students must speak English and express a serious desire to explore the art and craft of visual storytelling. Applicants will be interviewed in English by an Admissions Committee member by phone or in person.

All applicants must possess the drive and commitment necessary to complete a rigorous, total immersion program. They must be able to communicate well and work collaboratively with others in an artistic environment. Each program requires different Supplemental Materials.

Recruitment leading to enrollment is conducted in English. In order to enroll, students sign an enrollment agreement that includes the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies of their program. If English is not the student’s primary language, and the student is unable to understand the terms and conditions of the enrollment agreement, the student shall have the right to obtain a clear explanation of the terms and conditions and all cancellation and refund policies in his or her primary language.

If you are applying for programs at our Los Angeles Campus please mail all documents to New York Film Academy, Office of Admissions, 3300 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91505. These documents will not be returned.

If you are applying for programs at our New York Campus please mail all documents to to New York Film Academy, Office of Admissions, 17 Battery Place, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10004 These documents will not be returned.

If you are applying for programs at our South Beach Campus please mail all documents to New York Film Academy South Beach, Office of Admissions, 420 Lincoln Road, Suite 200, Miami Beach, FL 33139. These documents will not be returned.

Please note that The ESL School at NYFA offers English language classes to prepare non-native speakers for their program.

Please note that admission to any New York Film Academy program is based upon applicant information received during the admissions process. If, however, a student, after having been admitted but before starting classes, demonstrates that he or she is not fully prepared to commence studies at the Academy, NYFA will meet with the student to determine a proper course of action. This may include additional testing or instruction, deferring enrollment to a later semester, or enrollment in a different program of study better suited to the student.

new york film academy tuition fees for international students

New York Film Academy - Scholarships & Grants


Average student expenses vary depending on living arrangements. The tables below show the estimated costs of attendance used to determine eligibility for financial aid for the 2021/2022 academic year. Students’ actual costs may differ.

Students in programs requiring the production of filmed projects may expect to incur costs associated with the production of these projects. While no two productions are the same and there is no “typical” budget, certain elements of production should be expected to complete the program. These may include but are not limited to:

Prop rental, wardrobe rental, location rental, film stock costs, lab fees, city permit fees, catering, craft services, talent fees, set dressing, and other elements of production. Students may incur additional expenses relating to these costs and other costs not listed here.

Sample budgets of past student films are available from academic program chairs. Please be reminded that these budgets are prior real-world examples, and NOT to be interpreted as guaranteed costs of any particular student’s projects.

Textbooks are not available for purchase at the New York Film Academy. All required reading material is available to students in the NYFA library, textbook purchases are voluntary and may be purchased from a third party vendor.


AllowanceMonthly with parentMonthly off-campus# MonthsWith ParentOff-Campus
Tuition and Fees9Varies by ProgramVaries by Program
Equip FeesActualActualVaries by ProgramVaries by Program
Room and Board$1,009.00$2,200.00$9,081.00$19,800.00
Personal and Misc$364.00$427.00$3,276.00$3,843.00
Loan Fees$34.00$34.00$306.00$306.00
Books and Supplies$0.00$0.00
Home | Cinema Academy


AllowanceMonthly with parentMonthly off-campus# MonthsWith ParentOff-Campus
Tuition and Fees9Varies by ProgramVaries by Program
Equip FeesActualActualVaries by ProgramVaries by Program
Personal and Misc$364.00$427.00$3,276.00$3,843.00
Loan Fees$34.00$34.00$306.00$306.00
Books and Supplies$0.00$0.00
Total$13, 806.00$29,592.00


AllowanceMonthly On-Campus# MonthsOn-Campus Total
Tuition and Fees9Varies by Program
Equip FeesActualVaries by Program
Personal and Misc$427.00$3,843.00
Loan Fees$34.00$306.00
Books and Supplies$0.00

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